Finding LDS self employed people


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28 minutes ago, richard7900 said:

Hi. I'd like to hook up with a software engineer (Android apps) who is LDS. Okay, this does not guarantee that the person is honest and true. But, anyway, how, in this internet age, do we find self employed LDS people, who have skills we need for our product or business development? Thanks.

Same as any other way.  Post a want ad.  You can't discriminate by religion.  But, you can put in your want ad the qualities you are looking for which is why you were hoping you'd get an LDS person.  For example - does not drink alcohol, does not drink coffee, does not smoke, certified for temple rites.  If that's the reason why you want to hire LDS.  Which brings me to the question... Why does he have to be LDS?  I work in the industry and there are tons of non-LDS software engineers that are top notch quality.

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23 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Same as any other way.  Post a want ad.  You can't discriminate by religion.  But, you can put in your want ad the qualities you are looking for which is why you were hoping you'd get an LDS person.  For example - does not drink alcohol, does not drink coffee, does not smoke, certified for temple rites.  If that's the reason why you want to hire LDS.  Which brings me to the question... Why does he have to be LDS?  I work in the industry and there are tons of non-LDS software engineers that are top notch quality.

Fistly, many times non LDS persons puts  LDS persons to shame.  And I'm speaking as a LDS person, myself. Secondly, I'm not offering a  job as employment. I'm seeking a service, the person already has a job - his (or her) business.

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Not infrequenly what you want is a person or company that you can trust with yout idea, i.e. confidentiallity.  That can be an overarching concern. But,as I say, honestly is not the exclusive preserve of LDS.  It would be nice if I could go to a website to see  who is recommended. I'm in UK. I wonder if TrustPilot is good for software services. I must look.

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4 minutes ago, richard7900 said:

Fistly, many times non LDS persons puts  LDS persons to shame.  And I'm speaking as a LDS person, myself. Secondly, I'm not offering a  job as employment. I'm seeking a service, the person already has a job - his (or her) business.

Ok, I think I may have mis-used the words Want Ads.  Want ads, in my understanding, is not just for hiring an employee.  Want ads, in my understanding, is putting up an ad for a service needed, either long-term, short-term, contract, or one-time.

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2 minutes ago, richard7900 said:

How can you use Freelancer or Upwork, without disclosing your idea, in cases where your idea could be patentable?

You don't need to disclose ideas.  You only need to list qualifications.  If you don't know what kind of qualifications you need to look for to meet your needs, you can hire a professional recruiter.


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If I connect with  a firm, say through their email, it's not going to amount to a possible global disclosure. So, you have the recipient to sign NDA.   With  Freelancer and Upwork, it's model of business is based on global exposure of what work you want doing. So, as understand it, the way forward is to pay for a professional recruiter. Assuming whoever is dealing with things at Freelancer or Upwork is legally bound to keep confidentiality.

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7 minutes ago, richard7900 said:

I might as well ask: Is there anyone here based in the UK, who developes apps for Android?  Must know about Android apps and Robots. Must be 100% trustwothy and be able to not blabb commecrial secrets. :-)

Blabbing is not done by job requirement.  Blabbing needs a non-disclosure agreement.  That agreement needs to be signed first.

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Just now, richard7900 said:

I see that Ferreelancer offer a service of " Hide project details from search engines and users that are not logged in, for projects that you need to keep confidential.".

I wouldn't trust that if what you're wanting to keep confidential should be in an NDA.  You know what they say about the internet...

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1 minute ago, richard7900 said:

I'd say that "trustworthy" is the key thing.

And I doubt there's a soul on the planet, trustworthy or not, who would not claim to be trustworthy.  So listing that in the job qualifications is pointless - that's what reference and background checks, and well-crafted interview questions are for.  Perhaps you should ask in the Android app forums over on uses your account, so while you don't have to be Mormon to be on there, it's almost guaranteed.  There are developers there as well as users.  NOTE: You do NOT have to be logged in to see it, so what you post is visible to the whole wide world.

Please note, however, Mormons are as capable of being dishonest as anyone else (and the ones who are are probably better than average at concealing it), and Mormons do not have some kind of exclusive claim to the trait.

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Just now, richard7900 said:

What about Mormon Hub providing a forum for software and hardware developers?

They've already got one, it's called "General Discussion", and there's no way one more board here is going to draw more Mormon developers - there aren't enough of them for them to want to congregate together to the exclusion of other developers.  Mormon Android developers will go to forums that cater to their *programming* skills and interests.  Mormon Windows developers will go to Windows programming forums that cater to their *programming* skills and interests.

I'm a programmer (not Android and working my way out of that profession, so no, I can't help you), and when I want to talk to programmers, I'm not looking for Mormon programmers, I'm looking for the ones who use the same development tools I do, and / or the same DBMS, and / or the same application-type.

IMO, if you want Mormon Android programmers to write code to run a toy (hardware), you should go find an Android forum all about writing the code to run hardware, and post there asking if there are Mormons who would contact you about particular work.  In other words, don't go to the Mormons looking for programmers, go to the programmers looking for Mormons.

Or just find yourself a reliable contracting company who've been in business a long time and who have good references.

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Perhaps contacting LDS has it's use mostly in the ealtly stages, when it could be good to contact LDS computer people in one's stake, and get early feedback.  Then again, things would depend on how knowledgeable they are. One has this feeling, in  seeking to see if there is someone in one's stake  that can help. That is what fitrst comes to my mind.  Anyway, I don't have a fixation with LDS .  But, one does seek to avoid making a mistake and in general one thinks one ought to be safe  with stake LDS people. But, not guaranteed - of course. I 'll seek to find out who in my stake might be able to help. As well as post on an Andoid site.

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I'm curious what makes lds people automatically more business worthy than others. Problem is the affinity thing makes it easier to prey on others of the same religion. I think it is noteworthy there was a letter from the churches presidency read over the pulpit years ago addressing this. 

I don't trust mormons more than anyone else. In fact I can name a contractor who is a prominent member in my area who is well known by members and local code enforcement officers as a big time shortcutter and he does bad work...on purpose to save money for the customer and increase his margin. Everyone knows this but since he is lds he still gets their business. There are meny others, he just happens to be open about it and people still chance it with him. Freaking stupid. They end up fined and having good to pay someone else to go back and fix the wreck.

There are non lds who are dishonest too,but to assume since they are lds they are honest is naive.

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2 hours ago, richard7900 said:

I might as well ask: Is there anyone here based in the UK, who developes apps for Android?  Must know about Android apps and Robots. Must be 100% trustwothy and be able to not blabb commecrial secrets. :-)

I know someone, but they are not in the UK.  They might be able to work long distance.  They are also LDS.  They specialized in AI, but not robots.  They could use the work most likely, but I'd want to be able to verify that it is an actual job/worthwhile for them first if you would be interested.

My big concern is due to past experience they've had where there have been some who claimed to be android developers, but they only had ideas and expected the programmers to do everything else (like EVERYTHING else except for the "idea" man...which isn't how it supposed to work).  If it is legitimate and you are interested in a programmer half way across the world, I can probably pass it on if you would like.  PM me if that is the case.

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On 11/15/2017 at 5:56 AM, anatess2 said:

You can't discriminate by religion. 

When applying to work as a software dev for the church one of the requirements they told me is that I needed a current temple recommend.

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37 minutes ago, JohnsonJones said:

I know someone, but they are not in the UK.  They might be able to work long distance.  They are also LDS.  They specialized in AI, but not robots.  They could use the work most likely, but I'd want to be able to verify that it is an actual job/worthwhile for them first if you would be interested.

My big concern is due to past experience they've had where there have been some who claimed to be android developers, but they only had ideas and expected the programmers to do everything else (like EVERYTHING else except for the "idea" man...which isn't how it supposed to work).  If it is legitimate and you are interested in a programmer half way across the world, I can probably pass it on if you would like.  PM me if that is the case.

The most common problem I've seen is members expecting hours and hours (if not months or years) of your time to be given for free just because you're both members and you're a programmer and they have "a great idea". :rolleyes:  Or assuming that just because you're a programmer, you want to work on their "great idea".  (We have day jobs and lives too, you know.)

The second-most common problem I've seen is people thinking programming is magic instead of work, and thus happens at the speed of waving magic wands around.  Thus, they think their project is "small" and "simple".  It has been my experience that what I as a programmer know is quick and easy users think will be hard; and what users think will be quick and easy is difficult and time-consuming.

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