Relief Society Presidency Resources and Advice


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Hi, all! I've just been called to my ward Relief Society presidency. I'm feeling like a fish out of water right now.

I've been poking around on trying to learn some more about this calling. If anyone can offer me some advice or some good/helpful resources to look at, I would be grateful!

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A lot depends on which position in the RSP you have, specific responsibilities assigned by the RSP, local needs, your strengths.

If you haven't been set apart, get set apart!!!  (If you're getting sustained next Sunday, for example, get set apart immediately after church, don't put it off.)  I have come to believe that this is crucial, that until it happens, you don't have the authority / stewardship / guidance / blessings associated with a calling - you just have the calling and sustaining, and those aren't enough.

If you're a counselor or secretary, the best thing you can do is to consider the things the RSP asks you to consider and then speak your mind freely in RSP meetings.  Make your point / argue (not contentiously) your case, but then let the RSP have the decision and support her in it whatever it is.  Too many don't speak their mind, give their counsel, defend their position so that the RSP fully understands it.  (I suppose that depends on all the dynamics of various personalities, but your RSP needs your counsel and needs to understand why you gave that counsel.)

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25 minutes ago, zil said:
  •  assuming you ever have the time - :lol:)

Right! I just learned about a stake training meeting I get to go to tomorrow night. So that should be helpful.

Looks like I've got some reading to do. :D

I'm the 1st counselor and was set apart yesterday. Then there was a meeting right after--the RS Presidency with the Elder's Quorum Presidency. I felt like I had been thrown into the deep end without knowing how to swim (all these water analogies)! I have been in Primary for a long, long time. My schedule just got a whole lot busier.

Thank you so much for your advice!

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Counselor isn't so bad.  Focus on the things which pertain to your assignments.  For example, if you're not assigned to supervise RS Meetings (aka Homemaking), then skip chapter 13 of the handbook until a need comes up (it's about activities).  If you're over teaching, "Teaching in the Savior's Way" will be more important.  Etc.

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29 minutes ago, Connie said:

I have been told I'm over teaching, YSA, and food committee.

What's a food committee?  Compassionate Service?  "Activities"?  Usually compassionate service and activities are separated between the two counselors.

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It's full name is Food Preparedness Committee. They are involved in activities. I guess there's a demand for food storage, preparedness, and simple meal preparation ideas here locally. They tend to give a short talk or demonstration during an activity or sometimes something more involved. I'm not super worried about it. There is a committee leader, and she's really on top of things. I figure I just need to listen to any of her ideas and concerns and bring them to presidency meetings as well as making sure she is aware of assignments well ahead of time and is prepared with any help she needs.

Edited by Connie
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5 minutes ago, Connie said:

It's full name is Food Preparedness Committee. They are involved in activities. I guess there's a demand for food storage, preparedness, and simple meal preparation ideas here locally. They tend to give a short talk or demonstration during an activity or sometimes something more involved. I'm not super worried about it. There is a committee leader, and she's really on top of things. I figure I just need to listen to any of her ideas and concerns and bring them to presidency meetings as well as making sure she is aware of assignments well ahead of time and is prepared with any help she needs.


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I was a Committee Leader in charge of the food for RS Evening Meetings. My RS Counselor was fantastic. She rolled up her sleeves and worked right next to us. We geared the food to be in sync with the meeting theme. The two sisters that were on the committee with me were fantastic. They came up with some rather fantastical food/treat ideas. Our RS Presidency chose to NOT have the general RS sisters sign up to prepare the food. Too many of them disregarded what the menu was and brought *their family traditional* dish.

I made sure that we didn't spend more than $25.00 for the food. Then myself and my two helpers prepared it. If we only spent $10.00, the remaining $15.00 went back into the Evening Meeting Food Budget. so that when the RS Birthday Meeting came around, all the left over money went into it.

FYI, we are a small branch. Yet the evening meetings generally ended up with more sisters attending than our Sunday meeting. It was the ideal meeting for the less actives, neighbors, co-workers and investigators to attend, and they DID.

So, sit down with your committee ladies and ask them what works for them. Worked with the previous counselor, didn't work. What they would like to do. Then LISTEN. Make notes, go over the notes BEFORE your meeting with them ends. I sat my ladies down around my dining room table. Had a pitcher of ice water and tuna fish salad, ham & cheese sandwiches and the three of us had a small *legal* note pad & pen to write on. For three hours we went over the Generalized Didn't work, Did work, & Would Like to see if it will work ideas. The 2nd morning after each Evening Meeting we met over lunch to compare notes and to make plans for the next months meeting.

I met the following morning after the meeting with the RS Counselor. She gave me her insights on Didn't work, Did work, her suggestions for improvement and the next months meeting topic/theme.

Keep an open mind, LISTEN to your Committee Leader and her crew. Also, before anything is finalized be sure it is run by you, so you can run it by the RS Pres. I always had a grocery list with the prices to give to my RS Counselor - and items such as spices, sugar, flour, cupcake liners, etc. where you don't use it all - was kept in a special section of my kitchen and was used ONLY for RS Meetings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was not prepared for being privy to the confidential details of the lives of some of the individuals and families in our ward. It is heartbreaking what people right in our ward are going through, and I had no idea! So many trials and heart aches! I was up longer than I wanted to be last night just thinking about and praying for some of these people. It's a great reminder to be kind to others always. It's all too often you don't know what they are going through in their lives.

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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, Connie said:

I was not prepared for being privy to the confidential details of the lives of some of the individuals and families in our ward. It is heartbreaking what people right in our ward are going through, and I had no idea! So many trials and heart aches! I was up longer than I wanted to be last night just thinking about and praying for some of these people. It's a great reminder to be kind to others always. It's all too often you don't know what they are going through in their lives.

@Connie, just by reading this I know you are going to be a great RS president. Your ward is blessed to have you. 

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On 5/18/2018 at 5:33 PM, MormonGator said:

@Connie, just by reading this I know you are going to be a great RS president. Your ward is blessed to have you. 

Thanks, MG. I'm lucky I just get to be the 1st counselor for now. I am definitely not ready to be president.

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