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I've started meeting with the missionaries and have already met the bishop of my local congregation, met a few members, had a chapel your - all within one week (one week today in fact!)

It's amazing! I didn't think it would reveal itself to be true to me, especially not this quickly. My Testimony is really coming together! In trying to pray throughout the day too.

I'm trying to read The Book of Mormon daily. It feels different to reading the Bible. Not sure why. I happily read it in public without a sense of embarrassment that I felt when I tried reading the Bible in public. Perhaps, because I am more convinced that this is true.

Just a question, particularly for those who converted.. When did you start calling yourself a Mormon? After Baptism? I can't wait I start saying this!

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I've started meeting with the missionaries and have already met the bishop of my local congregation, met a few members, had a chapel your - all within one week (one week today in fact!)

It's amazing! I didn't think it would reveal itself to be true to me, especially not this quickly. My Testimony is really coming together! In trying to pray throughout the day too.

I'm trying to read The Book of Mormon daily. It feels different to reading the Bible. Not sure why. I happily read it in public without a sense of embarrassment that I felt when I tried reading the Bible in public. Perhaps, because I am more convinced that this is true.

Just a question, particularly for those who converted.. When did you start calling yourself a Mormon? After Baptism? I can't wait I start saying this!

Good luck to you on your journey and May your testimony keep growing.

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I've started meeting with the missionaries and have already met the bishop of my local congregation, met a few members, had a chapel your - all within one week (one week today in fact!)

It's amazing! I didn't think it would reveal itself to be true to me, especially not this quickly. My Testimony is really coming together! In trying to pray throughout the day too.

I'm trying to read The Book of Mormon daily. It feels different to reading the Bible. Not sure why. I happily read it in public without a sense of embarrassment that I felt when I tried reading the Bible in public. Perhaps, because I am more convinced that this is true.

Just a question, particularly for those who converted.. When did you start calling yourself a Mormon? After Baptism? I can't wait I start saying this!

Wow, thanks for sharing.

I pretty much grew up in the church, and I was aware that Mormons referred to us from fairly early on.

Edited by Blackmarch
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Guest LiterateParakeet

Welcome and congratulations! What a wonderful journey you have become.

I think you can call yourself "Mormon" now, because you believe in the same values and principles that the church teaches. If the conversation gets more in depth, you could explain that you are not yet baptized. We sometimes jokingly call people in your situation, "Dry Mormons". LOL.

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I was called a "Dry Mormon" before I was baptized. I thought it was funny but I was already living the WoW and a chaste life. I believe you can start calling yourself a Mormon once you decide you want to follow Christ's example and be baptized. You don't have to be baptized to feel like you are a member. I wish you well on your baptism as it was one of the best decisions in my life.

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Thanks! It's a very exciting time!

I have been thinking about why I feel differently about reading the Bible in public and have realised rhat a lot I that is probably due to having a lot of doubts etc of Christianity as I knew it then. With the Book of Mormon - it makes sense and straight away made me feel that it was true!

I like the idea of a Dry Mormon!

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Thanks! It's a very exciting time!

I have been thinking about why I feel differently about reading the Bible in public and have realised rhat a lot I that is probably due to having a lot of doubts etc of Christianity as I knew it then. With the Book of Mormon - it makes sense and straight away made me feel that it was true!

I like the idea of a Dry Mormon!

Just don't like the idea of Dry Mormon so much that it keeps you from taking the plunge. :lol:

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Guest LiterateParakeet

You know...another thought about your feelings about the Book of Mormon and the Bible (reading in public)....I think perhaps Heavenly Father has provided us with a large body of scripture because different parts will appeal to us at different times. For example, for years the Book of Mormon was my favorite. Probably in part because I found it the easiest to understand and follow. But the last few years, I have really drawn strength from the New Testament. I had some questions that only seemed to be answers through the Savior and his life. I hope some day the Old Testament will share a spot as a favorite...I'm sure it will if I can just be patient enough to understand it! :)

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You know...another thought about your feelings about the Book of Mormon and the Bible (reading in public)....I think perhaps Heavenly Father has provided us with a large body of scripture because different parts will appeal to us at different times. For example, for years the Book of Mormon was my favorite. Probably in part because I found it the easiest to understand and follow. But the last few years, I have really drawn strength from the New Testament. I had some questions that only seemed to be answers through the Savior and his life. I hope some day the Old Testament will share a spot as a favorite...I'm sure it will if I can just be patient enough to understand it! :)

Yeah, maybe. I guess there are a lot of different factors with this.

It does feel like God waiting until the point where I was in trouble and needed something to help me. So I do believe that different parts of the bible fit for different times in our lives.

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