Glamorous Politician Wants Law To Allow 7-year Itch


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Goes with the whole 'starter marriage' philosophy I heard about on the radio a couple of weeks ago. There are actually now people that, when they say 'til death do you part' don't even mean that. They mean 'til I find someone that strikes my fancy more'.

We had a talk radio host up here (and this is related to this thread, so pls bear with me) that stated that people SHOULD live together first because if you don't have sex until you are married then you won't know if that person is the one to rock your world every night. My wife told me this. I told her that if marriage were only about having as many "big o's" as possible every night of the week, then he has a point, but sex is only part of it, as you all know.

It is sad how the world gets more and more screwed up, and although this clown won't go far, give him time. 10 years from now he won't seem so weird...

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:hmmm: Hmm. 7 years. Sure sounds like a good idea to me. <Yawn> I get SO bored with the same guy in the house day after day after day, living up to his vows year after year, ad infinitum into the eternities . . .

:idea: But I will only be in favor of this if it includes a 7 year license for parenthood. Upon the birth of a child, said child will have to behave in such a way that his family membership can be renewed every 7 years. The first one is a piece of cake, but will it do something to keep those sassy-mouthed 14 year olds in line? :wow:

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I actually think it might just be a good idea.

It seems like more of an expansion of prenuptial agreements. If after seven years you both don't feel that the marriage is working, you end the marriage according to the contract, divy up your belongings, and move on. If you like how things are going, you extend for another seven years, or whatever.

Might actually be a good idea so that couples are likewise forced to stay in a marriage, and learn how to live with someone.

I dunno. I think it's worth discussing more than the casual blow off's it's received thus far.

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:hmmm: Hmm. 7 years. Sure sounds like a good idea to me. <Yawn> I get SO bored with the same guy in the house day after day after day, living up to his vows year after year, ad infinitum into the eternities . . .

:idea: But I will only be in favor of this if it includes a 7 year license for parenthood. Upon the birth of a child, said child will have to behave in such a way that his family membership can be renewed every 7 years. The first one is a piece of cake, but will it do something to keep those sassy-mouthed 14 year olds in line? :wow:

I like your thinking Alaskagain! Both in regards to the spouse and the kids!

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I actually think it might just be a good idea.

It seems like more of an expansion of prenuptial agreements. If after seven years you both don't feel that the marriage is working, you end the marriage according to the contract, divy up your belongings, and move on. If you like how things are going, you extend for another seven years, or whatever.

Might actually be a good idea so that couples are likewise forced to stay in a marriage, and learn how to live with someone.

I dunno. I think it's worth discussing more than the casual blow off's it's received thus far.

But Jason,

Don't you think that it cheapens the marriage vows? I know, no more so than the rapant divorce that occurs now, but then you would have the state sanctioning that attitude...

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