Adive For You Mormons To Defend Your Faith

Guest the_big_picture

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Guest the_big_picture

not really, sorry if you felt that way! to a sense, because it seemed kinda like a random to base a gospel thing off of...dragons....they're awesome anyways! do you like dragons? eh...taking away from the do you find information like that? the pyramids, anyways?

Yes I like dragons, at least the asian type that is good and protecting. I found it thrue singel research, Im a history geek.

I wish they could change the title on this thread, i wrote to fast so its misspelled, it suppose to be advice.

Its a mark of shame:)

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Guest the_big_picture

It happens. I miss a letter here and there quite a bit.

Yeah all do, but I miss evereything, English is my 4th language so I use a bad grammar to.

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Guest the_big_picture

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persian swedish german, now I speak English as well, but its bad english...

wow! how long did it take you to learn? i'm attempting to learn french and some japanese...but...which ones's your first language?

It isnt as hard as you might think, english and german and swedish are very similiar. English and swedish is basicly german, much like spanish and italian are latin languages.

Japanese, it suppose to be the easiest language to learn. chinese the hardest, but i cant see a diffrence.

my first one is persian.

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yeah, romantic languages are supposted to have a lot in common. I heard that Japanese is one of the hardest to learn! it's fairly easy for me to learn, it's just that i remember the priciples but not all the words, if that makes sense. How do you compair languages by difficulty anyways?

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Guest the_big_picture

yeah, romantic languages are supposted to have a lot in common. I heard that Japanese is one of the hardest to learn! it's fairly easy for me to learn, it's just that i remember the priciples but not all the words, if that makes sense. How do you compair languages by difficulty anyways?

Wasnt it japanese that didnt have any grammar? like theres no mother mom mothers, but mikaze for all nothing changes?

I have no idea how they find out wich one is the hardest.


Yeah how did you change the subject, I had to think for a minute before I remembered what this thread is about:)

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I thought you were saying that they were erected and still exist today. That didn't make sense. Thank you. Wouldn't they still be around today? Remnants, artifacts that are large, currency, other signs of civilization? Roads, etc.? Like in the Bible times.

Actually if you check the link I provided it demonstrates that there are clear evidences of ancient cultures in the US, including large pyramid-shaped mounds.

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Japanese, it suppose to be the easiest language to learn. chinese the hardest, but i cant see a diffrence.

I am supposing Japanese is easier for you, since Persion is your first language? For us English speakers, it is like the 3rd hardest language, after Navajo and one of the Nordic languages (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian??) because while Japanese has no real exceptions to the grammer rules (only about 20), they say everything BACKWARDS. "I hit the ball" becomes "I the ball hit". It takes a while for your brain to get used to having the verb at the end. Never mind the transitive/intransitives, the endings to the verbs, when to use wa and when to use ga, etc.

Been learning it for over 28 years, and still feel tongue tied...

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Really? It is known where the wondering took place. Just as the cities can be found today. There are markers, rivers and regions. That is not the same at all sir.

Hey T,

I'll have to find where I read that at (it has been rather recent, the last year or two). Just so you know, I do believe that the Exodus took place, that it isn't a fairy tale. We know where these people were, and yet there is no archealogical evidence (food scraps, pottery, fabric, etc) to "prove" they were actually there. It is still based upon faith (imagine that! :) )

That was my point on the BOM "proof" that it really never happened. Just because we can't see today doesn't mean it didn't actually happen.

Another case in point, and this is completely off topic, but I'll make my point with it. When I attended BYU in the 80s, I went to the dollar theatre with my wife to watch some movie (don't remember it now, but I digress) from the 30s or 40s that had been filmed in technicolor or some other type of color that was cool at the time. Less than 30-40 years later, the art form for coloring movies in that way was lost (per the person presenting the movie) and they couldn't figure out how to do it.

My point is that with only 30-40 years separating this type of technique we couldn't recreate it, and then someone tries to prove the BOM is false because they can't find something they think should be there from a civilization that ended 1600 years ago...In the words of Mr. Spock: it isn't logical.

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Dr. T.

There is plenty of evicence of the BoM. Look up the Izapa Stella 5. It's a stone that depicts the tree of life. The lehi picture has a glyph of a jaw bone wich translated means lehi and the nephi figure has a grain headdress the egyptian grain god was named nepi. This was all found in ancent america. Plus the stone pyramids and many other things. Just do some research.

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To compare archeolgy in Israel to Central and South America is grossly misleading.

Climate, climate, climate. Dry, arid vs. damp, tropical. One lends itself to preserving artifacts, the other to rotting and eroding artifacts.

The size of the Holy Land can't compare to South America, let alone Central America too. To think we've searched every corner of the Americas for ruins and traces of ancient civilizations is ridiculous. Also ridiculous is to rule out the possibility of such ruins existing without having searched everywhere first.

That's like saying, "The Garden of Eden didn't exist on this planet because we haven't found any proof that it did." :huh:

That's why prayer is the surest and fastest way to know whether the teachings in the Book of Mormon are true or not, and whether Joseph Smith did translate them or fabricate them. If we need archeology to prove the Bible's teachings or the Book of Mormon's teachings we're up a creek (don't ask me how pottery shards and bone fragments prove that Book of Mormon prophets were right when they preached that Christ is Savior).

To suspend judgment about the Book of Mormon's teachings until all possible archeological sites are explored is ludicrous, in my opinion. Why trust the arm of flesh? Why not go straight to the source: God? By the by, the Book of Mormon is not supposed to be another history book or another anthropology's Another Testament of Jesus Christ. What has archeology to do with that?

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Dr. T.

There is plenty of evicence of the BoM. Look up the Izapa Stella 5. It's a stone that depicts the tree of life. The lehi picture has a glyph of a jaw bone wich translated means lehi and the nephi figure has a grain headdress the egyptian grain god was named nepi. This was all found in ancent america. Plus the stone pyramids and many other things. Just do some research.

Hey! I was gonna suggest that. It's pretty cool.

Have you ever seen "Journey of Faith?" You can get it from the FARMS website, I think. It's amazing! They show a bunch of archaeological stuff about Lehi's journey in the old world.

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Thank you all for your comments. I'm just saying that the Bible has been shown over and over to be an accurate representation on many issues (people, places, etc) that can still be found today. I know you have faith that the BOM is true like I have faith that the Bible is true. It comes down to faith. I agree. I'm just saying there are real evidences of the bible, not some things that "can be" a pyramid that looks like a hill. The egyptian pyramids have been around for more than 1600 years and they still look like pyramids. That's all I'm saying. Thank you for pointing out the climate differences CK. I understand that. I also understand that no counter evidence that it cannot scholarly be supported will phase any of your beliefs.

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Guest mamacat

i have found books in a local bookstore with enormous scholarly geographical reference corresponding to the mormon scriptures. (i couldn't afford to purchase them though.)

why do you wish to phase LDS beliefs Dr. T?

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Guest Yediyd

Thank you all for your comments. I'm just saying that the Bible has been shown over and over to be an accurate representation on many issues (people, places, etc) that can still be found today. I know you have faith that the BOM is true like I have faith that the Bible is true. It comes down to faith. I agree. I'm just saying there are real evidences of the bible, not some things that "can be" a pyramid that looks like a hill. The egyptian pyramids have been around for more than 1600 years and they still look like pyramids. That's all I'm saying. Thank you for pointing out the climate differences CK. I understand that. I also understand that no counter evidence that it cannot scholarly be supported will phase any of your beliefs.

You are right, Dr. T...because it would not matter to me if their was NOT A SHRED of evidence to the validity of the BoM, I would still embrace it with my whole heart and soul, because the BoM has changed my life, and I spent my whole life before LDS (3 yrs a convert) in a southern Baptist church. I never had a testimony of the Spirit until I read through the BoM, and this after memerizing 33 chapters of the Bible! The Holy Spirit is real...He is all the evidence I need.

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Thank you all for your comments. I'm just saying that the Bible has been shown over and over to be an accurate representation on many issues (people, places, etc) that can still be found today. I know you have faith that the BOM is true like I have faith that the Bible is true. It comes down to faith. I agree. I'm just saying there are real evidences of the bible, not some things that "can be" a pyramid that looks like a hill. The egyptian pyramids have been around for more than 1600 years and they still look like pyramids. That's all I'm saying. Thank you for pointing out the climate differences CK. I understand that. I also understand that no counter evidence that it cannot scholarly be supported will phase any of your beliefs.

You are right, Dr. T...because it would not matter to me if their was NOT A SHRED of evidence to the validity of the BoM, I would still embrace it with my whole heart and soul, because the BoM has changed my life, and I spent my whole life before LDS (3 yrs a convert) in a southern Baptist church. I never had a testimony of the Spirit until I read through the BoM, and this after memerizing 33 chapters of the Bible! The Holy Spirit is real...He is all the evidence I need.

and btw, the intament knowledge that I have of the Bible was also part of my conversion...I've read the Bible cover to cover so many times that I lost count and stoped counting back in the 80's, I know it is over 30 and the Bible came back to me and testified to me of the validity of the BoM. Isaiah 55:11, ...My words shall not return void. They didn't, God's words are my proof.

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