Ranking Sin


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I personally feel sexual sin is like a plague and is spreading. Pornography, adultery and worser still devastating acts such as child abuse.

I can't respond to "sexual sin," per se, but I infer that you believe pornography, adultery and child abuse are like a plague and spreading.

This is not really true. These have always, throughout the histry of mankind, been common sexual practices. Some societies have condoned them, others have not, but they have been present from ancient man until now.

Regading child abuse, there hasn't been a time in the history of man where child abuse hasn't been a horrible presence. It's just within the last 40 years or so, in the United States, that our society has started to pay any attention to it and recognize how damanging it is. Additionally, we've started to keep records and statistics about it.

I mention the United Sates because other countries were ahead of the US. But the point is child abuse has always existed at the level it exists today, it's just never been addressed or kept track of. So it appears like it is rising because of our recordkeeping.

I'm not disputing whether or not the sexual practices you mention should be considered sins. I am saying they are not spreading like a plague. They've always existed throughout the history of man.


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<div class='quotemain'>I personally feel sexual sin is like a plague and is spreading. Pornography, adultery and worser still devastating acts such as child abuse.

I can't respond to "sexual sin," per se, but I infer that you believe pornography, adultery and child abuse are like a plague and spreading.

This is not really true. These have always, throughout the histry of mankind, been common sexual practices. Some societies have condoned them, others have not, but they have been present from ancient man until now.

Regading child abuse, there hasn't been a time in the history of man where child abuse hasn't been a horrible presence. It's just within the last 40 years or so, in the United States, that our society has started to pay any attention to it and recognize how damanging it is. Additionally, we've started to keep records and statistics about it.

I mention the United Sates because other countries were ahead of the US. But the point is child abuse has always existed at the level it exists today, it's just never been addressed or kept track of. So it appears like it is rising because of our recordkeeping.

I'm not disputing whether or not the sexual practices you mention should be considered sins. I am saying they are not spreading like a plague. They've always existed throughout the history of man.


I think its getting worse.....my wife works in a hospital and she sees more and more younger kids having kids......I am talking 12-13 yrs....what was once not okay for tv is now ok to show.....I think we are cheapining human life.

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I think its getting worse.....my wife works in a hospital and she sees more and more younger kids having kids......I am talking 12-13 yrs.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Today the children are taken to the hospital. Thirty years ago they weren't. Education has taught us that these children should not be ignored, that they should not be let with their abusers, and that they should be given treatment. Thus they end up in the hospital. Forty years ago most of these children would have suffered at home, and many of them died.

...what was once not okay for tv is now ok to show.....I think we are cheapining human life.

I understand that in our own little finite culture it seems like what we see on television is getting worse, and I agree with you there.

However, it has always been seen somewhere, it's just been underground in our society. Of course it's been less technical, but the gist of it has always been around. However, throughout the world, from ancient times to modern, somewhere there has been sexual depravity and abuse. When you look at it from a comprehensive, historic world view, you see that it has always existed as long as mankind has existed.

For example, in just our period, there was a very good History program on Sex during the Civil War. There were really no differences between the behaviors of then and now. It was just harder to advertise, but the behaviors wre the same.

What we are seeing today is a greater awareness of sexual "sins" and abuse, not a greater occurrence.


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:) That is a very good point Elphaba. It has always existed somewhere. However my point for saying it is spreading like a plague is this. Now adays you can make contact with some one from the other side of the world in less than a minute. Because of this pedophile rings spring up quicker than ever before for example. I do agree that yes there may seem more of it today because of the media. However! Through the media things are a lot more accesible today. The pornography industry for example is HUGE these days. All through the media. So these days there is much more pornography and there is getting more of it because of the media and the potential revenue it has. Child abuse :( and pornographic images of children will also be making some seedy big revenue somewhere. Child/people trafficking as well. Prostitution. Through media there is becoming more of these things because media provides these sins with networks they can grow and thrive through.

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I for one believe that it is more prevalent today than ever, not just that we are more aware of it. There used to be a thing called shame in the world that kept people, for good or bad, from doing some things that were wrong. I seriously doubt that girls in HS dressed worse than streetwalkers like they do now. I also seriously doubt that kids were as sexualized as they are now. Parents used to be parents, for the most part, not their child's 'friend'. Yes, sin has always existed, but it is more prevalent today than before. 20 years ago 'NAMBLA' would have been ridden out on a rail; now they have a website so all of the ilk that are dripping with evil have a place to go to feel 'validated', that they are normal like everyone else, they just get their jollies from little kids instead of an actual grownup.

Homosexuals have always existed, but since when was it popular to 'come out' in HS? And don't give this crap that 'since when is it popular'? because it has become the 'in thing'. My girls would come home and tell me about this boy or this girl that had 'come out of the closet' and was openly gay. Sorry, in my day, we'd have pounded him to within an inch of his life. Right? Probably not, but how many kids today do things because they want to experiment, not knowing any better? Let's go to the Bill Clinton excuse of what or what doesn't constitute sex. That used to be considered a really way out there practice, not done so much. Now young kids do it and don't consider it sex because there was no penetration.

So don't tell me that it isn't worse. It definitely is.

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  • 1 year later...

God's Word teaches that God's thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways are not our ways. He doesn't just judge our deeds, but also the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. I believe that nowhere in scripture does it teach a ranking for sin. I believe that all sin creates a barrier between us and a holy God. We sometimes forget the equal seriousness of "secret sins" because it appears as though we're getting away with them: pride, selfishness, jealousy, bitterness, envy, coveting--these are things that are happening within our hearts, but because people can't SEE them, we may look like the most spiritual person on earth! These sins are as serious to God as murder--they all separate us from Him. The CONSEQUENCES may be different in ranking, but the sin is the same in His eyes. Humans rank sin. God does not.

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God's Word teaches that God's thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways are not our ways. He doesn't just judge our deeds, but also the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. I believe that nowhere in scripture does it teach a ranking for sin. I believe that all sin creates a barrier between us and a holy God. We sometimes forget the equal seriousness of "secret sins" because it appears as though we're getting away with them: pride, selfishness, jealousy, bitterness, envy, coveting--these are things that are happening within our hearts, but because people can't SEE them, we may look like the most spiritual person on earth! These sins are as serious to God as murder--they all separate us from Him. The CONSEQUENCES may be different in ranking, but the sin is the same in His eyes. Humans rank sin. God does not.

I think you are right but would like to add one comment. Humans rank sin. God does not...

because sin is death and death means you are dead and dead people as far as I have ever seen can do nothing to help themselves. They dont have just that one last bit of life left to grab the life ring or one last breath to do anything to help their condition. That is why we need a savior. That is why I disagree with the Mormons on the idea that we can do anything, and I mean anything to assist a Holy God in our salvation. As I stated before...

assuming that we can do anything to help God save us says that we do not understand the depth of our sin or the Holiness of God. Working out your salvation is like asking your great great great grandfather to drive you to school. Hes DEAD, he cant help you. YOU ARE DEAD IN SIN... YOU CANT HELP YOU. Only a Holy God can and did on the Cross.

Mormons are very nice people generally but, still think they can do something to sway God into getting into heaven. Aint gonna happen boys and girls. Aint gonna happen.

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  • 4 months later...

This is what disturbs me about religion: you guys are ranking "Denying the Holy Ghost" above murder and rape:o of all things! I am not trying to insult you, I just want to understand, how can you rank that as being worse than killing another human being?

Because it's what Jesus said, and that seals the deal for me.

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for me all sins are equally awful to commit, ultimately the Saviour paid the price for all my sins not just the bad ones, if we start to rank them then we can justify them to ourselves, after all its only a little sin. The only difference is how difficult it is to repent. When we are baptised and receive the Holy Ghost we are supposed to lose the desire to do evil, and all should feel abhorant, that doesn't mean we don't sin, but we shouldn't desire it or justify it. I think ranking sin is wrong, its the sins I commit that are bad... and really denying the Holy Ghost, murder and breaking the law of chastity is much easier to avoid than swearing. when I hit my toe

For atheist - murder and breaking the law of chastity are crimes that affect mortality, denying the Holy Ghost has deeper eternal consequenc*es that cannot be removed by taking away the veil

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