Dear Senator McCain


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McCain:  "President Duterte is a dictator."

McCain, you have become nothing more than an old guy who has cashed in your POW chip decades beyond its value.  Do the world a favor.  Retire and go home.  You don't even know what dictator means anymore.

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48 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

Now, now.  Dear old Rodrigo never killed anyone who didn't need killing.

Are you saying that the Duterte Administration is committing human rights violations and that Pres. Duterte is a dictator?  Prove it.

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58 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:
ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
  1. 1
    (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.

What argument am I making?  I wrote an open letter to McCain not arguing with him.  It's pointless arguing with a Senator who is ignorant of the Philippine landscape, especially a corrupt Senator who is supposed to be this "expert" on foreign affairs. 

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1 minute ago, anatess2 said:

What argument am I making?  I'm writing an open letter to McCain not arguing with him.  It's pointless arguing with a Senator who is ignorant of the Philippine landscape, especially a Senator who is supposed to be this "expert" on foreign affairs.

  2. 2.
    a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.
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1 minute ago, Blueskye2 said:
  2. 2.
    a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.

And?  English may only be my 3rd language but I am pretty good at looking up words in a dictionary.  So, if you have a point... it's better to just say it.

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1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

Are you saying that the Duterte Administration is committing human rights violations and that Pres. Duterte is a dictator?  Prove it.

Defining "human rights violations" is above my pay grade at present.

All I'm saying is that if you have family members who are currently on Duterte's payroll, and at some point those family members decide they don't want to be on his payroll anymore and they start criticizing the guy openly . . .

. . . Then they may want to watch their backs.

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3 hours ago, anatess2 said:

And?  English may only be my 3rd language but I am pretty good at looking up words in a dictionary.  So, if you have a point... it's better to just say it.

Point= you are making an argument.  My bad for thinking you meant to make a reasoned argument. 

But yeah, imprisoning political adversaries is a classic dictator move. If the shoe fits, wear  it proudly. 

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3 hours ago, anatess2 said:

What argument am I making?  I wrote an open letter to McCain not arguing with him.  

Cruelty for cruelty's own sake, of course, is always superior to mere cruelty in furtherance of a greater philosophical argument . . .


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18 hours ago, zil said:

Hmm.  I see a new market - the mirror-selfie-stick:


You're making this too complicated.  You just have to have a camera with an extended connector to your cell phone.  Face the camera toward your back.  Turn on cell phone and voila!

You get rid of the pole mounted mirrors and a very heavy mechanism to do so.  This would be in favor of a shoulder mounted back camera with a lightweight wire to your cell phone.:D

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On 5/9/2017 at 8:01 AM, Carborendum said:

You're making this too complicated.  You just have to have a camera with an extended connector to your cell phone.  Face the camera toward your back.  Turn on cell phone and voila!

You get rid of the pole mounted mirrors and a very heavy mechanism to do so.  This would be in favor of a shoulder mounted back camera with a lightweight wire to your cell phone.:D

What are you, a freaking engineer!?  We do it your way, and we lose the whole "selfie stick" marketing angle!  In addition to marketing a newer, better selfie stick, we can always sell an "add-on" to your existing selfie stick  - everybody likes add-ons.  Who wants a "shoulder-mounted back camera"? :rolleyes:

Two videos for you (ETA: New video link, old one died):

....and, just cuz you're clearly an expert....


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3 minutes ago, zil said:

What are you, a freaking engineer!?  We do it your way, and we lose the whole "selfie stick" marketing angle!  In addition to marketing a newer, better selfie stick, we can always sell an "add-on" to your existing selfie stick  - everybody likes add-ons.  Who wants a "shoulder-mounted back camera"? :rolleyes:

Two videos for you:

....and, just cuz you're clearly an expert....

to the "selfie-stick" PSA I have only four things to say:


I've seen "The Expert" before.  Let me tell you that is absolutely true.  I thought, "Finally!  Someone was able to communicate our woes to the non-engineering world!"

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19 hours ago, Blueskye2 said:

Point= you are making an argument.  My bad for thinking you meant to make a reasoned argument. 

But yeah, imprisoning political adversaries is a classic dictator move. If the shoe fits, wear  it proudly. 

I'd love to make a reasoned argument if you're so inclined.  But your last sentence right there... just displays the ignorance of everyday Americans in world affairs.  This same ignorance is displayed by the American Congress as well.  It's been going on for centuries and nobody seems to want to do something about it.  Rather, they just impose their American worldview upon everybody without understanding a thing!  And you wonder why anti-American sentiment is rich around the planet.

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29 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

I'd love to make a reasoned argument if you're so inclined.  But your last sentence right there... just displays the ignorance of everyday Americans in world affairs.  This same ignorance is displayed by the American Congress as well.  It's been going on for centuries and nobody seems to want to do something about it.  Rather, they just impose their American worldview upon everybody without understanding a thing!  And you wonder why anti-American sentiment is rich around the planet.

Yes, that poor deprived ignorant worldview, that due process is actually a key ingredient of justice.

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19 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

Cruelty for cruelty's own sake, of course, is always superior to mere cruelty in furtherance of a greater philosophical argument . . .


See here?

Another example.  And from a well-respected, well-educated, pretty smart American guy.

We just quit talking to Americans about it because they have never shown any indication that they want to understand the world outside of America.  It used to be we say, the world outside of the West.  But it has been apparent that Americans can't even be bothered to understand the West outside of America.  I mean, even for something as simple as soccer!

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9 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:

Yes, that poor deprived ignorant worldview, that do process is actually a key ingredient of justice.

Yeah, something AMERICANS have the privilege to exercise without having violent reprisals.  I mean... you are the First World epitome of Justice and yet you have Black Lives Matter and Antifa and a Drug War.  You.  America.  And you think you can make judgments on how justice can be served in a country without those same privileges without understanding what life is outside of America?

Sometimes I can do nothing else but shake my head at American arrogance.  It's unfortunate, but hey, I love America even with all its warts.

By the way, this is not just in politics.  This is Church life too.

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6 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Yeah, something AMERICANS have the privilege to exercise without having violent reprisals.  I mean... you are the First World epitome of Justice and yet you have Black Lives Matter and Antifa and a Drug War.  You.  America.  And you think you can make judgments on how justice can be served in a country without those same privileges without understanding what life is outside of America?

Sometimes I can do nothing else but shake my head at American arrogance.  It's unfortunate, but hey, I love America even with all its warts.

By the way, this is not just in politics.  This is Church life too.

Hey, the great experiment of the Republic is not perfect. That does not mean we should not TRY.

Regardless, the fact remains a dictator is a dictator when acting like a dictator.  I'd rather be an arrogant apologist for imperfect justice than apologizing for dictators and dictatorships.

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14 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:

Hey, the great experiment of the Republic is not perfect. That does not mean we should not TRY.

Regardless, the fact remains a dictator is a dictator when acting like a dictator.  I'd rather be an arrogant apologist for imperfect justice than apologizing for dictators and dictatorships.

A dictator DICTATES.  A President elected by A WIDE MAJORITY of its own citizens (including me) to give him a mandate for his platform,  who has an 80%+ approval rating of his performance so far IS NOT a dictator.  Now, an American who is really interested in the plight of Filipinos would want to know why that is... but so far, only Trump and Tillerson shows any interest in figuring out why that is.  You would think they'd have the support of the Republican Majority... but no... instead you get the same ignorant drivel from McCain and Rubio echoed 1000 times by CNN and Fox News - and that includes the wonderful but clueless-on-Filipino-affairs Harris Faulkner.

Go on and continue to be an arrogant apologist...  it's not like Filipinos expect any different from you guys.

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7 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

A dictator DICTATES.  A President elected by A WIDE MAJORITY of its own citizens - including me - who has an 80%+ approval rating of his performance so far IS NOT a dictator.

Go on and continue to be an arrogant apologist...  it's not like Filipinos expect any different from you guys.

Ruling by fiat rather than rule of law, regardless of how many people LOVE being dictated to, is still a dictatorship. History has many examples of dictators who were loved by some, or most, of its citizens. 

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9 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:

Ruling by fiat rather than rule of law, regardless of how many people LOVE being dictated to, is still a dictatorship. History has many examples of dictators who were loved by some, or most, of its citizens. 

Ruling by fiat?  Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

I just love how an American is telling a Filipino she LOVES being dictated to.  By the way, the Roman Catholic Church is fighting that drug war with the President.  The President is working on eliminating the drug supply, the Church is working on eliminating the drug demand - this to apply the lessons learned from Colombia.

We don't need America's help.  All we need is for America and the UN to LEAVE US ALONE.  Go fight North Korea without us if you like.  Because it is such a tragedy to have the Philippine President set his foot on Washington DC.  <gag>.

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5 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Ruling by fiat?  Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

I just love how an American is telling a Filipino she LOVES being dictated to.  By the way, the Roman Catholic Church is fighting that drug war with the President.  The President is working on eliminating the drug supply, the Church is working on eliminating the drug demand - this to apply the lessons learned from Colombia.

By your posts, and not just about Duterte, you make it obvious that you like strongman type leaders, who rule by impulse and fiat. 

Let's see, Duterte's orders has resulted in the execution of 6000+ people, without due process of law. And the RCC is not out in the street executing addicts. 

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52 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

See here?

Another example.  And from a well-respected, well-educated, pretty smart American guy.

We just quit talking to Americans about it because they have never shown any indication that they want to understand the world outside of America.  It used to be we say, the world outside of the West.  But it has been apparent that Americans can't even be bothered to understand the West outside of America.  I mean, even for something as simple as soccer!

We may not have walked in your shoes, but the pattern is familiar enough.  Group A lives in terror of Group B, and therefore gives power to Strongman C who promises to do terrible things to Group B and winds up co-opting the liberties of pretty much everyone until the entire region comes sniveling to Uncle Sam, dumps the whole hot mess in our laps, and begs that we spend American blood and treasure setting things to rights.

You, on the other hand, are quite well-versed in American political theory.  You've lived among Americans for--what--over ten years now?  And for the life of you, you can't understand why we would be uncomfortable with a president who incites lethal mobs against his political enemies and breathes out threats against journalists who fail to toe the line.

But, go ahead and get your yuks in about American imperialism now.  America probably will indeed retrench, and Duterte will have a free hand for a while--until the communist Chinese get their maws on your country.  And I doubt your new overlords will be willing to put up with Filipino sophistication and wit the way we dumb Yanks have.

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