Stephenie Meyers - Twilight Series


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I just finished Eclipse and thought I would chime in here! This is a great series, the best I've read in a long time. I don't disagree that they should be sold in church bookstores, but obviously the only reason they would be sold in church bookstores is because the author is LDS? I mean, absolutely nothing in the book has anything to do with LDS. If I didn't know the author was LDS I never would have thought. But still, having said that, I really love the series because it is a great read, great characters and not a buncha bad language and other "rated R" stuff. So, while it's not "LDS" it is most definitely a great "PG" book (not "G", no no not "G")

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I might be the only guy to post this, but my mother and sister read the series, and recommended them to me. Now I have read Anne Rices Vampire Chronicles, and a couple of those books are listed as my favorites (not all her books are that good, mind you). But Twilight series is soooo good. I read all three books in 4 days. Yeah, that doesnt happen often. I dont think they should be in LDS bookstores, though. While Stephanie Meyer is LDS, the books are not. My opinion only. Cant wait till the other books come out. Now, we can see Edwards side of the story (the first chapter on the new book is on Meyers website, and is downloadable)

While you may be the only guy on this thread, you are definately Not the only guy who has read them. I agree completely that these books should NOT be sold in an LDS bookstore. They have Nothing to do with the LDS faith. While they Are Good books, they are not Uplifting books. And I think anyone who has read the chapter called Temper in Eclipse will agree that we don't want people thinking Mormons are ok with Bella's suggestion. The author Might be making a point with Edward's refusal, but really..
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Well, after reading all of the excitement on this thread I went to the website.

I really enjoyed reading how the ideas for the first book came to her.

I've downloaded chapter 1 of both Eclipse and Newmoon.

I'm looking frward to reading them when my little one has her afternoon nap.


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I have to admit it... I am completly addicted to these books. My friend loaned me the first one back in june and I couldn't put it down. I read it in the first day. The next day she loaned me the second one and I did the same. Then the day before I had my baby she bought me the third one as a gift. I couldn't put it down either. :) All the nurses in the hospital were going nuts because they saw it on my baby's bassinet. hehe.. I have now read them all two or three times and I can't wait for the 4th one to come out... :)

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I'm so happy to see this thread is really picking up!

Pammy, SF...when I get to Utah we can have a real gabfest about what happened in the books! Lunch is going to be so much fun!

Lona, Daisy. Great Comments! I agree the books aren't G but am definitely grateful that they aren't R like the Anne Rice books. This way my teenager can read them too. :)

Kortney- hee hee!! I can just picture you in the hospital with the book in the bassinet! haha! much longer do we have to wait for that fourth one?! aaaah!!

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I'm so happy to see this thread is really picking up!

Pammy, SF...when I get to Utah we can have a real gabfest about what happened in the books! Lunch is going to be so much fun!

Lona, Daisy. Great Comments! I agree the books aren't G but am definitely grateful that they aren't R like the Anne Rice books. This way my teenager can read them too. :)

Kortney- hee hee!! I can just picture you in the hospital with the book in the bassinet! haha! much longer do we have to wait for that fourth one?! aaaah!!

I'll fly over to Utah for that. :lol:

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Got it!!! Halfway through now.

Got a question for ya--how would Eddie smell?

And how would Bella smell?

While I was reading, in my mind I imagined Eddie smelled like the "new" smell (ya know, new car, new shoes, new leather jacket smell) and Bella smelled like honey and cinnamon. However, seeing I am neither vampire nor womanly, I bet I am pretty far off of what anyone else is thinking...

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Got it!!! Halfway through now.

Got a question for ya--how would Eddie smell?

And how would Bella smell?

While I was reading, in my mind I imagined Eddie smelled like the "new" smell (ya know, new car, new shoes, new leather jacket smell) and Bella smelled like honey and cinnamon. However, seeing I am neither vampire nor womanly, I bet I am pretty far off of what anyone else is thinking...

I could probably agree with you on the smell for Edward. Though I don't think anything to do with food would be a smell that would appeal to Edward as far as Bella goes.

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Hello, my name is Vanilla and I am addicted to this series!

I loved Twilight... unfortunately for me, I finished it late Saturday night and couldn't run out to buy the 2nd one. (Well, maybe fortunately as I might have missed church if I would have had a really good book to read! :-D )

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Guest DolphinGirl

I too loved the TWILIGHT series! I am generally not a fan of vampires and werewolves, but WOW did I get sucked into this story! Stephenie Meyer does a great job of bring each character to life with such unique and individual personalities. Edward is of course perfect (can I keep him?) and I love the way that Jacob is very unapologetically himself. And Bella, well she's just as nutty as the rest of us are. Poor girl. I read the books over the course of a weekend - just couldn't put them down!

You should take the time to visit Stephenie's website at and see who detailed this author really is. She has posted pictures of the actual town of Forks with some tidbits about it, her recommendations for actors who could portray the characters as she visualizes them herself, and even goes so far as to post pictures of their cars! It's pretty cool.

I don't see the harm in selling these books in the Church bookstores alongside the other fiction novels they sell, as they really are pretty tame (in my opinion). I guess if they were to remove other fictions, then yes, remove Twilight as well.

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I too loved the TWILIGHT series! I am generally not a fan of vampires and werewolves, but WOW did I get sucked into this story! Stephenie Meyer does a great job of bring each character to life with such unique and individual personalities. Edward is of course perfect (can I keep him?) and I love the way that Jacob is very unapologetically himself. And Bella, well she's just as nutty as the rest of us are. Poor girl. I read the books over the course of a weekend - just couldn't put them down!

I coulnd't agree with you more! Love the characters, the setting, all of it! I think I'll start reading them again tonight once the house work is done and everyone's settled in.... :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I too loved the TWILIGHT series! I am generally not a fan of vampires and werewolves, but WOW did I get sucked into this story! Stephenie Meyer does a great job of bring each character to life with such unique and individual personalities. Edward is of course perfect (can I keep him?) and I love the way that Jacob is very unapologetically himself. And Bella, well she's just as nutty as the rest of us are. Poor girl. I read the books over the course of a weekend - just couldn't put them down!

You should take the time to visit Stephenie's website at and see who detailed this author really is. She has posted pictures of the actual town of Forks with some tidbits about it, her recommendations for actors who could portray the characters as she visualizes them herself, and even goes so far as to post pictures of their cars! It's pretty cool.

I don't see the harm in selling these books in the Church bookstores alongside the other fiction novels they sell, as they really are pretty tame (in my opinion). I guess if they were to remove other fictions, then yes, remove Twilight as well.

Thanks for the link. :)

I am in the middle of the 2ed book; New Moon. I loved looking at the ideas for actors in the movie, she has good taste. :D

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Well I finished the third book today while watching a snow storm....seems fitting. :)

Soooo anyone want to talk about the series now? :D

If we talk about the details we should start a new thread and say something like BOOK SPOILER in the topic. :P

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