The Great Apostasy - A Question


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Hi everyone. During the Great Apostasy, did God abandon His people? I ask this because an anti-Mormon friend of mine came up with this accusation when discussing the LDS church with him. He basically said that if the Great Apostasy really happened then God abandoned His people temporarily. What do I say to respond to this? :dontknow:

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Hi everyone. During the Great Apostasy, did God abandon His people? I ask this because an anti-Mormon friend of mine came up with this accusation when discussing the LDS church with him. He basically said that if the Great Apostasy really happened then God abandoned His people temporarily. What do I say to respond to this? :dontknow:

This is asked by someone that does not understand the very love and nature of G-d. Many times in the scriptures the people that should be living by covenant before G-d abandon him. Sometimes for Baal, sometimes for power and sometimes for other selfish desires. The point is that Christianity turned as did the Scribes and Pharasses from feeding the flock to feasting themselves upon the flock. America would not have been setteled by various remnents of Christianity if Christians of history were to show any kindness to each other.

The Traveler

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Hi everyone. During the Great Apostasy, did God abandon His people? I ask this because an anti-Mormon friend of mine came up with this accusation when discussing the LDS church with him. He basically said that if the Great Apostasy really happened then God abandoned His people temporarily. What do I say to respond to this? :dontknow:

This is asked by someone that does not understand the very love and nature of G-d. Many times in the scriptures the people that should be living by covenant before G-d abandon him. Sometimes for Baal, sometimes for power and sometimes for other selfish desires. The point is that Christianity turned as did the Scribes and Pharasses from feeding the flock to feasting themselves upon the flock. America would not have been setteled by various remnents of Christianity if Christians of history were to show any kindness to each other.

The Traveler

So are you saying that God did not abandon his people but instead his people abandoned him?

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God's people abandoned him enough that they were the driving force behind the crucifiction of his only begotten son. It was God's people that crucified Christ.

Also for those who understand God's love know that he has provided a way for those who did not live during the time of the absence of authority to receive the needed ordinances to return to his presence.

Ben Raines

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God's people abandoned him enough that they were the driving force behind the crucifiction of his only begotten son. It was God's people that crucified Christ.

Also for those who understand God's love know that he has provided a way for those who did not live during the time of the absence of authority to receive the needed ordinances to return to his presence.

Ben Raines

Hmm okay. So what I am getting here is that God's people abandoned Him, not the other way around. Am I correct?

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[so are you saying that God did not abandon his people but instead his people abandoned him?

Yes - Ben gave a good answer - but I would add something. G-d is a great example. Often as parents we want to abandon our children for their deeds. My very special wife taught me that we as parents can never abandon our children but always extend our love. This does not mean that we are stupid and lie for them or get them druggs or give into their wants but that we always act out of love and forgiveness realizing that we cannot force them every minute for what they must do - and always letting them make the choice to join with us or abandon the family that loves them.

I have have a child abandon our home and covenants - and I have welcomed them on their return - glad in my heart for my wife that kept me from abandoning them.

Envite your friend to come with you to church.

The Traveler

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I too have had children who have left the family for their reasons. We did not change the rules that caused them to leave and at a later date they came to realize what we had taught them were good things and returned. We never abandoned them but they chose another path other than the one we taught.

Ben Raines

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I too have had children who have left the family for their reasons. We did not change the rules that caused them to leave and at a later date they came to realize what we had taught them were good things and returned. We never abandoned them but they chose another path other than the one we taught.

Ben Raines

As a funny side note: My son, now married, was very rebelious in his teenage years and is now a loving kind parent himself. I was talking with him a while back telling him I was getting old and perhaps someday I would come and live with him in his home. He smiled real big (like he had been waiting a long time for this subject to come up) and said, "If you are going to live in my home you will have to live by my rules."

Well at least he knows who his dad is.

The Traveler

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Hi everyone. During the Great Apostasy, did God abandon His people? I ask this because an anti-Mormon friend of mine came up with this accusation when discussing the LDS church with him. He basically said that if the Great Apostasy really happened then God abandoned His people temporarily. What do I say to respond to this? :dontknow:

The light of Christ has never been taken from His people.


The priesthood authority necessary for the proper governance of His kingdom here on earth? Perhaps.

G-d abandon His people and not allow those who seek to have access to the light of Christ? Never.

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God's people abandoned him enough that they were the driving force behind the crucifiction of his only begotten son. It was God's people that crucified Christ.

Ben Raines

For roughly 400 years before the birth of Christ there had been no prophet (unless one accepts the intertestamental writings as canon). And, indeed, the majority of God's people assented to the execution of Jesus. Even his followers dared not raise a voice of protest.

Is this evidence that a Great Apostasy has precedent? I see just the opposite. In spite of the lengthy lack of prophetic witness, and despite the badly ordered priorities of the religious leadership of Jesus' day, there is no indication by Jesus, by Jewish leaders, nor by most voices in Christianity, that the period of 400BC - 30AD was one of overarching apostasy.

Yes, there certainly are periods (generations) throughout the Old Testament in which Israel had gone astray. Nevertheless, God always chased after his people--calling them, not to new truths, but to return to the old truths.

So, I can easily see periods of apostasy, but not one of an all-encompassing betrayal of God, where his truth was truly lost to all.

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Hi everyone. During the Great Apostasy, did God abandon His people? I ask this because an anti-Mormon friend of mine came up with this accusation when discussing the LDS church with him. He basically said that if the Great Apostasy really happened then God abandoned His people temporarily. What do I say to respond to this? :dontknow:

Do you have many such friends with similarly poor thinking skills?

In an apostasy God does not abandon man. Man abandons God - or departs from God's truths.

Besides which, during the time of the apostasy we believe that God influence still continued. It was His priesthood authority that was lost.

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It should further not be forgotten that this life is a test for each and every individual who comes here. Why did God flood the earth and kill so many? Why are children born to drug abusing parents? Why haven't people in China been miraculously given the Gospel? Why would God let millions live and die without the fulness of the Gospel? Does He not love these? Does He not care? Has He turned His back?

Please! These are in a probationary state here where 'we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.' (Abr. 3:25) Here we face choices of right and wrong on a level harshly primitive compared with those decisions facing the LORD and His people in Heaven. We are here to learn how to make the right choices for the right reasons. We are here to learn the true meaning of sacrifice. We wouldn't know this without the world being what it is.

When we leave here, we will not see the end of tough decisions, but we will know how to handle them.


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