Life is Short


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It rained hard today and left a large amount of water in a parking lot. Reminded me of a similar parking lot where we had a lot of fun as children decades ago.  We would ride our bicycles through the middle of the "lake" sending waves on either side, and rooster-tails of water behind us and up our backs! Good times. Cherished memories. And it feels like such a short time ago.


For some reason it made me think of the phrase "life is short..." and how it has been used by some adults which I sort of resented and wanted to re-claim it. (I had also extended a sort of olive branch to someone earlier in the day.) So I thought to myself, "life is short--forgive someone for an offense, whether intended or not." I'm not preaching, I'm just talking.


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It rained hard today and left a large amount of water in a parking lot. Reminded me of a similar parking lot where we had a lot of fun as children decades ago.  We would ride our bicycles through the middle of the "lake" sending waves on either side, and rooster-tails of water behind us and up our backs! Good times. Cherished memories. And it feels like such a short time ago.


For some reason it made me think of the phrase "life is short..." and how it has been used by some adults which I sort of resented and wanted to re-claim it. (I had also extended a sort of olive branch to someone earlier in the day.) So I thought to myself, "life is short--forgive someone for an offense, whether intended or not." I'm not preaching, I'm just talking.


I like what Brigham Young taught about offense:


"He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool.”

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The OP reminded me of the second verse of a hymn I like "Come Let Us Anew:"


Our life as a dream, our time as a stream

Glide swiftly away,
And the fugitive moment refuses to stay;
For the arrow is flown and the moments are gone.
The millennial year
Presses on to our view, and eternity's here,
Presses on to our view, and eternity's here.
And at the risk of sounding cheesy this song from the beloved "My Turn on Earth"
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