When people you love are hurting, and you are hurting for them,


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all the other blather about what Joseph Smith maybe did or didn't say, or people's personal glosses on scriptural passages, or stories about some supposed prophecy that may or may not have been made 150 years ago, all start sounding like college sophomores prattling on about their pet politically correct topic. It's the blind leading the blind, a maddening parade of foolishness and noise, an example of the words Shakespeare put into Macbeth's mouth:


Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


When our soul craves truth -- real, solid truth, not meaningless trivia or someone's stupid idea of one-upping others by displaying their immense grasp of nothing at all -- then we are ready to be told the painful truths. At that point, the question is whether we are humble enough to receive the truth and whether we have cultivated our spiritual sensitivity enough to have ears to hear.


God give me ears to hear and a humble heart to accept what I need to know. Whatever pain I experience will be made up ten thousand fold in the pain I and my loved ones can avoid. And God keep me from being one of the prattling fools who are more interested in showing off than in learning and teaching real truths.

Edited by Vort
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I am so in love with the Church's "Back to the Basics" drive.  It's hard enough to just keep the Sabbath Day holy.  It's when I try to measure up my efforts for Sabbath observance that I realize... boy, I am sooo far from where God wants me to be.

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I am so in love with the Church's "Back to the Basics" drive.  It's hard enough to just keep the Sabbath Day holy.  It's when I try to measure up my efforts for Sabbath observance that I realize... boy, I am sooo far from where God wants me to be.


You may be a long way from where God wants you to end up, but does that mean you are not where He wants you to be now?

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I am so in love with the Church's "Back to the Basics" drive.  It's hard enough to just keep the Sabbath Day holy.  It's when I try to measure up my efforts for Sabbath observance that I realize... boy, I am sooo far from where God wants me to be.


Mrs. Carb and I have wanted to "really keep the Sabbath" several times now.  When we sat down and determined what standards were really important for keeping the Sabbath, we really have difficulty just obeying that one commandment.  So, yes, I know exactly how you feel.

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While I certainly like your OP, I'm having difficulty connecting it with the title.  Would you be willing to spell it out for me?


Crises among those you love the most tend to sharpen your focus, and the unimportant trivia that so often fills our time and our minds suddenly drops away. Would that I always had that clarity of vision.

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