Two questions about conversion

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6 minutes ago, Hemisphere said:

with the entire previous comment before mine

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52 minutes ago, UtahTexan said:

I was very, very Catholic.  I was a Eucharistic Minister, a Lector, and a 4th Degree Knight.

And now, I am LDS.

I sometimes miss the tradition and solemnity of the Catholic Church, but being LDS is the right thing....and it is amazing.

I know what you mean. I miss a bit the solemnity that would evoke awe before the blessings and the veneration. 

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26 minutes ago, UtahTexan said:

Yes....there was something really special about it.

But, I have never felt as close to the family of God as I do as a Latter-Day Saint

I know what you mean. you are not faceless anymore. I really disliked that I could go into a church and attend and nobody would care to get to know you. but then again with every family there is also quarrel if one does not pay mind to it.

But yes, I agree. There is a peace that settles on a sunday when you lay your heart out

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I can offer you some more insight on tithing and only a snippet on conversion.

Tithing: First, remember that tithing is not our welfare program.  That is what fast offering is for.  Tithing is basically like income tax.  Someone has to pay for the buildings we meet in, the utilities that run the building, various insurance and legal costs, and the activities for all of our various church programs, church manuals, the church website, etc.  this is really a lot of money.  The method of payment that the Lord has outlined is tithing.  So, if you are attending a building on a regular basis and using up the utilities and the church manuals and resources from the Church website and so forth, it's only fair that you pay your part as well.

Second, there are various debates on what we tithe on such as before or after taxes or after expenses, what expenses, etc.   But the only thing to keep in mind is that what you pay in tithes is between you and the Lord, with a firm understanding of what tithing really is and the principles behind it.  It may be too easy to say, well, I'm poor so I don't need to pay any tithes.  Not really.  This misses the purpose of tithing.  Part of is is what Anatess said earlier.  But you'd really want to get a firm understanding of what tithing is before making the final decision.

Conversion: I was not Catholic before being Mormon.  In fact, I was so young I don't really recall what I was.  But I do remember thinking that I didn't really belong there.  I don't remember specific teachings, but I remember thinking that this didn't make much sense to me.  Eventually, I began my life as a Mormon (again, as a little child).  It all seemed to fit together so nicely.  I simply found myself nodding my head a lot.  It made sense.  It fit.  It felt like that's where I belonged.

Since I was so young, I didn't form any attachment that you seemed to imply you had with Catholicism.  But I do think it speaks to your statement about your beliefs being more "ideologically in line with" the LDS faith.

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Guest MormonGator
On August 6, 2016 at 10:26 AM, UtahTexan said:

I was very, very Catholic.  I was a Eucharistic Minister, a Lector, and a 4th Degree Knight.

And now, I am LDS.

I sometimes miss the tradition and solemnity of the Catholic Church, but being LDS is the right thing....and it is amazing.

  I grew up orthodox Catholic. Altar boy, everything. Catholic schools too. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/5/2016 at 3:51 PM, MormonGator said:

Speaking as a former Catholic I can tell you, you don't get homesick. For the most part the LDS community is incredibly welcoming and inviting. It's totally unlike what I experienced growing up orthodox catholic.  

I concur wholeheartedly with this last statement(as a former LDS investigator & member-though from a Protestant background). Being a really private person & not a 'sharing of myself' type seemed to pose no hindrance to this.

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On 8/5/2016 at 2:44 PM, Catlick said:

My second question is more emotional in nature. Although at this point I am in opposition to Catholic doctrine, I've only ever been Catholic and I'm afraid I would get "homesick." While I am ideologically in line with LDS beliefs, I worry that once I'm a church member I would miss my parish, the music, my old church community, etc. Have any of you converted and had to deal with the emotional aspect of leaving behind a faith tradition? How did you cope?

Former Catholic here. After 5 years in the Church (I can't believe it's been that long!), I still want to cross myself and I really, really want to kneel down in the Celestial Room in the Temple. And the music still sounds 'Protestant' to me. Sometimes I feel like I'm at a tent-meeting like they show in the movies, the music is so strange.That said, I have come to love some of the hymns.

I grew up in the pre-Vatican II church. Old habits of childhood die hard. You just just learn to deal with it and not cross yourself in Sacrament Meeting. : )

I don't want to get into a deep tithing discussion, and I haven't read all the posts here, but some people tithe on the net, not the gross. That may help. 

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Guest MormonGator
13 hours ago, dahlia said:

Former Catholic here. After 5 years in the Church (I can't believe it's been that long!), I still want to cross myself and I really, really want to kneel down in the Celestial Room in the Temple.

Oh isn't that the truth?! I am a former Catholic as well, and you are 10,000% right! 

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Guest MormonGator
13 hours ago, dahlia said:

Former Catholic here. After 5 years in the Church (I can't believe it's been that long!), I still want to cross myself and I really, really want to kneel down in the Celestial Room in the Temple.

Oh isn't that the truth?! I am a former Catholic as well, and you are 10,000% right! 

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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, dahlia said:

Hey MG, I didn't know you were a Catholic in a past life!  I woulda thought you were one of them born Mormons from Utah. 

Nope, only been in the church for a few years. Raised orthodox Catholic, went to Catholic schools, everything 

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Guest MormonGator
5 minutes ago, dahlia said:

Hey MG, I didn't know you were a Catholic in a past life!  I woulda thought you were one of them born Mormons from Utah. 

Nope, only been in the church for a few years. Raised orthodox Catholic, went to Catholic schools, everything.

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6 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Nope, only been in the church for a few years. Raised orthodox Catholic, went to Catholic schools, everything 

Me too, practically 12 yrs in Catholic school, including a prep school in DC that was right out of 'The Trouble with Angels,' down to the scary Mother Superior. We had to kneel down and make sure our skirts touched the floor, or sister whacked us with a yard stick. Good times. :lol:

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Guest MormonGator
5 minutes ago, dahlia said:

Me too, practically 12 yrs in Catholic school, including a prep school in DC that was right out of 'The Trouble with Angels,' down to the scary Mother Superior. We had to kneel down and make sure our skirts touched the floor, or sister whacked us with a yard stick. Good times. :lol:

Oh @dahlia, we could talk for hours I bet.

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Guest MormonGator
5 minutes ago, zil said:

Like about the time your skirt was both a skirt and too short? :crackup:

It brought out my eyes! Sometimes I just need to feel pretty, too! 

I mean. comment. 



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