Needed Thoughts And Opinions


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I am an LDS woman with a passion for reading LDS fiction books. I am looking for thoughts and opinions on an idea I had many years ago that I can't get out of my mind. My idea came because I love to read LDS fiction, but I do not have the money to buy all the books I want to read. Do any of you have that problem? Anyway, my idea was to open a library full of LDS fiction and people would pay a small monthly membership fee to come and check out these books. It runs along the same lines as Netflix. Depending on the kind of membership fee that they pay, they would be able to check out 2-6 books every month. They bring one back, they choose another. I hope this is making sense. I would like anyone's thoughts or opinions on this. Do you believe this is a business that an LDS community would be interested and excited about? Thanks for your time.


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Netflix mails them to you would you do the same thing?

I am not much a a reader these days but when I go to read something I usually buy it. Would you do this in a building or out of your home. It is in an LDS community?

My goal is to run this out of my home at first, move to a building if the business grows, and then eventually I'd like to take it onliine where I would be mailing out all the books. I live in a community that has 1 stake, and 7 wards. I think it would be a very small business at first, but hopefully the idea would catch on. Thanks for your opinion.

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Netflix mails them to you would you do the same thing?

I am not much a a reader these days but when I go to read something I usually buy it. Would you do this in a building or out of your home. It is in an LDS community?

Same with me. I wouldn't use something like this for books.

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My version of this was to buy and sell on (or Religious fiction could often be had for $4-7, delivered. When I was done, I could sell it, usually reaping $3-5. Although, I got lazy and ended up donating my books, and just claiming the value on my taxes. Still, this way there's no time restraints, and no need to hassle with packing and mailing.

Also, even at media rate, trafficking books is more expensive than DVDs.

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I am an LDS woman with a passion for reading LDS fiction books. I am looking for thoughts and opinions on an idea I had many years ago that I can't get out of my mind. My idea came because I love to read LDS fiction, but I do not have the money to buy all the books I want to read. Do any of you have that problem? Anyway, my idea was to open a library full of LDS fiction and people would pay a small monthly membership fee to come and check out these books. It runs along the same lines as Netflix. Depending on the kind of membership fee that they pay, they would be able to check out 2-6 books every month. They bring one back, they choose another. I hope this is making sense. I would like anyone's thoughts or opinions on this. Do you believe this is a business that an LDS community would be interested and excited about? Thanks for your time.


If you specialize only in LDS Fiction you will not make enough money to make it worthwhile...Two reasons: 1. There is not enough LDS Fiction out there to "fill" a library. 2. Not enough customers for such a specialized business...I would not base a business idea on your own interest or need, unless you personally know a ton of people(and I mean a lot) who have this need. Would be kind of like you living on the beach in California where you develop a love for beach cafes...You move to rural Montana and decide you miss the beach cafe and decide to open one yourself in town thinking that since you love it, so will everyone else...It is not likely that you will have enough interest in your new hip beach cafe in hickville...

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I feel your pain Biz. I would love to get an LDS fiction group together to switch books with. I used to read three or four lds fiction books a month, but have gotten out of the habit as there are so many other things pulling me away from "breezy" reading. :-(

Where are you from? Would starting a "mini-enrichment" book club help you find others to switch books with?

PrisonChaplain had a great idea as well and you can always find books on ebay!

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