Love the Gospel?


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A few times now we've had people come to the advice board and ask about committing some pretty serious sins and then adding,"But I really love the gospel."  Well, that may be.  We make mistakes.  We have moments of weakness.  We also commit many un-premeditated sins.  And we always have repentance.  Literally, thank God we have repentance.

What bothers me, though, is that they have come asking essentially if "it's okay to continue in sin."  That question to me shows either a blatant disregard for the commandments of God or a severe ignorance of the principles of the gospel.

If either of those are true, can it even be considered accurate to say,"But I love the gospel"?

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Alma 10:6 Nevertheless, I did harden my heart, for I was called many times and I would not hear; therefore I knew concerning these things, yet I would not know; therefore I went on rebelling against God, in the wickedness of my heart, even until the fourth day of this seventh month, which is in the tenth year of the reign of the judges.


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I think this often happens with sins in which you do not see the consequences of straight away or they are really in need of tuning into the holy spirit more. Unfortunately human's learn quicker by short term consequences, when people do not see these they find it difficult to see how something is bad for them. This is where trusting God comes in. We trust God often about good things coming but we also should trust about bad things coming as consequences to our behaviour. I've learnt it is so very important to have that trust and relationship with God to give commandments the fullness of their meaning/intent.

Loving the Gospel and living the Gospel are two very different things that we strive every day to bring together.

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34 minutes ago, Grunt said:

Can we take that a step further?  Let's say, "hypothetically" we had a move-in day where a single woman was moving into her boyfriend's house.  Would you help?


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