Fast & Testimony Meeting Word Cloud


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So, some months back, I decided to start taking notes in Sacrament Meeting as a means of forcing myself to pay more attention to the speakers.  This has been very beneficial for me as I have gotten more from the talks, and more from the Spirit, as a result.  I bring these home and transfer them to my journal, and often use them to write thank-you emails or notes to the speakers.

This hasn't really worked for fast Sunday, however (testimonies don't really lend themselves to note-taking).  However, this past Sunday, I found my mind wandering, so I decided to try something different: I wrote down each thing that a person (starting with person #2) testified of - just a 1-word thing (e.g. I just let callings / church organization fall under "church", priesthood blessings and priesthood power were merged into just "priesthood", etc.).  Then, for each subsequent testifier, I put down a mark next to the things they testified of (or expressed gratitude for - always lots of thankimonies).  Then today, I used an online word cloud generator, and here are the results for my ward's fast and testimony meeting (the larger the word, the more people testified of it).


Now maybe I'm just weird, but I found this quite interesting and satisfying, and it helped me to pay attention (so much so that I sometimes lost track of whether I'd already marked a term for the current person, so I have plans to solve that for next fast Sunday).  [Results are approximate. I missed "priesthood" when making the list for the generator, so just pretend it's over on the left somewhere, same size as "gospel"...]

Anywho, I thought I'd share, invite others to try it out if they're so inclined - seems like something that might get kids to pay attention (or not, what do I know?), and perhaps we can compare - might be interesting. :)   (Google will lead you to lots of word cloud generators, should you need one.)

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43 minutes ago, zil said:

Yes, at the bottom of your own posts, to the right of "Quote" and "Edit" is "Options".  Click on that and you'll get an option to delete the post.

Not seeing it.

Oh, well …


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34 minutes ago, LeSellers said:

Not there for me. It might be a setting I haven't checked.


Note that it is only on your own posts that you will see those. On other peoples' posts, like mine, you will see only the Quote and Multiquote (plus sign) links.

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58 minutes ago, Vort said:

Note that it is only on your own posts that you will see those. On other peoples' posts, like mine, you will see only the Quote and Multiquote (plus sign) links.

Thank you. My reading skills are a tad more than adequate, and I really did understand the concept.

The "Options" option is not there on my posts, nor on anyone else's.

Screen Shot.JPG


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4 hours ago, zil said:

So, some months back, I decided to start taking notes in Sacrament Meeting as a means of forcing myself to pay more attention to the speakers.  This has been very beneficial for me as I have gotten more from the talks, and more from the Spirit, as a result.  I bring these home and transfer them to my journal, and often use them to write thank-you emails or notes to the speakers.

This hasn't really worked for fast Sunday, however (testimonies don't really lend themselves to note-taking).  However, this past Sunday, I found my mind wandering, so I decided to try something different: I wrote down each thing that a person (starting with person #2) testified of - just a 1-word thing (e.g. I just let callings / church organization fall under "church", priesthood blessings and priesthood power were merged into just "priesthood", etc.).  Then, for each subsequent testifier, I put down a mark next to the things they testified of (or expressed gratitude for - always lots of thankimonies).  Then today, I used an online word cloud generator, and here are the results for my ward's fast and testimony meeting (the larger the word, the more people testified of it).


Now maybe I'm just weird, but I found this quite interesting and satisfying, and it helped me to pay attention (so much so that I sometimes lost track of whether I'd already marked a term for the current person, so I have plans to solve that for next fast Sunday).  [Results are approximate. I missed "priesthood" when making the list for the generator, so just pretend it's over on the left somewhere, same size as "gospel"...]

Anywho, I thought I'd share, invite others to try it out if they're so inclined - seems like something that might get kids to pay attention (or not, what do I know?), and perhaps we can compare - might be interesting. :)   (Google will lead you to lots of word cloud generators, should you need one.)

Great idea!


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Just a thought about the Option/Delete button. In my forum it only shows up for the person that posts AND only for 60 minutes. Then it disappears.

I'm going to check when I post this if it shows up immediately otherwise... I do not see it on my posts either.


EDIT: Nope that wasn't it either. So I don't see that option either.

Back to topic. LOL



Edited by AngelMarvel
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Serious: I love it.  The gospel, as spoken from us random grunt disciples, rendered in an artistic fashion.  It's beautiful.

Less serious: You should come take notes in my ward.  Then you could add phrases like "don't pee on the trees", "they're wrong about that scripture", "you need to wear shoes in church more", and "denim skirts mock God".

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13 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Serious: I love it.  The gospel, as spoken from us random grunt disciples, rendered in an artistic fashion.  It's beautiful.

Less serious: You should come take notes in my ward.  Then you could add phrases like "don't pee on the trees", "they're wrong about that scripture", "you need to wear shoes in church more", and "denim skirts mock God".

Thanks, NT.  What stood out to me was the relative size of the different words, which got me wondering if we shouldn't be testifying of some things more, and other things less...  (Which then got me thinking I shouldn't be so proud or judgmental... :) )

As for your ward's phrases:

1) Urine makes good tree food.  But if you're in public, maybe not such a good idea.

2) Who are "they" and who is speaking?  Maybe they are wrong.  Or maybe your bishop needs a trap door behind the pulpit. :P

3) Hmm.  Tell that to people who don't have shoes....

4) If the person who said that knew the story behind my one denim skirt (which I would not have bought for myself, by the way), they would repent.

Meanwhile, since we're on the topic, here's a little flowchart I made (many ideas from others) to help people determine if they should get up to "bear testimony" on "open-mic Sunday"...


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Just now, zil said:

Thanks, NT.  What stood out to me was the relative size of the different words, which got me wondering if we shouldn't be testifying of some things more, and other things less...  (Which then got me thinking I shouldn't be so proud or judgmental... :) )

As for your ward's phrases:

1) Urine makes good tree food.  But if you're in public, maybe not such a good idea.

2) Who are "they" and who is speaking?  Maybe they are wrong.  Or maybe your bishop needs a trap door behind the pulpit. :P

3) Hmm.  Tell that to people who don't have shoes....

4) If the person who said that knew the story behind my one denim skirt (which I would not have bought for myself, by the way), they would repent.

Meanwhile, since we're on the topic, here's a little flowchart I made (many ideas from others) to help people determine if they should get up to "bear testimony" on "open-mic Sunday"...


Why does "a simple declaration of personal belief" not qualify as a testimony? How much do you have to dress it up before it becomes a testimony?

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7 minutes ago, Vort said:

Why does "a simple declaration of personal belief" not qualify as a testimony? How much do you have to dress it up before it becomes a testimony?

(had to go back and look at it again to figure out...)  Yes, that "I know" and "I believe" thing does seem redundant, doesn't it?  The file is modified from multiple sources and it's been a while since I made it.  I should probably adjust it to remove that decision box, cuz you're right, looking at it now, it doesn't seem to add anything.

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