Ramblings of an Estranged Saint


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Alrighty. So in response to your long OP, I have a fairly long reply. So prepare yourself.  :eek:


Question #1: There's a whole spectrum of reasons to come to church. As a whole, your motives seem really good considering what's been going on in your life. So no, nothing wrong at all! Is seeking camaraderie and edification the #1 absolute best reason to attend, as opposed to devotion to Christ? Maybe not, but it's a huge piece of the puzzle at minimum. Besides, I seriously doubt that I've truly found the #1 best reason myself. Just keep coming, and you'll keep finding better and better reasons to come.


Question #2: Already been addressed. Talk to the bishop. You may be advised to work toward not using even medical marijuana as an eventual goal. Then again, maybe you won't. In any case, I would very strongly consider whatever advice you are given. As you've seen, God can work miracles if you leave it in His hands and try to do His will.


Question #3: I believe the question we are asked is "Do you believe that the Book of Mormon is the word of God?" If you believe that and still feel like it's solely metaphorical, you'll probably be fine for now. You should be aware that it is widely considered to be and taught throughout the church as a literal record. But as far as I know, that's not an issue that will get in your way.


Now, regarding the Atonement: it absolutely applies to you. You know that. You have seen pretty irrefutable evidence of its power working in your life, giving you physical, mental, and spiritual strength beyond your natural capacity. You have also felt of God's love for you through that same Atonement. All of this was made possible by the Savior, who volunteered to suffer all that you personally have suffered, and much more. He did so because He loves you, and because He knew that without that sacrifice on His part, you would never recover physically or spiritually from your mistakes. He wanted to give you that opportunity, and to enable you to feel a measure of His love for you. You have seen many of the blessings that come from the Atonement on your path to recovery.


The thing is, there are blessings and then there are blessings. In many ways, the Atonement isn't an all-or-nothing deal. The Savior is constantly giving us everything we are able to receive. But there are some blessings we can't receive or use until we prepare ourselves and are ready for them (think 6-year-old with car keys :P ). God, knowing the state we need to be in to receive His blessings, has given us commandments. These commandments are a guide to preparing ourselves to receive the blessings critical to our happiness and eternal progression. As an example, you've seen from your own experience that "the Word of Wisdom is no joke." It's for our own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. Consider the following scripture in D&C 130:


20 There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—
21 And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.


So, what does all this have to do with you? There's been discussion so far about choices, consequences, the Atonement, being allowed to receive Christ's blessings, etc. Some of the advice given so far you have taken harshly. If I'm reading you correctly, part of that is because some of that advice seems to imply that you are still "forbidden" to receive the blessings of the Atonement, for whatever reason. The thing is, in a sense it's partially true, at least for the moment. There are blessings and then there are blessings. You have made some major changes, and been blessed greatly as a result. But there's more, my friend. There is much, much more your Savior wants to give you! That's good news!!! But some of what's left for you to receive requires more preparation than you've made so far. And that will take time, therefore some of the blessings of the Atonement will have to wait, as has been said. The same goes for everyone at some level.


That's why the potential issue of marijuana, for example. The question is, will it prevent you from being fully prepared to receive and utilize some of these crucial blessings made available to you by the Atonement? Tough question, since we don't exactly understand divine law too well yet. So the fact is, I don't know. Those on this forum don't know. You don't know. Your doctor doesn't know, and the politicians don't know. But God knows, and the role of the bishop is to find out from Him what needs to be done in cases like this.


The more we align our lives with the teachings of the Savior, the more strength and power and peace we allow Jesus Christ to introduce into our lives. And the best news of all is that, as you've seen, the things we can't change about ourselves, Christ can handle. But again, it requires us to be in the right state. We have to be trying. We have to exercise whatever faith we have, turn to Him, and follow the direction we are given. As the scripture above says, it requires obedience, especially when we don't understand it, don't like it, or don't see how it will work.  ;)


To me, this is one reason it's so meaningful that Christ has suffered the very things we suffer. He understands perfectly our doubts, our shame, our guilt, our pain, our fear, and so on, because He chose to feel them. I don't understand exactly how the Atonement can have the effects it does, but this little piece of it makes sense to me, at least. There's great comfort and strength in knowing that He is right here in the trenches with me, and He doesn't ask me to do anything He won't do Himself.


Well, I hope some portion of my rambling has been of help to you. You're well on the right track, and there are even more great things ahead for you. I wish you the best of luck, and I'll do my best to clarify anything I said, answer more questions, or help however else I can. Keep at it!

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Estranged, you asked for opinions. You got them. Some of them you perhaps liked, others not. But now you're going to get huffy and say "I knew they were judgmental jerks!" just because someone said something you didn't like?


Maybe the problem doesn't lie with the "judgmental jerks". Maybe it lies with you. And if it does, that is actually good, because it's something you can change. If I'm a jerk, you are helpless to change that. But if you're taking offense wrongly, you can correct that.


Just something to consider.


It seems that the majority of people coming to internet forums for advice don't really want advice.  They are looking for validation of their choices and then get their knickers in knot when someone dares to express something other than a "if it feels good, do it!" pat on the back.


Estranged, how can you be at all surprised that someone would have concerns about an alcoholic medicating with marijuana....another addictive substance?  Every recovering addict that I know who is striving to maintain their sobriety stays far away from addictive substances....legal or illegal.  And are supported by medical professionals in looking for other answers  for their legitimate medical symptoms (pain, etc) rather than jeopardize their sobriety with addictive substances. Marijuana may have medical uses, but it is not abenign nor harmless substance.  So the fact that you are choosing to medicate with marijuana is certainly going to give pause to people.  As it should.


And all of that is without even factoring in Word of Wisdom issues.  That part you will have to work out with Heavenly Father and those who have stewardship over you.  But getting all huffy and judgmental and mad over the merest thought of having to give up your current mind-altering substance is not going to make your path any easier if you are genuinely interested in returning to the gospel.

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Question #3: I believe the question we are asked is "Do you believe that the Book of Mormon is the word of God?" If you believe that and still feel like it's solely metaphorical, you'll probably be fine for now. You should be aware that it is widely considered to be and taught throughout the church as a literal record. But as far as I know, that's not an issue that will get in your way.



If the Book of Mormon is not literal history, then there was no Moroni, no angel Moroni, no appearance of Christ in the Americas, thus no Second Witness of Christ.  The promise in Moroni 10:4-5 is a fake since the entire book is a fraud.  No Mormon or Nephi writing on plates, so the plates did not exist.  


That means that Joseph Smith was a fraud, the eleven witnesses lied about their experiences.

This means that you will have to lie to get a temple recommend.


Now, if you have no problem with all that, you should be fine.  You can continue enjoying the pot-luck dinners.

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If the Book of Mormon is not literal history, then there was no Moroni, no angel Moroni, no appearance of Christ in the Americas, thus no Second Witness of Christ.  The promise in Moroni 10:4-5 is a fake since the entire book is a fraud.  No Mormon or Nephi writing on plates, so the plates did not exist.  


That means that Joseph Smith was a fraud, the eleven witnesses lied about their experiences.

This means that you will have to lie to get a temple recommend.


Now, if you have no problem with all that, you should be fine.  You can continue enjoying the pot-luck dinners.


For the record, I completely agree with you. I don't personally understand how any other view can be logically justified, and I believe 100% that the Book of Mormon is a literal record for these very reasons, as well as a witness from the Spirit. But I am also aware that there are a few members who openly feel that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, but that not everything in it literally happened, and that these members are still able to hold a temple recommend if worthy. That was his question, after all.  :)


But you're right, I should probably have been much more clear on why it is accepted and taught as literal, and how the implications of that are important - because they are.

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I'm  not trying to offend.   I'm speaking from my own experience with addiction and marijuana and alcohol.   Doctors are allowed to prescribe it, it may be legal federally someday as it is in your state today.  But that doesn't change that it is a mood altering drug, with little scientific proof (except with the charlotte web versions that don't have the mood altering effect and epilepsy) of any medicinal value (and yes I am aware that it changes mood and helps some people get through the day, much like alcohol which is also completely legal if you are old enough).    It doesn't mean that it is a good idea to fill any such prescription.  (There are new drugs that are really effective at eliminating alcohol cravings.)


As I said, we do believe in following competent medical advice.  So having a prescription may make it all okay theologically, if your bishop/SP so determine.   But I cannot agree that it is a good idea.


As for your Heavenly Parents, They and your Savior will accept you whatever way you present yourself to Them.   You always have access to the atonement through repentance.  But whether you can access Them so long as you are using intentionally mood altering substances is a question as your agency will be affected by the marijuana.  As your fellow member, that is none of my concern, of course.   If I were in your ward, I'd welcome you.

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Our stake has a special weekly workshop for those dealing with addictions.  If they are having one where you live, I think you may find it helpful.


It is completely confidential, and much of the workshop is talking about how the Atonement of Christ works in our lives.  Try it at least one or two times, and see if it is for you.  You don't have to get the Bishop involved at all.

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