Are Blacks Desendants Of Cain

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and black people weren't black in the pre existence, and asians weren't asian. one day after all is said and done and this life is over they will be made pure again, and become white again, :)

OMG(sh) :excl: I can't BELIEVE that you BELIEVE such a thing :excl: The color of one's skin does NOT determine "pure" anymore than "become(ing) white again" equals "pure". I'm white and I'm furthest from "pure" as one can be and not be in cahoots with Satan.

BTW-do you have blue eyes, pale, white skin and blonde hair? If not, then according to Hitler, you aren't pure either. :doh:

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Musashi said that tongue in cheek. He doesn't believe that at all. He has decided that the church isn't for him and was "showing absurdity by being absurd."

You know, though, we don't really know what we will look like after we are resurrected and perfected except for the descriptions that Joseph Smith gave of the Father and the Son and of Moroni, where he stated they were of a white that was whiter than driven snow. He didn't say caucasion, just a very pure white.

I'm not sure how we will look afterwards. My wife is Japanese, and I hope she looks exactly the same, because to me she is gorgeous and I don't want her to change. I, on the other hand, am looking forward to my Hulk Hogan body! :D

I think a lot of us will be surprised at the changes and PERFECTLY HAPPY WITH THEM, and that any suppositions now are just that, suppositions to support our personal beliefs. All the really matters is that we accept Christ, become perfected in him and live a CK law, and let him and HF take care of the rest.

10 million years from now we'll all sit around and have a good laugh at how little we really knew and understood!

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All the really matters is that we accept Christ, become perfected in him and live a CK law

Did someone say CK law? As in, CrimsonKairos law? Yes, everyone, live my law, the CK law. Obey the fist! :borg:

I never accepted the CK restoration. I still follow the path of Apostle Knight. :lol:

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Bwahahahahahaha!!! :wow: Ah, PC, that may be one of the funniest things you've ever said. :lol: Classic. I too miss 'ole ApostleKnight...dang hacker, deleting perfectly fine accounts and forcing them to re-register with new ones. B)

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Sixpack was right, of course I don't believe that. I've resorted to sarcasm alot lately...but it is supposed to be tongue in cheek, just a way to get a point across.

Here are some quotes that are pretty conclusive on the topic of Are blacks descendants and How could they make it on the ark.

Joseph Fielding Smith:

"That negro race, for instance, have been placed under restrictions because of their attitude in the world of spirits, few will doubt. It cannot be looked upon as just that they should be deprived of the power of the Priesthood without it being a punishment for some act, or acts, performed before they were born." (The Way to Perfection, page 43.)

"Ham, through Egyptus, continued the curse which was placed upon the seed of Cain. Because of that curse this dark race was separated and isolated from all the rest of Adam's posterity before the flood, and since that time the same condition has continued, and they have been 'despised among all people.' This doctrine did not originate with President Brigham Young but was taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith .... we all know it is due to his teachings that the negro today is barred from the Priesthood." (The Way to Perfection, pages 110-111.)

John Taylor:

" . . . after the flood we are told that the curse that had been pronounced upon Cain was continued through Ham's wife, as he had married a wife of that seed. And why did it pass through the flood? Because it was necessary that the devil should have a representation a upon a the earth as well as God;.... " (Journal of Discourses, Volume 22, page 304.)

"When he (Satan) destroyed the inhabitants of the antediluvian worlds, he suffered a descendant of Cain to come through the flood in order that he might be properly represented upon the earth." (Journal of Discourses, Volume 23, page 336.)

"As a result of his rebellion, Cain was cursed with a dark skin; he became the father of the Negroes, and those spirits who are not worthy to receive the priesthood are born through his lineage." (Mormon Doctrine, 1958, page 102.)

Blacks have been allowed to hold the priesthood and receive all its blessings since 1978. I understand that. Do mormons still believe in statements such as that being black is a punishment for not being valiant in the pre-existence? I ask this seriously because I was still attending church until earlier this year and these are the things that I had been taught my whole life. I know that alot of members are really good people, but what is the belief mormons have now?

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You ask a good question, and one that I'm not sure that I can answer. I believe that the ban has been lifted (of course) and welcome the influx of members. What about before 1978? What was the reason for it? I too was taught, thru Mormon Doctrine and the like, that these were less valiant spirits in the pre-existence. Do I believe that? I don't know. I believe what the prophets have taught before, and believe that they have better insight into these things than I do, but I can see how this might be offensive to blacks, and that we don't want to "push" this today.

Again, I think that some day we will know for sure what the reasons were, but I don't worry about those now. And the black members that I have known didn't really let it phase them at all.

So I guess it gets to: why beat this dead horse any further?? :deadhorse:

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