Stephenie Meyers - Twilight Series


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Hey! I'm pretty new at this, so I'm keeping this first post pretty general. Has anyone out there read this series of books by Stephenie Meyers? Does anyone think (like my husband) that these books should not be sold at church book stores because they're about vampires and werewolves? Let me know what you think and also what you think of the characters and story lines, etc. I'm very interested to read other peoples "take" on this series of books. :sparklygrin:

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Believe it or not, I just started Twilight. Only two chapters through, though.

Enjoy! This is one of the most entertaining series of books that I've read in a long time. I wasn't able to put Twilight down. Such a great read!

So can you enlighten me WHY it's one of the most entertaining series of books you've ever read? I'm not a big fan of LDS authors, but I've heard of a lot of people reading this series. Of course, a lot of people loved the Work and the Glory series too...blech.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is Stephanie Meyers a member of the LDS church? Funny, I didn't know.

I simply LOVE the series. I read Twilight and New Moon and am waiting on the bookstore to call me that they have the third one! I mostly read Fantasy and alot about Vampires. I also read the Vampire chronicles from Anne Rice. Those are more adult (alot more then Meyers) and I find Meyers more innocent vampires far more interesting. And she managed to give her Vampires a new twist, which is not easy with such an overused race.

Anyway, I started to ramble. I think anyone should give the books a try, you wont be dissapointed.

( and I pick Jake over Edward. Tee-hee :wub: )

Edit: I think these books should be able to be sold at Church book stores. Compared to other werewolf and Vampire books I have read, these are very innocent and not dark at all. More romantic. A children's book, but also a nice read for adults.

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awww! sorry she took it Orin! My daughter and I "share" the books, too. :)

I agree with you Karan. I like Stephenie's more innocent vampires. I just kept wanting to read to find out what was going to be revealed next! Like why they really can't go out in the sun. That was great! And the fact that Bella is such a disaster magnet just cracks me right up!

Stephenie is a really entertaining author. The story is written in such a way that the reader can really get immersed in the story. The history and mythology of the Quillute tribe is an interesting twist to the whole story line.

I can't wait until the next book in the series is published...Fall of 2008?! Heaven help me!!

ps...Karan, you can have Jake! I'll take Edward!)

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( be careful with Edward! Immortality sounds good though :unsure: )

I still haven't gotten my hands on Eclipse.. Something went wrong with the order, and they ordered the hardcover instead of the paperback. (paperback is cheaper) so I had to cancel that and haven't re-ordered yet <_< *grumbles*

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luckily Cousin Cheryl is a big fan of the series, too and thought that my daughter should have them all in hardcover... we got the book in july! woohoo!! should i send you our copy?! you need to read it! :)

Haha, yes please! I need to know what's going to happen. Jake or Edward? Immortality or Mortality? Maybe even Werewolf?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was waiting for someone to start a discussion about the Twilight series. I absolutely love this book. We did it for a book club, and had a huge turn out. I haven't meet one person who's read it and not liked it yet. It's my favorite book, the only one I've read twice in the same year. (Usually I have to wait a few years to re-read a book).

I love vampires, and Stephenie does a fantastic job making them less evil. I'm wondering how she's going to end the next book. I hope Bella & Edward end up getting married, or I'll be disappointed.

And what do you guys think about the vampires having a "soul". Personally, I think if they have strong feelings, like love, hate, jealousy, etc. I think that's a soul. So in fiction reality they all stand a chance.

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I heard about these books from my hairdresser a about 6 weeks ago and she suggested that my daughter and I read the series. One thing she also suggested that you order the 2ed and third book at the same time.

This weekend I am at a Family reunion and I saw that my BIL (what a shock) was reading the first book at the pool. I know know that this is something I must get my hands on. ;)

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I might be the only guy to post this, but my mother and sister read the series, and recommended them to me. Now I have read Anne Rices Vampire Chronicles, and a couple of those books are listed as my favorites (not all her books are that good, mind you). But Twilight series is soooo good. I read all three books in 4 days. Yeah, that doesnt happen often. I dont think they should be in LDS bookstores, though. While Stephanie Meyer is LDS, the books are not. My opinion only. Cant wait till the other books come out. Now, we can see Edwards side of the story (the first chapter on the new book is on Meyers website, and is downloadable)

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Oh wowwwwww. I just found out my teenagers own all of these books. Okay now I have to read them. I didn't realize these were the books my daugher said she is addicted to and now has my sons reading. Now I'm really excited.

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I'm so glad you're enjoying the books, Pam! :)

I agree with all the poster's here...they are books that you just CAN'T put down! I must read "just a little bit more" to find out what's gonna happen. It got so bad that I had to set a timer so I wouldn't spend all day/night reading! I know.. I'm a nerd! :sparklygrin:


Would you post the link for us?

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Oh, I finished Eclipse and i'm going a bit crazy.. So many things that are going to happen and I want to read about it so badly. Talk about an addiction huh!

I've been reading Meyer's site, and with some happy and sad feelings also about the..*swallows nervously* film of Twilight.

I really do love her books, I let my imagination run loose and have a perfect image of the characters, the surroundings, the house.. you name it. I bet many of you have that too.

Now, I was so very excited when they made a film about the Harry Potter series. I really let my imagination go wild on that one too. Anyways, the films were pretty much a slap in the face. Not how 'I' saw them, and that ruined it a bit. Just a little bit though, They are great films so far.

So I don't know what to expect of the film of Twilight. What i've read about Stephenie Meyer, and what she posted herself, is that she has a clear image of how she sees everything (obviously) and I hope she will push her will and ideas through. Still have mixed feelings about the films, ruining my dear Jacob most likely.

Enough with the negative talk though! Meyer better hurries with the next book, cause I really can't wait :D

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I did it I bought the first book tonight.... I was disappointed thought I went to three places and couldn't find it in hardback like the other two books are.

I am starting the frist one tonight :D/

My kids couldn't find in hardback either.

Okay I've finished on to the 2nd. I am really hooked. When Twilight ended I HAD to start the 2nd book. That's why I haven't been online much this last week.

Let's all just be careful in posting our thoughts about this series that we don't give anything away to those that are reading or have yet to read them.

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