How did you meet your significant other?


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I met my fiance at a Games Workshop table-top gaming store. I went in to start getting into the model-building strategy-gaming help-my-nerdiness-has-maxed-out stream to try and find something good and positive to fill my time. I don't look it but I am a major gaming type, and grew up on good ole' monster movies and fantasy and sci-fi (being a computer major influences that as well!) I already had a friend there who'd known him for a couple years. At the time I was trying to date mormon guys exclusively, as I'd never really dated "my own species" and all my relationships had been... no so great (nothing too serious, just not very fulfilling and felt like chores).

So, here I was, hanging out with my future husband never even knowing it, trying to catch mormon guys. Sadly, I have "bro-complex", I go straight to the "bro-zone", which is great and I love being able to make friends whom with I can share advice and hobbies and opinions. But it definitely made it hard in singles ward. I don't strike as a typical mormon girl, never have. I was always eccentric. After one particular man I really had the eyes for ended up going for my friend, I decided it was time to take a break for a while. After all, I had plenty of school work to do, two jobs, and hobbies. I was busy anyway I supposed.


And then he struck.


See, my fiance knew the moment he met me that he wanted to have me forever. It was love at first sight for him. Despite him being my favorite human at the game shop (don't tell any of my other friends!) I didn't think I'd have romantic feelings for him. He came across as a bit surly, he was older, a diabetic, and wasn't in the best life situation.

But boy was I wrong!


He asked me how I felt about dating older guys. It's about a 10 year difference between us, which considering is really not that severe. Plus, most of the males I'd be pursuing at church were also older (I'm a bit older in my mind, and tend to click better with the generation before mine). I told him it was fine, but that I was a "relationship sea cucumber" as I was saving myself for either an eternal companion or dying alone with 30 cats. He said he was fine with that, and we could keep it casual. He just wanted to get to know me more personally than the game-store allowed.


The first day we saw each other after that, he brought me a single red rose. I'm no cheesy 19 year old girl, but I certainly felt like one. No one had ever in my life given me a flower before (besides dad, but dads don't count). I'd gotten so used to being the "son my father never had" and "the brother" amongst my friends I never really expected anyone could address me romantically. And the romance continued. We were still great friends, joking and sharing interests and having conversations, but every day he made the effort to make me feel loved. He told me many stories about his bad situations growing up, and he promised that he'd never let negativity stop him from making sure the women he cared for in his life felt cared for and protected. I was smitten.

On our second month anniversary, we were playing some games online with some friends, and he started talking to me in the private chat. He asked me if I'd ever thought of making us a permanent ordeal. It broke my heart, but I told him that I wanted to be married in the Mormon temple, and that if he couldn't provide that, we couldn't be a permanent pair.


We'd discussed religion a lot in the year we'd known each other, amongst our friends as well. He'd always been very inquisitive, and often defended my views when our friends got a little out of hand with the teasing. He believed in God, and that there was a reason he made it through everything he'd dealt with in his life. He explained to me, while I quietly whimpered to myself, that he believed God dragged him through the mud for a reason, and dragged me through the mud too (as I've dealt with a trial here and there, who hasn't). He said maybe this was the reason, and demanded I get him on the track.

We set up with the missionaries, and he hasn't missed a sunday of church since (even when I haven't been there). He's inquisitive, and curious about everything. He got baptized in December, and it was a wonderful ceremony. At first I was a bit skeptical of him (and who could blame me? It seemed too perfect) but I know through several temple trips and prayer that his heart is truly in the right place.

We're getting married this year, and it's been such an adventure. We're kinda unique in how we bounce off each other. We're a very comical pair, and many people (my parents and sister included) think we are very, very weird. But it's a perfect kind of weird. A weird I think God put together. Every mistake I've ever made fits perfectly into his. My friendships have made me understanding, and my experience with having a sick mother has made his diabetic fits an easy thing to handle. And he takes very good care of me as well.


Never underestimate what God can do, or try to limit the spectrum of whats possible. I'm not saying run out and "flirt to convert", but never be afraid to share what you have. I was always a "don't push your religion on others" type, happily living in my own little bubble around my friends who all respectfully did the same. Now somehow, I have this incredible and faithful man, and every moment is a blessing. It's so wonderful to watch him discover the gospel one page at a time, and to be by his side with it. It's incredible to talk about the future, and how we're going to overcome trials and be the best people we can be.


What a world

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