Do I Stay A Friend?


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Guest Yediyd

Ok, I will not give details but I will say this:

I have a friend that has been ex-communicated for more serious of an offense then being unfaithful.

It involved his step dauter and he may go to jail.

Do I continue being his friend and try to help him over come this problem? :dontknow::(

God bless you if you can...I have a brother who is IN prison for this offence...and I can't bring myself to speak to him. Don't know if I will ever be able to again.....
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I would be their friend as long as i can, for i would have no idea if i were to make some type of positive inpact if i was there as a friend as compaired to if i wasn't their for them. Or at least how i veiw it...But sometimes you just have to not be their friend and i hope you situation doesn't come to that.

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Lots of good advice - Yes be a friend but remember that you can only repent for yourself - everyone must deal with their own repentance. As far as excummunication - It is most important that they make their own way back. You can support them and encourage them but THEY MUST repent and seek forgiveness themself - you cannot and should not do that for them or interfear with that process.

The Traveler.

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Guest bizabra

I am assuming the offense is child sexual abuse? If so, I would not want to be friends with this person, if he is convicted and/or I, myself believed that he committed this crime. No matter how close the relationship had been up to then. I would understand that I had never really known that person, if they were capable of this kind of abomination, and would believe myself to have been misled as to their true character.

Would you choose as a friend a person that you knew or believed to be a child molester? I can say in no uncertain terms that I would not!

Some people put themselves beyond the pale by their actions. Sexually molesting children is behavior that should result in being thoroughly shunned by decent citizens. In fact, I will go so far as to suggest that this sort of behavior disqualifies someone as being fit to call themselves human, and they should be "removed" from society by execution or lifelong incarceration under the worst possible circumstances.

As for forgiveness or repentance. It is remotely possible that some of these people can come to understand and regret the evil of their actions, but society should not let this deter it from acting to remove these deviants from society permanently. The liklyhood of future transgression should be enough to keep them locked up forever.

Just saying. . . . . . . . .

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Guest Yediyd

I am assuming the offense is child sexual abuse? If so, I would not want to be friends with this person, if he is convicted and/or I, myself believed that he committed this crime. No matter how close the relationship had been up to then. I would understand that I had never really known that person, if they were capable of this kind of abomination, and would believe myself to have been misled as to their true character.

Would you choose as a friend a person that you knew or believed to be a child molester? I can say in no uncertain terms that I would not!

Some people put themselves beyond the pale by their actions. Sexually molesting children is behavior that should result in being thoroughly shunned by decent citizens. In fact, I will go so far as to suggest that this sort of behavior disqualifies someone as being fit to call themselves human, and they should be "removed" from society by execution or lifelong incarceration under the worst possible circumstances.

As for forgiveness or repentance. It is remotely possible that some of these people can come to understand and regret the evil of their actions, but society should not let this deter it from acting to remove these deviants from society permanently. The liklyhood of future transgression should be enough to keep them locked up forever.

Just saying. . . . . . . . .

Here, here! :clap: Jesus said that they would be better off with a millstone around their necks. I've had the unfortunate pleasure of knowing a few of these MONSTERS!!!!!!! Where are all the millstones when you need them?

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