Favorite conference talk?


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Why? First, it was Holland. But the subject and approach set very well with me. I think there is a lot of false philosophizing in the church (and out of it) toward the idea of love that entirely miss what true love is. The end-all of righteousness is not a hippie philosophy. I have often thought, myself, how people misuse Jesus as an example of love, claiming...for example, that Jesus would accept such-and-such sin because he loves everyone, and entirely ignore the fact that Jesus said some majorly harsh things, and ran people out of the temple with a whip.


The end all of righteousness is God's will. This is what Jesus taught (keep my commandments), and Holland, as is his forte, expressed this so very well.


Moreover, we must stand for right regardless of who we offend. This must be balanced with an honest and sincere effort to be kind, loving, tolerant, etc. But those things can never be used to justify falsehoods.

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I didn't get to hear all of them (I think I missed only three or four of all five sessions), and there weren't any this time that really resonated strongly with me.  But I did really enjoy Elder Zwick's talk on communication.  I loved the realism of it, and I also liked the practicality of it...everyday usage, all relationships we encounter, and both practical and spiritual in nature.  It's not often that we hear a talk that is so down-to-earth.

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I dont think I can say at this time that I have a favorite.  I do think conf was awesome.  I do think my fav sessions were the first, thou I did miss the first 1/2 hr of it need to catch up on it.  And the 4th session.

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I enjoyed all of conference.  There were many talks that spoke to my heart.  Its hard to choose just one.  


My daughter and her husband attended the Sat AM session and as I listened almost every talk applied to them in some way.  I prayed they heard what I was hearing.  I also prayed their hearts would soften and hear too.  

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