Why Do Teachers administer the Sacrament?

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Reading D&C 20 the other day. So I ask why do they administer the sacrament? If they are not ministering the sacrament, than that must mean anyone can do it. If they are, why do we do it? 

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Teachers do not administer the sacrament. They set it up so the Priests can. The work Teachers do is not a priesthood ordinance, and yes, theoretically, anyone could do it. But it is assigned to the teachers by the proper channel and organization as established by God.

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Perhaps there is a misunderstanding as to what it means to "administer the sacrament."


Here is a definition of it:


Definition: A gospel ordinance performed by worthy holders of the priesthood who bless, by prayer, first the bread and then the water which is passed to members of the congregation. This ordinance is performed during Sacrament meeting.

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Teachers do not administer the sacrament. They set it up so the Priests can. The work Teachers do is not a priesthood ordinance, and yes, theoretically, anyone could do it. 

Thanks all. Makes sense. I think you are right here.


Why don't we have the Elders do it?



 46 The priest’s duty is to preach, teach, expound, exhort, and baptize, and administer the sacrament,

50 But when there is an elder present, he is only to preach, teach, expound, exhort, and baptize,

 52 In all these duties the priest is to assist the elder if occasion requires.

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Thanks all. Makes sense. I think you are right here.


Why don't we have the Elders do it?


Hehe. Good point.


I think there are good reasons related to training and preparation and teaching responsibility, etc. Regardless, the standard is set by the proper channel and so I have no problem reconciling the practice under the "if occasion requires" part of it all. Occasion, per the standards set, requires it.

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I always understood the Aaronic priesthood was the outward priesthood, dealing with ordinances with physical symbolism (baptism, sacrament), and the Melchizedek priesthood about spritual  ordinances (blessings, confirmation).  So it makes sense that the sacrament is an ordinance of the Aaronic priesthood.  But since the Melchizedek priesthood is a higher priesthood, they also have the authority to administer the sacrament.

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