Temple Question About Garments.


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I cant force myself to like or have any desire to want to wear the garments. Thats just the way it is. *sigh*

Aph xx

We have much more choice in the temple garment than we had when my wife and I received our endowments forty five years ago. The two piece garment was the best move as far as I'm concerned.

I too find the nylon material slick and hot, so I went to all cotton in the lighter weight. It's so light weight that it almost more of a "mesh" than a "cloth". I don't see why they wouldn't have that material available for women too. Is there a clothing store in the Temple nearest to you? If so, ask about them the next time you go. I'm very comfortable in them.

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Thanks for all your help guys. I appreciate you helping me out. The nearest shop is a 2 and a half hour drive. I know I'll never be happy with garments. It helps to vent it out sometimes as my hubby gets upset if i bang on about it. He says Im not humble too. He jokes my heart is black. Humility gets u nowhere. I was a molly in YWs believe it or not. I did everything right. I had no friends and all the other YW made fun of me. I cringe now to think how self righteous I was. Then I felt pathetic and alone. Im more confident now Ive got my own mind not just doing what everyone else told me to do which with hindsight i realise nmade me feel crap. Anyway, thanks again xx

By the way six, they are uncomfortable. ur not a woman so u cant possibly understand how it is for women, our body shape is so different, more curves and bumps to accomodate unlike men. Just ask Canucks wife!!! ;)

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By the way six, they are uncomfortable. ur not a woman so u cant possibly understand how it is for women, our body shape is so different, more curves and bumps to accomodate unlike men. Just ask Canucks wife!!! ;)

hey, I got a few 'curves and bumps' of my own, thank you very much! :P

And you're right, I don't know how it is for women. My wife doesn't seem to have a problem, but then again, maybe she just never said anything to me...

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I am honored that I have been given by covenant the holy garments of the priesthood. I am sad that so many are more concerned with comfort. I cannot express my thanks for having the garment of the priestood at a time in my life when I served in the military and was faced with the prospect of combat.

Such things are spiritual and are a physical manifestation of our spiritual commitments. Sorry that so many dishonor that which is spiritual - not knowing what you do.

The Traveler

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You know, I have no idea what the problem is here. I know I don't like the elastic around my thighs and if I wore tight pants, yes, the legs would ride up but I don't. Yes, there are times when I have to pull the legs down but as for there being anything else wrong with them, I'm a BBW and the only trouble I have is keeping my supply stocked since I'm about 600 miles from the nearest store and since the ebay fiasco it's harder to order them by phone...I have to remember my baptism date from 42 years ago????? I swear I was just a little kid at the time. A lot of your arguments, though, Aphrodite, are downright unrighteous. You sound a lot like the woman who wrote "Secret Ceremonies". Be careful, my dear, very careful. The point of the garment is not comfort or fashion and frankly, I think they are very well made. Mine last a good long time before I have to replace them. The whole point of wearing them is not to protect us from fires or chainsaws, either. They protect us from spiritual dangers by reminding us of our temple covenants. If we chafe at the garment, how far are we from chafing at those covenants?

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You know, I have no idea what the problem is here. I know I don't like the elastic around my thighs and if I wore tight pants, yes, the legs would ride up but I don't. Yes, there are times when I have to pull the legs down but as for there being anything else wrong with them, I'm a BBW and the only trouble I have is keeping my supply stocked since I'm about 600 miles from the nearest store and since the ebay fiasco it's harder to order them by phone...I have to remember my baptism date from 42 years ago????? I swear I was just a little kid at the time. A lot of your arguments, though, Aphrodite, are downright unrighteous. You sound a lot like the woman who wrote "Secret Ceremonies". Be careful, my dear, very careful. The point of the garment is not comfort or fashion and frankly, I think they are very well made. Mine last a good long time before I have to replace them. The whole point of wearing them is not to protect us from fires or chainsaws, either. They protect us from spiritual dangers by reminding us of our temple covenants. If we chafe at the garment, how far are we from chafing at those covenants?

What is secret ceremonies and whats BBW? So Im 'unrighteous' or 'unworthy' just because I actually want to feel comfortable? What a SIN!!! I'm bound to hell for daring to request comfort for the 50 odd years i have left to live on this earth, supposedly wearing garments. Someone said if you aren't 'worthy' whatever that actually means, you shouldnt wear them anyway. In my opinion I'm a worthy person in many aspects, but according to the church maybe Im not. What a great church we have telling people how 'unworthy' they are all the time making people feel like failures. So would that mean if I was 'unworthy' there would be no point in wearing them?

As far as spiritual dangers goes, what do you mean? The most dangerous thing to my spirituality was the temple itself. I had no problems until I went there. I havent been back since and now my recommend has expired and I dont plan on getting another one. So, really, is there a point wearing garments atall? The only reason I wear them atall (when I do) is because my husband believes in them. Or at least, he's been scared into thinking he'll be punished or something bad will happen to him if he doesnt. So theres really no point atall. xxxxx

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You know, I have no idea what the problem is here. I know I don't like the elastic around my thighs and if I wore tight pants, yes, the legs would ride up but I don't. Yes, there are times when I have to pull the legs down but as for there being anything else wrong with them, I'm a BBW and the only trouble I have is keeping my supply stocked since I'm about 600 miles from the nearest store and since the ebay fiasco it's harder to order them by phone...I have to remember my baptism date from 42 years ago????? I swear I was just a little kid at the time. A lot of your arguments, though, Aphrodite, are downright unrighteous. You sound a lot like the woman who wrote "Secret Ceremonies". Be careful, my dear, very careful. The point of the garment is not comfort or fashion and frankly, I think they are very well made. Mine last a good long time before I have to replace them. The whole point of wearing them is not to protect us from fires or chainsaws, either. They protect us from spiritual dangers by reminding us of our temple covenants. If we chafe at the garment, how far are we from chafing at those covenants?

What is secret ceremonies and whats BBW? So Im 'unrighteous' or 'unworthy' just because I actually want to feel comfortable? What a SIN!!! I'm bound to hell for daring to request comfort for the 50 odd years i have left to live on this earth, supposedly wearing garments. Someone said if you aren't 'worthy' whatever that actually means, you shouldnt wear them anyway. In my opinion I'm a worthy person in many aspects, but according to the church maybe Im not. What a great church we have telling people how 'unworthy' they are all the time making people feel like failures. So would that mean if I was 'unworthy' there would be no point in wearing them?

As far as spiritual dangers goes, what do you mean? The most dangerous thing to my spirituality was the temple itself. I had no problems until I went there. I havent been back since and now my recommend has expired and I dont plan on getting another one. So, really, is there a point wearing garments atall? The only reason I wear them atall (when I do) is because my husband believes in them. Or at least, he's been scared into thinking he'll be punished or something bad will happen to him if he doesnt. So theres really no point atall. xxxxx

I knew you would misunderstand my point when I made it so I'm not surprised at all by the backlash. I never said YOU were unrighteous, what I said were your statements were. There is a difference. Your further comments about having let your temple recommend lapse and never wanting to return to the temple proves my point even further.

A BBW is a BIG BEAUTIFUL WOMAN (in other words, I'm fat and have a hard time finding comfortable clothes which means garments should be more difficult thing for me than those skinny minis out there with the ultimate bods).

Secret Ceremonies is a book written by a woman who eventually left the church because she hated living the laws as given in the temple. One of her chief concerns was the temple garments.

Now, if "Preach nothing but repentance" is condemning to "Hell", then I guess I am guilty of passing judgment and therefore should also be condemned. All I meant to do was caution you and suggest you might want to examine your attitude a little more closely rather than sowing the seeds of apostasy online. My clumsy attempt at conveying this was obviously far too clumsy and I apologize.

It sounds to me like you don't have a testimony of the gospel and don't appreciate your temple covenants, anyway, and are simply going through the motions to please your husband, in which case you really do need to do some serious soul searching and figure out what exactly you do believe in and find your own path to follow.

The scriptures are repleat with warnings that if you can't embrace the gospel with all your heart, it's better for you not to embrace it at all. The Savior Himself said, "I would that you were either hot or cold but because you are lukewarm, I will spue you out of my mouth." (Rev 3:15-16)

The gospel is an all-or-nothing proposition. We either give our heart and soul to the Lord and our covenants or we should never commit to them. Lip service does us more harm than open rejection in the first place.

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Ask your ward clerk for a copy of your member record, it has your baptsim/conf. date, as well as your member #, and with that you can log into the church site and get the membership directory online too, as well as ward calander and such

Yeah, I solved that problem, thanks. Before I received my temple covenants, I asked a friend if the garments didn't make it harder to keep cool in the summer. He said that the covenants supercede all that and that he didn't even notice. I have found, for myself, that he was right. If I could, I'd never leave the temple, that's how much I love the Lord and the temple is closer to the the Celetial Kingdom than we can get anywhere else on Earth. To me, it's like coming home for the first time in my life.

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Just thought I would add my story. My ex decided at one point that wearing garments was also too restrictive. So she bought herself some regular underwear and since that time has had an affair, stopped going to church and filed for divorce. I am NOT saying that that will happen to everyone that decides to forego wearing their garments but they are a reminder of the covenants that we made. As a side note I was very uncomfortable with the bottoms that I had been getting for a long time cause I am shorter in the waist area. Then I found that they have a short size which is great. So I experimented a little until I found the perfect combination.

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It's a shame that you feel that way Aphrodite, I cannot wait to make my temple covenants. I donlt know why it seems so hard for people to live the laws of the temple, I can't wait to go and then return to the temple just to be in the temple and relax and talk with my ehavenly father for guidance in my life. I honestly can't wait.

It is sad to see someone struggling as you are, I was inactuive for 7 years before i came back, I was in all kinds of lacivious behavior, and i ruined people's lives by being selfish. That is what happens when you don't like the commandments and keep yourself as close to the spirit as possible.

It is hard, it takes sacrifice, it takes being humble and appreciateing what you will have later on in the eternities. you don't realize that by going to the temple and taking those covenants with the lord, you are then required to follow the commandments or be lost forever, there is no "liberal mormon" it's all or nothing, IF you take on those covenants in the temple and then you turn away from them and choose to disrespect them and disobey them, I hope you find your way back, i hope you don't loose sight of the Iron rod instead of being those who desire to dress in fancy clothings and partake of all the vanities of the world. you can't take those with you. the only thing you can take with you into the next world is your family and your knowledge, but that is only if you abide by the covenants you took in the temple. that is the only way.

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So Im 'unrighteous' or 'unworthy' just because I actually want to feel comfortable? What a SIN!!! I'm bound to hell for daring to request comfort for the 50 odd years i have left to live on this earth, supposedly wearing garments. Someone said if you aren't 'worthy' whatever that actually means, you shouldnt wear them anyway. In my opinion I'm a worthy person in many aspects, but according to the church maybe Im not. What a great church we have telling people how 'unworthy' they are all the time making people feel like failures. So would that mean if I was 'unworthy' there would be no point in wearing them?

I think the concern here expressed is that if you don't like the garments, you also don't like the covenants you made in the Temple.

What most probably don't really grasp is that the garments are a symbol of holiness, not holy in and of themselves. They represent something, but most treat them as the thing they represent. (That is of course my view and not the "official" view.)

I consider the garment to be not unlike the robes of a Catholic Priest. The clerical robes have different meanings to different people. For some, they are just something pleasant to look at. For others, they enhance the Sacrament service. For still others, they are a source of power in and of themselves.

Ultimately, the Priest is still a Priest, with or without the robes, and can perform the sacrament with or without them.

That's how I would look at the LDS temple garment. It's probably not going to be a "popular" view here, but perhaps it might help you as you struggle with your decision to wear or not wear them.

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I think the concern here expressed is that if you don't like the garments, you also don't like the covenants you made in the Temple.

What most probably don't really grasp is that the garments are a symbol of holiness, not holy in and of themselves. They represent something, but most treat them as the thing they represent. (That is of course my view and not the "official" view.)

Beautifully put Jason :)
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