Poor Pity Me ~ Game

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Poor pity me, I have never been the ward librarian (the perfect calling for a guy that dislikes SS so much I have cried listening to the knuckle-headed responses--I'll volunteer on Sunday), but I add the not-ever-been-in-the-choir-bit to the thank-you section of my prayers.

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Poor pity me I am sometimes perceived as anti-Mormon when, in fact, I love the Mormon Church. It is my legacy, and just because I do not believe in God does not mean I do not believe in, and love, the people. When I speak of someone in the Church who has behaved badly, I am speaking about a person, not the Church. There is a difference. To me, the Church is a magical thing, and no one can take that away from me.

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Poor Pity Me ~ ~ I have never been outside of the continental USA! I want so much to go visit Norway - Ireland - Scotland - England - Wales and France.

Poor pity me, I've never been to South America, Scandinavia, either Arctic Circle, the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, or a Beatles concert even if I've been to Liverpool.
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I wouldn't say "pathetic." Have you ever felt a home?

Yes. When I was 17 going on 18, living in Cambridge, MA. I got to pretend my childhood had never happened and start my life all over. It was a magical time for me. That lasted almost two years before reality seeped back in, and I discovered these things just don't go away

From then on, no, I never felt at home again.


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Poor pity me, my baby woke up 4 times last night

I am trying to pity you lol but its too familiar right now.

Poor pity me pa left me to sleep but decided to take a shower, Gabey is nursing (he is soaking wet having been in the shower with pa its a walk or in his case crawl in one), Ellie is bouncing on the bed, Sylvie (cat) is miaowing at me and Lucy (dog) is sitting near me wimpering because the kids are after her.


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We seem to like games here so I thought I might post a web version of a game we play in large groups.

In the game everyone sits in a circle with a hand full of beans. One person starts by making a statement which they feel that they may be alone in not having experienced. As they make that statement they toss in a bean and if the statement is true for the next they also get to toss in a bean and so on and so one. The person with their beans got first wins the game. I am not sure this will work with having a winner but it would be interesting to see who creative we could be (still keeping it clean... "G Rated") and get to know each other better...

We can at least give it a try and try not to repeat something that someone else has said.

I will start.

Poor Pity Me:

I have never had my own treehouse

Poor Pity Me:

I used to be able to do a cartwheel....but can't any more :wacko:

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