Canadian President and Blackface


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Perhaps I am not sensitive enough but why the big deal about "Blackface".  I can see that it is insensitive, I can understand that it is demeaning and that few if anyone likes to be made light of or fun of.  But there are worse things in life than crud culture humor.  I believe it was Brigham Young (perhaps Benjamin Franklin) that said that only a fool would be offended when no offence was intended but it takes a bigger fool to be offended when offence is intended."

I am not a fan of Canada's Trudeau - I am sure that someone in Canada is better suited to be president - even including grade 3 elementary school.  But is this Blackface worthy of the outcry and destruction of a person and their office?

I have spent most of my life being made fun of.  Being religious and a engineer is a great target; both from the religious side of things as well as the engineer and scientific side of things.  Foolish things are foolish but making a big deal of foolish things is far more foolish.  Are snowflakes in charge of intelligent conversation?


The Traveler

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