I wonder...

Dr T

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I wonder, if everything being equal, what would win in a foot race, a turtle or a tortoise?  I really want to know.  Tortoise’s usually have bigger shells, what if they are both babies?  I wonder which wourl win in a swimming race?    

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I wonder if I will get this novel finished and partially rewritten by the end of June. I wrote the thing in a month, so finishing it shouldn't be a huge issue.


I wonder what what you are writing about? 

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I wonder what what you are writing about? 

It's a book about a young wizard girl (witch?) who lives on this island of magic users, and goes to the mainland to explore and collect information because her people are obsessed with keeping records (everyone does it when they reach a certain age there-and can do it multiple times if they are skilled at it, Discordia is on her 3rd well I donno what to call it so for now just called it a mission lol).

She soon learns of a captured princess and goes to free her and the two become friends and form an adventuring party. Only one of two fantasy books I have written that doesn't have any doll characters in it. The other one I wrote when I was 15 and has a lot of swears lol


I wonder why that pepsi tasted so strange.

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With Jean Baudrillard' concept of hypereal where "we live in a world where there is more and more information and less and less meaning." I wonder where this world of signs and symbols no longer point to truth but ARE the truth will get us?

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The kids went to a park and they were swinging on swings.  When they came back they said, "We swang" and one said, We swung"  I knew it was not "swinger" but I wondered which the correct past tense for swing?  Since it came up red under swang I guess I have my answer.  :)   

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Never have been to nauvoo. I wonder what would be nice to see if I did go? I wonder what is so special about nauvoo? Special sprit? Is the nauvoo temple in current use as a temple?



Here is a picture of the Nauvoo Temple and yes it's currently in use.

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