Business in Zion


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When scriptures speak of "our wants", they are not speaking of our fond desires or our lusts. They are using the word "want" as in "to be in want of something". The phrase "needs and wants" might be better expressed as "needs and lacks" or "things required and things missing".


True. But the scriptures also speak of our desires. ;)

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True. But the scriptures also speak of our desires. ;)


I don't recall the scriptures talking about our "desires" as in "I desire an ice cream cone." It seems to be more along the lines of, What is it that I really want? What is my fundamental motivation? Do I want eternal life, or do I want satiation of carnal cravings? Which, come to think of it, is sort of like "I desire an ice cream cone."

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Psalms 37:4 - Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.


Now what about that doesn't scream icescream to you? Mmm?

I scream for Ice Cream La La LA

(Or is it Ra?)

Edited by Crypto
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Concepts which will not exist in Zion

1) It will not be patterned after the manner of men (much like Nephi did not build a ship after the manner of men).  

2) I don't believe Zion could exist with the current economic application of supply and demand. 

3) Greed will not exist within Zion

4) Pursuits of selfishness will not exist

5) There will be no need for small font at the end of our contracts or a play on words.  Communication will be direct, honest, fair, and just.  There will be no deception.

6) Affirmative Action type laws will not exist as the system will be fair, unbiased, and no respecter of persons.  


Zion will need to be accomplished line upon line, grace for grace, here a little and there a little.  It will begin with members of the Church and honest individuals who desire a better atmosphere at work, economics, and who watch out for the poor (as we are told, if you seek for riches seek to clothe the naked and feed the hungry.  As specified I believe the current application of supply and demand will not exist in Zion.  It will be refined.


I once worked for an individual who said he would fire me because I wouldn't work on Christmas. The job didn't require this type of work, as there was no reason to work on Christmas -- except greed.  This type of attitude will not exist in Zion, "I'm the boss -- I own you," type attitudes.  I worked for another individual who demanded we write things on our private Facebook accounts at the threat of punishment if we didn't.  This type of attitude will not exist in Zion.  


P.S. The establishment of Zion is not possible within our current government economics and politics.  The manner of men is to heavily integrated and would squash out any efforts toward it.


For #2 directly, do you think that will be the case only within Zion? Or do you think that will be the case outside as well? Do you think Zion will have any business dealings with the rest of the world? And while we live in Bablyon, is there a way to build a Zion business while we wait for the rest of the Zion infrastructure to be built?

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I think, perhaps, another interesting question, is more of a chicken or egg one.


Are we waiting for Zion to come before we interact as Anddenex suggested, or is Zion waiting for us to interact this way before it comes?


The suggestion he gives is that Zion cannot exist in the culture we live in. If the second idea in my chicken/egg question is true, then we're in trouble.

Edited by The Folk Prophet
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I believe that economic Zion, whatever that entails, cannot exist generally within the economic framework we now have. It probably can exist as an isolated bubble within that larger framework, where dealings with the "outside world" or larger economy are controlled through interfaces. But that would require the participants voluntarily to limit (and probably abandon) their financial intercourse outside of Zion.


Or, maybe I am completely wrong, and "economic Zion" is not a monetary economy at all, thus existing independently of any coarse, profit-driven capitalistic enterprise.

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For #2 directly, do you think that will be the case only within Zion? Or do you think that will be the case outside as well? Do you think Zion will have any business dealings with the rest of the world? And while we live in Bablyon, is there a way to build a Zion business while we wait for the rest of the Zion infrastructure to be built?


First question: It will begin with Zion and will permeate throughout other countries which truly the desire the welfare of its people.  Zion though will definitely be the beacon -- a light on a hill -- and I think Zion will actively invite other towns, cities, states, and countries to accept this manner of economy.  


Second question:  Yes, Zion I believe will have to have dealings with the rest of the world.  Much like how the Church works today in business.  The Church doesn't just work with temple recommend holders.  In some cases, this is probably one way, avenue, Zion's practices will permeate to other nations.


Third question: Yes, I believe it will be business practices that are already forming within smaller businesses that will eventually become the building blocks for businesses found in Zion; however, on a global scale I think if the Church began making preparations, as things stand now, it would be difficult and probably would be squashed out by the natural man.  One principle that is becoming popular in business (I believe it is Zion principled is how owners are now giving "Ownership" to employees -- a stewardship archetype). 


I find Egypt intriguing, according to our doctrine, how they patterned their ways after the manner of the priesthood.  I wonder how successful in business we as members would be if we patterned business (even leadership) in a similar way.  The concept of stewardship for example.  

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I think, perhaps, another interesting question, is more of a chicken or egg one.


Are we waiting for Zion to come before we interact as Anddenex suggested, or is Zion waiting for us to interact this way before it comes?


The suggestion he gives is that Zion cannot exist in the culture we live in. If the second idea in my chicken/egg question is true, then we're in trouble.


I don't remember specifying what you have interpreted my statement to be.  The last statement is not what I suggested. 


Edit -- If we are waiting for Zion to come, we will be waiting a very long time.  We don't wait for God to build temples, we build them. Zion is a state of heart and mind, which then builds the place. The place, as specified, I do not believe is possible right now within our current government politics.


Thus what will occur that will allow those of a Zion heart and mind actually build the place, such that a government wouldn't interfere with its genesis?

Edited by Anddenex
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I don't remember specifying what you have interpreted my statement to be. The last statement is not what I suggested.

I wasn't meaning to interpreting what you posted. I was just putting up what I consider another interesting thought for consideration. I only referenced what you said as related to the list of the state of those in Zion. Edited by The Folk Prophet
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