Liberty Hanging by a Thread in England


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Tommy Robinson did a Live Stream outside of the Leeds, England courthouse when 29 men were heard in court for the charge of rape gang grooming.  A gag order is in place preventing journalists from reporting on the facts of the case.  The order was in place to avoid the risk of mistrial and also because the 29 men are Muslim and they want to prevent Islamophobia.  Tommy Robinson Live Streamed outside the courthouse for 1 hour basically stating his opinion about the rise of crime due to Muslim immigration into Leeds.  He also reported the names of all 29 men currently inside the courthouse and what they are charged with.

Tommy was arrested for breaching the gag order but was charged with contempt of court and sent to jail without bail for 10 months plus another 3 months as this is not his first offense (he was jailed in 2017 for Live Streaming outside the courthouse when 4 Muslim men were being heard for gang-rape of a teen-aged girl).  Tommy was arrested, heard, and jailed in a matter of FIVE HOURS. 

Not only was Tommy put in prison, he was put on 23.5 hours of solitary confinement every day for over 2 months until his appeal was heard in court.  The reason for the solitary confinement was to keep him from getting killed as the prison that he was sent to has the largest population of Muslims of all prisons in England.  He was given 1 can of tuna everyday for his sustenance for the reason that they want to keep his food from getting poisoned.

Tommy was finally released on bail after 2 months when his appeal was heard and the appellate judge declared he was falsely imprisoned.  He is on bail until his original trial can be reheard.  Tommy lost 40 pounds in 2 months with visible PTSD characteristics.  Tommy got PTSD from his first stay in prison when he was physically attacked repeatedly.

You can read ALL the mainstream British coverage of this (what's there of it - as Tommy's trial was on gag order too) - all British coverage have Fake News elements - like every British news article I read states that Tommy plead guilty to the contempt of court charge.  Tommy never plead guilty to anything.  As a matter of fact, he made sure that he was not breaching the gag order by Live Streaming outside the court, asking an officer if he was allowed to stand there and commentate and the officer saying yes.  You can see this on the live stream.  Anyway, Paul Weston is on the political right of Britain (think, Nigel Farage) and this is his take on the matter:


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If you wanna know who is this Tommy Robinson (that's not his real name) and what's all the hubbub about... this Dave Rubin interview is Tommy Robinson from the perspective of Tommy.  IT IS WELL WORTH THE 1 HOUR 30 MINUTE INVESTMENT.  Worth skipping that movie for this one.


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14 hours ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

Do they have something akin to the first amendment in england? My quick google search says no. It looks like Tommy Robinson needs to obey the law. 

Nope, they don't. It's why Dankula was convicted of a crime for posting a YouTube video of his girlfriend's pug saluting Hitler. (It was a prank, and he was arrested for it.)

Robinson did obey the law.  His arrest was politically motivated.


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14 hours ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

Do they have something akin to the first amendment in england? My quick google search says no. It looks like Tommy Robinson needs to obey the law. 

There's an EU one.  Human Rights Act of 1998, Article 9 and 10.  

But, just like anything in Britain common law, Freedom is at the behest of the Establishment.  So, when HRA says - Everyone has the right to freedom of expression... this is only as good as the government decides you are free because, unlike the US Constitution, the law is not written to LIMIT government.

That's why, being LIBERAL in the UK means completely DIFFERENT - it's actually the opposite of being liberal against the US Constitution.  Being Liberal in the UK means you are working to limit government.

So you're saying... Tommy Robinson needs to obey the law - that has a completely different flavor as an American sentiment when the Law is under the umbrella of the limitations of the US Constitution.  So, this Tommy Robinson case is actually more similar to telling George Washington to obey the law.

In any case, Tommy was jailed in 2017 for breaking the law.  In this recent case, he wasn't breaking the law.  Or at least, the government did not bother to prove he broke the law as Tommy did his Live Stream within the limits of the gag order as he, and those siding with him, understood it.

Also, whether Tommy broke the law or not, the government DID NOT FOLLOW LAW in their violation of Tommy's rights in his trial and incarceration.

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14 hours ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

Do they have something akin to the first amendment in england? 

Oh, sort of.  I mean, it's hardly a dearly held right enshrined in England's founding documents.  More like a rousing discussion topic as the bobbies and the cameramen interact with each other.  


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1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

So you're saying... Tommy Robinson needs to obey the law - that has a completely different flavor as an American sentiment when the Law is under the umbrella of the limitations of the US Constitution.  So, this Tommy Robinson case is actually more similar to telling George Washington to obey the law.

In any case, Tommy was jailed in 2017 for breaking the law.  In this recent case, he wasn't breaking the law.  Or at least, the government did not bother to prove he broke the law as Tommy did his Live Stream within the limits of the gag order as he, and those siding with him, understood it.

Also, whether Tommy broke the law or not, the government DID NOT FOLLOW LAW in their violation of Tommy's rights in his trial and incarceration.

They obviously don't abide by those articles you quoted that the EU has established, and Tommy was in England. Unless your an expert in English law I am inclined to believe the Tommy violated his gag order and as such should reap his rewards.  He knew the risk so why cry about it now that he has to pay the price. 

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45 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

They obviously don't abide by those articles you quoted that the EU has established, and Tommy was in England. Unless your an expert in English law I am inclined to believe the Tommy violated his gag order and as such should reap his rewards.  He knew the risk so why cry about it now that he has to pay the price. 

No, they don't.  EU has no teeth when it comes to a conflict of interest between human rights and mass migration.

Wait, you can only point out injustice if you're an expert in English law?  

I don't have to be an expert in English law.  But I am familiar with English law just like I'm familiar with US law being Filipino.

Just like in US law, English law deems you innocent until you are proven guilty in a court of law.  The court of law tried and sentenced Tommy in FIVE HOURS.  He did not get put in jail for violating the gag order, he got put in jail for contempt of court. 

So, contempt of court, no bail, 10+3 months of 23.5 hours per day of solitary confinement 1 can of tuna per day.  You don't have to be an expert in English law to see the injustice there.

Here, I'll give you an equivalence - Fasil Mahmood was sentenced to 10 months in jail by the same court in Leeds after he was found guilty of supplying the drugs as part of the rape gang of 25 people who repeatedly raped a 13 year old in 2016.   That's 10 months in jail - no solitary confinement with regular cafeteria.

His appeal proved the trial was faulty -  that's why he got released in 2 months instead of 13 months and is in bail for a re-trial of the original case.  What happened in those 2 months - especially the conditions unnecessarily forced upon Tommy -  is an extreme miscarriage of justice.

By the way,  the rape gang of 25 I mentioned is not the same rape gang of 29 members who the court heard while Tommy Live Streamed outside.  There are plenty of these rape gangs in Leeds, all Muslims protected by censorship.  Basically, if you find out your Muslim neighbor is raping a 13-year-old, you are in danger of being charged with a hate crime for reporting his crime just as much as the neighbor is in danger of being charged with rape.  This is why Tommy chooses to risk going to jail to let people know what is going on in his city.

But whether Tommy's political activism is wrong or right is irrelevant to the torturous sentence carried out by Leeds Court.  The case is clear - Tommy was sentenced in Court without due process - as a political prisoner, not a civil disturbance.

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1 hour ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

They obviously don't abide by those articles you quoted that the EU has established, and Tommy was in England. Unless your an expert in English law I am inclined to believe the Tommy violated his gag order and as such should reap his rewards.  He knew the risk so why cry about it now that he has to pay the price. 

Did he?  He has yet to be tried for that.

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51 minutes ago, Maureen said:

There several factual errors on that reporting.  This is one of them that I already mentioned above:

"Robinson, who appeared in court under the name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, admitted the crime later the same day".  


So, where's the court case charging Leeds Justice System for the 2-month human rights violation inflicted on a person falsely incarcerated on a miscarriage of justice? 

As I stated, Liberty in the UK is hanging by a thread.

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