Keeping Temple Name Cards???


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So today, after we got done doing some family names, the temple worker came up to us and, as usual, told us that we could wait for the names to be recorded and then take the name cards home...

I normally just nodded and then leave without picking them up, but this time I told them “we will probably just leave them and go home”... all three of the old men in the room seemed completely shocked. They didn’t understand why I wouldn’t take them. And at the same time, I couldn’t fathom any reason to keep them... scrap booking maybe?

So why do people take the completed name cards home???

I only ever print out the names and ordinances that I’m going to do that day, do other print out everything and hold on to them until they are done?? Sounds exhausting!

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I'll admit that the cards have become a bit of a nuisance in my house as I lose them, reprint, and then don't know for sure if a card is up to date anymore. I just reprint every time now to be safe. It does feel weird to throw them out, but that seems to be the only logical thing to do at this point.

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