Fight Breast Cancer!


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While nothing is 100% effective in health -- hey, even non-smokers occasionally die of lung cancer -- here are some things that can help women avoid developing breast cancer. Too bad this information doesn't get out to the public on a massive scale.

1) Get exposure of your body to sunlight.

2) Try to minimize, or elliminate, the use of bras.

3) Having a lot of kids.

4) Exercise regularly.

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2) Try to minimize, or elliminate, the use of bras.

I'd heard this before, and investigated it. There is no scientific evidence to back it up. According to the American Cancer Society:

"There are no scientifically valid studies that show a correlation between wearing bras of any type and the occurrence of breast cancer. Two anthropologists made this association in a book called Dressed to Kill. Their study was not conducted according to standard principles of epidemiological research and did not take into consideration other variables, including known risk factors for breast cancer. There is no other, credible research to validate this claim in any way."

American Cancer Society Bras and Breast Cancer

The problem I have with this is many women experience pain if they don't wear bras. They need the support, and going braless can cause musculoskeletal pain, especially in woman with large breasts.

I'm not al all personally opposed to a woman going braless. I just don't think it's been proven that going braless prevents breast cancer, and I don't think it's right to scare women who need bras into thinking they're risking breast cancer if they do wear them.


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I also have thought that there could be other variables. For instance, women who generally don't wear bras tend to be more "earth motherish" from where I was raised -- more likely to spend a lot of time outdoors, aren't overwieght, and more natural in all respects. So maybe the bra thing isn't totally connected. However, one wonders if having something pinching your skin all the time can really be all that good for you.

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However, one wonders if having something pinching your skin all the time can really be all that good for you.

Where do you get your crazy ideas anyway? Pinching the skin!!! As long as the woman wears the correct size there is no pinching. Sheeeesh. :estaloco:

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However, one wonders if having something pinching your skin all the time can really be all that good for you.

Where do you get your crazy ideas anyway? Pinching the skin!!! As long as the woman wears the correct size there is no pinching. Sheeeesh. :estaloco:

Finnian has this inane notion that he knows all about women, including their sexuality, and now even their underwear. Sheesh!


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However, one wonders if having something pinching your skin all the time can really be all that good for you.

Where do you get your crazy ideas anyway? Pinching the skin!!! As long as the woman wears the correct size there is no pinching. Sheeeesh. :estaloco:

Finnian has this inane notion that he knows all about women, including their sexuality, and now even their underwear. Sheesh!


Yeah, whatever! :rolleyes:

Most women I have ever had association with actually have complained about how bras constrict circulation. Of course you can read anything you want into that. :sparklygrin:

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[Most women I have ever had association with actually have complained about how bras constrict circulation. Of course you can read anything you want into that. :sparklygrin:

I find it interesting that when associating with all of these women that the subject of bras even comes up.

Is one of your questions to them..."Is your bra pinching today?"

Give me a break.

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[Most women I have ever had association with actually have complained about how bras constrict circulation. Of course you can read anything you want into that. :sparklygrin:

I find it interesting that when associating with all of these women that the subject of bras even comes up.

Is one of your questions to them..."Is your bra pinching today?"

Give me a break.

Funny, I was just going to say the same thing. Just how often does the issue of the fit of a woman's bra come up in your conversations with them, Fiannan? How does your wife feel about you discussing bras with other women?

On the other hand, you totally missed one of the most important ways to early detection of breast cancer, and that is regular examination. Self-examination, and if married, getting the husband to also do a thorough examination on a regular (like weekly) basis is one of the best ways to catch an unusual lump before it becomes very large. So I am appealing to all married women to have their husbands regularly check their breasts. I, for one, am happy to help my wife in this health check whenever possible. :blink: :) :D

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[Most women I have ever had association with actually have complained about how bras constrict circulation. Of course you can read anything you want into that. :sparklygrin:

I find it interesting that when associating with all of these women that the subject of bras even comes up.

Is one of your questions to them..."Is your bra pinching today?"

Give me a break.

Funny, I was just going to say the same thing. Just how often does the issue of the fit of a woman's bra come up in your conversations with them, Fiannan? How does your wife feel about you discussing bras with other women?

On the other hand, you totally missed one of the most important ways to early detection of breast cancer, and that is regular examination. Self-examination, and if married, getting the husband to also do a thorough examination on a regular (like weekly) basis is one of the best ways to catch an unusual lump before it becomes very large. So I am appealing to all married women to have their husbands regularly check their breasts. I, for one, am happy to help my wife in this health check whenever possible. :blink: :) :D

TMI TMI TMI. Trying not to think this is my sister you are talking about. :wow:

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TMI TMI TMI. Trying not to think this is my sister you are talking about. :wow:

It's a better thought than picturing your parents that way, isn't it? She still tells me of remembering seeing your mother walking around the house naked, or changing clothes with her bedroom door wide open for anyone to see. Your brother has probably seen more than he cares to remember. :dontknow:

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TMI TMI TMI. Trying not to think this is my sister you are talking about. :wow:

It's a better thought than picturing your parents that way, isn't it? She still tells me of remembering seeing your mother walking around the house naked, or changing clothes with her bedroom door wide open for anyone to see. Your brother has probably seen more than he cares to remember. :dontknow:

haha Touche. And I was just teasing you.

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TMI TMI TMI. Trying not to think this is my sister you are talking about. :wow:

It's a better thought than picturing your parents that way, isn't it? She still tells me of remembering seeing your mother walking around the house naked, or changing clothes with her bedroom door wide open for anyone to see. Your brother has probably seen more than he cares to remember. :dontknow:

haha Touche. And I was just teasing you.

I know. :D

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On the other hand, you totally missed one of the most important ways to early detection of breast cancer, and that is regular examination. Self-examination, and if married, getting the husband to also do a thorough examination on a regular (like weekly) basis is one of the best ways to catch an unusual lump before it becomes very large. So I am appealing to all married women to have their husbands regularly check their breasts. I, for one, am happy to help my wife in this health check whenever possible. :blink: :) :D

Ah, a voice of reason!

Perhaps Fiannin's peculiar fixation on women's underwear had a purpose after all, since it did give a venue for John to remind us about regular self-exams.

I could have done without how much he enjoys checking his wife's, because, well, you know, it made me, well, darnit. . . . I'm just plain jealous! I have to check my boobs myself!

Good on you John!


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Nudity, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. People should be comfortable with who and what their bodies look like. But when you kids hit the age of puberty, it is probably time to start showing a little modesty around them. But that's just me. You might have other views which are perfectly healthy, too. As my kids have gotten older, I have adjusted my states of dress and undress around them so that they don't see things which could cause them to want to scratch their own eyes out. :blush:

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Nudity, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. People should be comfortable with who and what their bodies look like. But when you kids hit the age of puberty, it is probably time to start showing a little modesty around them. But that's just me. You might have other views which are perfectly healthy, too. As my kids have gotten older, I have adjusted my states of dress and undress around them so that they don't see things which could cause them to want to scratch their own eyes out. :blush:

I agree with you.......
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Very true JD. :lol:

Now when I hear foot steps coming down the hall I give out an "I'm naked". I hear back a "Thanks for the warning"

Yesterday after getting out of the shower I heard the familiar foot steps coming down the hall. I gave my usual warning then I heard a mans voice. "It's Mike Folkerson from ERA Reality we will just be a minute." I quickly grabbed a towel and was shocked to see my hubby walking in with a smirk "Do you come with the house" :wow:

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Very true JD. :lol:

Now when I hear foot steps coming down the hall I give out an "I'm naked". I hear back a "Thanks for the warning"

Yesterday after getting out of the shower I heard the familiar foot steps coming down the hall. I gave my usual warning then I heard a mans voice. "It's Mike Folkerson from ERA Reality we will just be a minute." I quickly grabbed a towel and was shocked to see my hubby walking in with a smirk "Do you come with the house" :wow:


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Very true JD. :lol:

Now when I hear foot steps coming down the hall I give out an "I'm naked". I hear back a "Thanks for the warning"

Yesterday after getting out of the shower I heard the familiar foot steps coming down the hall. I gave my usual warning then I heard a mans voice. "It's Mike Folkerson from ERA Reality we will just be a minute." I quickly grabbed a towel and was shocked to see my hubby walking in with a smirk "Do you come with the house" :wow:


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Ah ha, a discussion about hopw to avoid breast cancer turns into a discussion about nudity. Interesting. Then again, if sun exposure reduces the risk of breast cancer (and I have read that it also is associated with the reduction of certain skin cancers and colon cancer) then I suppose as long as you are naked and in the sun...

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Oh, and while we're at it, drink coffee to help prevent skin cancer. ;)

The aticle seems to say that caffeine if in sun protection lotion (applied to the skin) seems to be effective in getting rid of cancers in the skin -- doesn't seem to imply that you get protection from drinking coffee. Also in the article...

Caffeine, heavily consumed in coffee, tea and some cola drinks, has been shown in other studies to prompt mental alertness in many people. Some studies have suggested caffeine aggravates symptoms of menopause or intensifies the side effects of some antibiotics. Heavy caffeine use has been linked to miscarriage. Some studies also have suggested that some people can become addicted to caffeine and can experience headaches and other symptoms when deprived of their morning coffee or cola.

The aticles I originally mentioned (except perhaps the one on vra use and cancer) indicate proven methods of reducing the risk of cancer. The most obvious, for women, is having children. For each and every child you have (and better if you breastfeed) you reduce your risk of breast and uterine cancer. The reason white career women with high status jobs, lesbians and nuns have high rates of cancer is due to lack of childbearing. Exercise is a great way to reduce the risk of a host of cancers in men and women and sunlight (while too much can cause basel cell carcenoma) has been increasingly shown to reduce cancers and degenerative bone disorders.

As for some people getting all freaky about the bra thing I have to say that I see a lot of women in bras and for the ones with ample endowments I still have to wonder about the circulatory effects.

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