Will we be able to work after death but before resurrection?


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Dear Bros & Sis's,

Am I right in believing that there is a gap in time between death and the resurrection? I believe that this gap exists due to references to the first resurrection. Right?

So in this gap of time, can we work? Do some genealogy maybe? I am not great at just hanging around and always try to do something useful. Many thanks for considering this question!

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3 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

Dear Bros & Sis's,

Am I right in believing that there is a gap in time between death and the resurrection? I believe that this gap exists due to references to the first resurrection. Right?

So in this gap of time, can we work? Do some genealogy maybe? I am not great at just hanging around and always try to do something useful. Many thanks for considering this question!

Don't worry, Sunday.  In the next life, I plan to hire you to do my visiting teaching.

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@Sunday21 I feel like you asked the exact same questions Corianton asked his Father Alma right before he wrote Alma 40:6-7 x)

https://www.lds.org/manual/teachings-brigham-young/chapter-38?lang=eng A VERY profound chapter in the teachings of the presidents: Brigham Young. Explains your last questions :)


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12 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

Dear Bros & Sis's,

Am I right in believing that there is a gap in time between death and the resurrection? I believe that this gap exists due to references to the first resurrection. Right?

So in this gap of time, can we work? Do some genealogy maybe? I am not great at just hanging around and always try to do something useful. Many thanks for considering this question!

yes there will be work to do in the spirit world.

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On 4/29/2017 at 8:15 AM, Sunday21 said:

Dear Bros & Sis's,

Am I right in believing that there is a gap in time between death and the resurrection? I believe that this gap exists due to references to the first resurrection. Right?

So in this gap of time, can we work? Do some genealogy maybe? I am not great at just hanging around and always try to do something useful. Many thanks for considering this question!

I have to admit, when I learned about this in Sunday School as an investigator, I wasn't happy. I don't really want a job in the afterlife.

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37 minutes ago, dahlia said:

I have to admit, when I learned about this in Sunday School as an investigator, I wasn't happy. I don't really want a job in the afterlife.

Dear Dahlia,

What would you like to do in the afterlife? Hammock? Just teasing!

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21 hours ago, dahlia said:

I have to admit, when I learned about this in Sunday School as an investigator, I wasn't happy. I don't really want a job in the afterlife.

To be honest we dont have any good insight at how the work will be like... Other than maybe the teach/preach aspect.

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On 5/6/2017 at 4:36 PM, Blackmarch said:

To be honest we dont have any good insight at how the work will be like... Other than maybe the teach/preach aspect.

Well, I have had dreams about it and we will be working on myriads of things, just like we do here, even using our hands and talents to build things and perform tasks.

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On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 7:03 PM, dahlia said:

I have to admit, when I learned about this in Sunday School as an investigator, I wasn't happy. I don't really want a job in the afterlife.

LOL.  I think there may be quite a few that have that idea.  I think that in the next life, just like in this one, we will all have choices which we will be allowed to make.  It is possible that you will get to choose what you wish to do, and if you work, what type of work you will do.

Of course, considering how few Mormons there are, and how many Non-Mormons there are, if we are so lucky as to attain Spirit Paradise, I imagine that those who choose to work will be EXTREMELY BUSY in the next life.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, dahlia said:

If I'm a spirit, I'd just like to roam around and see things. Hang out with people without them knowing. I guess I'm a bad person; I don't want to preach the gospel for eternity. ^_^

Heh when i die i want some time to explore the world....

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4 hours ago, dahlia said:

If I'm a spirit, I'd just like to roam around and see things. Hang out with people without them knowing. I guess I'm a bad person; I don't want to preach the gospel for eternity. ^_^

Maybe you'll be someone's guardian angel.  Maybe that someone will be a world travelling adventurer that constantly is in need of help to not die (maybe they climb mountains and you'll need to make sure they don't fall from great heights or something stops them from falling, or sailing across great oceans and some angel needs to keep them from dying in the storms as they cross, and then someone to stop the wild beasts or other dangers of the great wilderness from killing this wondrous adventurer, and then you'll need to stop them from getting mugged or lost, or any number of other things in the many vast cities across the globe).  Who knows.  Maybe you're job may be to roam around and see things and help people that you see in need as circumstances dictate...but without letting them see you or know directly that you were there or helped them (though if they have the spirit they may realize something helped them).


Who knows.  What some call work, others call play or hobbies, and vice versa.

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I am aware of two activities:

1. Missionary work to prepare spirits for the temple ordinances.

2. While the temple work is primarily done on earth, there certain tasks in the spirit word as well, such as making a record of the ordinances.  A sealer told us that, while he was performing sealings,  he viewed a recorder on the other side --the recorder whispered to the sealer, "Please slow down,"

There are also accounts of participants on the other side observing their ordinances being performed.



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I had a dream that I was in Paradise.  We had to perform tasks to help us develop our character and I had been assigned class in humility. (true story)

"You have twenty tasks to complete in our very basic class in humility."

He then took me to a world that was still in the fifth day of creation, and pointed out a large area near the seacoast.

"You will observe everything that goes on in this area (several hundred square miles) and every day (thousand years) you will give a complete report on your area. This is your stewardship until you are ready for the next assignment."  I had the feeling that, in my case, this may take one hundred thousand years or so to complete. and this was only the first of twenty.  

I thought how I should have learned this while I was still in mortality.  And what else was I going to have to lean.

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I may be crazy but...Have you ever been in a group of people and felt really outclassed? I take stats courses every summer. Always in the class, there are some programmers with a great deal of experience and the rest of us feel small. I took a basic class in economics in which many in the class had undergrad degrees in economics and one guy had a masters. I felt small.  I wonder if in the next life, I will feel small next to those who have really suffered in this life.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I think everything in the gospel is patterned after how things are on the other side of the veil.  So I think after we die/before we are resurrected, we will be busy helping others (likely family members) as guardian angels and a Cdowis said missionary work.  Maybe helping spirits preparing to come to earth.  Of course we don't know for sure, but that is my best guess. 

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40 minutes ago, LiterateParakeet said:

  Maybe helping spirits preparing to come to earth.  Of course we don't know for sure, but that is my best guess. 

I missed that one, you are correct based on good evidence.  For example,

DC 138 56 Even before they were born, they, with many others, received their first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time of the Lord to labor in his vineyard for the salvation of the souls of men.

57 I beheld that the faithful elders of this dispensation, when they depart from mortal life, continue their labors in the preaching of the gospel of repentance and redemption, through the sacrifice of the Only Begotten Son of God, among those who are in darkness and under the bondage of sin in the great world of the spirits of the dead.

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