Nephi’s bow.


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Guest LiterateParakeet
11 hours ago, Vort said:

I believe there are many in the Church who fast much more than once per month, and probably for more than 24 hours at a time. Such people don't profane their fast by bragging about it or even mentioning it much. Don't take that to mean that the fasting isn't taking place, though.

Fair enough, but that isn't what I meant.  I'll restate:

I doubt that there is anyone reading this forum that is going hungry involuntarily.  

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I've been thinking about this passage.  One thing I've noticed (that I missed in previous readings) is here they were acting on faith, leaving their homes and wealth and venturing out into the wilderness.  They took provisions, but I imagine they anticipated help from the Lord as well.  And yet here they are starving, with their bows failing them (perhaps one by one). They're hungry, and there's no manna (figuratively speaking)  It's no wonder this was a trial of faith even for Lehi.  

The message for us might be that sometimes even when you are doing the Lord's will, bad things are going to happen, and then more bad things.  You might wonder why the Lord has abandoned you.  But hold on.  Build a new bow (i.e. keep looking for solutions) and then go to your Father (in heaven) and ask for assistance.  Never give up, the Lord's timing is not our timing. 

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6 hours ago, LiterateParakeet said:

Fair enough, but that isn't what I meant.  I'll restate:

I doubt that there is anyone reading this forum that is going hungry involuntarily.  

I think I mistook your meaning. On rereading, what you wrote doesn't seem to mean what I initially took it as meaning. So I think the fault is mine.

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23 hours ago, LiterateParakeet said:

Thanks for this list!  I'm focusing on symbols this year so repeating themes like this are particularly interesting to me.

Since likely none of us know more hunger that a monthly fast, perhaps the true value of theae passages is seeing the many ways the Lord might respond to our spiritual hunger, perhaps other yearnings and needs as well.  I'll be pondering on this, thanks again for the list, its wonderful!

Sorry but I could not resist a response.  Part of my love of outdoors and wilderness has been an interest in what is called wilderness survival.   I once spent over 40 days in the wilderness of the high altitude desert of central and southern Utah wilderness living only what nature would provide.  Without going into a lot of detail about what is available to eat - I want to bring out a few thoughts.  The first - is that hunger (as important as it may seem sitting in a comfortable home) is not such a big issue.   Water that can be consumed in enough quantity to overcome thirst is much more important.  In fact - one quickly learns not to eat unless there is enough water or something to drink with what is being eaten - that eating is not worth while, desirable or helpful without water.   The next thought is about water.  Often when in a high altitude desert - water is not so difficult to find - but drinkable water can be.  It is possible to come upon a crystal clear water that looks and smells so good and tempting to drink.  Often this water is not good.  Sometimes the water is full of insects and crawling things and the water smell very unpleasant.   This water is supporting life.

In a desert water is necessary to all living things - if there is water without living things - most likely that water should not be drank.  But water with lots of living things is most likely to support and sustain life.  I have found water that seems to be more bugs than water and decided that the protein from the bugs is likely as good as the water.

Jesus said that we should hunger and thirst after righteousness.   You are correct - in our society most really do not realize what it is to be so hungry and thirsty - to be willing to eat and drink - not for pleasure but to survive.  I have taken someone with me on a survival camp out.  It is fun to see how they react.  I have heard, "I am not going to eat (or drink) that! - I would rather die"  And then I think - it is because you are not hungry and thirsty enough - I doubt you would rather die if that was the only other choice - you are thinking there is still another option.   I think this can be applied to what Jesus said about hunger and thirst after righteousness.  That is a willingness to eat and drink for the single purpose of righteousness - to be so hungry and thirsty that there is no other option - so you are willing to drink and eat whatever G-d has provided - when we are so unbiased and willing - we will then be filled with righteousness and truth.

I understand that there are many that because of physical conditions - should not fast.  But for most, or many, fasting is an inconvenience that to them is not worth it - and so the symbolism made by Jesus Christ has special meaning - not just in the moment but as a statement of prophesy.


The Traveler

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