Between me and the Lord


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I think this would strengthen my point. That is, if the Lord commanded a woman to have premarital sex with a man, then it is, by definition, not wrongful because the Lord commanded it.

Agreed. However, I can think of no incident of God commanding sex between those who are not married, whereas I can think of many instances of God commanding the killing of people.

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Between me and the Lord.

The overall meaning of this statement, “between me and the Lord” specifies that we are a covenant people. The covenants we make are between “me and the Lord” or “us and the Lord.”

The concept of between me and the Lord is still subject to other divine truths; such as, our priesthood duty “to warn, expound, exhort, and teach, and invite all to come unto Christ” (D&C 20: 59). Prophets, Apostles, and local leaders, when moved upon by the Spirit, are to teach and clarify principles of doctrine “without compulsory means” but by "by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned…” (D&C 121: 41-46).

When we receive invitations, clarifications, or warning with regard to our actions from our leader’s how we use the statement “between me and the Lord” points more to our character, rather than the character of our leader if the leader is “moved upon by the spirit”; whether this shepherd be a friend, a parent, a home teacher, a bishop, a stake president, a Seventy, Apostle, or Prophet.

When we lived in Germany, my parents had decided they were complete with two children — they were finished. When they met with their bishop, at this time, the conversation led to the bishop asking my parents if they had planned on having any more children. Upon hearing my parents’ responses the bishop then exhorted, encouraged, my parents to pray, fast, and to attend the temple. Upon following the counsel of their bishop, the Lord informed my parents that they would be welcoming another spirit into their home. After my sister was born, the bishop again met with my parents and exhorted them to pray, fast, and attend the temple again…they obeyed and the Lord again instructed my parents that a fourth child would be accepted into their home.

The dynamics of “between me and the Lord” changed, because the Lord instructed my parents via a bishop to actually go before the Lord and ask. Now, if they went to the temple and received no confirmation and then the bishop said, “Well, I understand, but I think you need to have another child” then the bishop would be out of line.

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So we see this quite often in our discussions. That something is between "me and the Lord."

So what exactly does this mean in your opinion?

1. Does it mean that it's between me and the Lord so everything is okay with it?

2. Does it mean that that it's between me and the Lord but that the Lord may not necessarily agree with it?

3. Does it mean that it's between me and the Lord and I'll take my chances when it comes time for judgement?

What are your thoughts?

I think both 2 and 3. The only time I really remember this being said is in the temple recommend interview in regards to wearing the garment.

To me it means that there can be different answers for different situations and a person should look for heavenly direction and inspiration to make sure they are doing the Lords will rather than their own.

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