Celebrating, Honoring, Recognizing 50th Wedding Anniversary


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So my in-laws 50th is coming up and we want to do something for this event but what?  I've offered them a few ideas but would love to know what you've seen/heard of and/or what you'd appreciate.  


Oh, and be aware that all kids live in different states and an 'inexpensive' route would go over better.

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So my in-laws 50th is coming up and we want to do something for this event but what?  I've offered them a few ideas but would love to know what you've seen/heard of and/or what you'd appreciate.  


Oh, and be aware that all kids live in different states and an 'inexpensive' route would go over better.


We had a big family reunion for my great-grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary. I was young, so I don't know who made it and who didn't.


My grandma also interviewed them and her siblings several times and wrote their history. I have a copy of a copy and it is a treasure to me. If you haven't already, write their story. It will change the way you view history. And for everyone else, don't wait for the 50th anniversary to take action.

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We had a huge party for my parents'. That's how my sisters do things, though. They love throwing a good party.  Plus, all 9 of us live pretty close to here.


Faramir's parents just had their 50th this year. Their kids are spread all over the country and none of us has a lot of money. They said they don't want a party. Those of us here in town ended up getting them a nice bouquet of flowers and another bouquet of balloons: one balloon in the birthstone color of each child, plus some 50th anniversary themed ones. We're going to try to get everyone together this summer, maybe camping in a central place or something, to celebrate more properly. 

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We gave my parents a 50th wedding anniversary party.  We used the cultural hall.  We provided a light dinner (buffet style) and just let my parents visit with long time friends and family.  This was back in 2006.


It was the last time that my dad was with his sister and a brother on this earth.  All have since passed away.  But how wonderful it was.  My dad had no idea they were coming down from Oregon and Washington.  It was a surprise.  My aunt passed away from breast cancer shortly after this, my dad in 2009 and my uncle just a couple of weeks ago.

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