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You think they're kidding. They're not. All my life I've had people seriously ask me about my horns.

Of course, I really have some extra bone growth on my temples, so it was a problem. :(


That really blows my mind!! I cannot comprehend the sheer stupidity in that assumption!!!! :blink:

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What is the silliest comment you've ever seen from an anti?

In the top 5 at least, this guy claimed he and his companion prayed to Joseph Smith on his mission and it was a very spiritual experience. He was obviously making it up, but he stuck to the story.

Mormons believe in the extended family, this probably means they engage in group sex. (Ed Decker, I beleive)
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Exerpts from an article appearing in _The Ghanian Chronicle On The

Web_, Volume 12, No. 57 - Thursday, November 20, 2003

According to Krakauer, "The Strengthening Committee is the KGB of the Mormon Church," and that "To gain an ID card to get into the temple, which is considered the entrance to heaven from earth, you will be called in for investigation. They check you pay your 10% tithe and are not having extra-marital or pre-marital sex. God forbid that you are gay. Then they will ask about you at the bookshop. "What has he been buying lately?"

Krakauer says, "Because Mormons believe there is a fixed number of souls and that by giving birth, you give them life, there is huge emphasis on having as many children as possible. The birth rate in Utah-the headquarters of the Mormon Church is higher than in Bangladesh. But boys and girls aren't allowed to meet, let alone flirt, so there is a lot of sex between siblings. There is also a lot of father-daughter sex. When sex is repressed, it erupts."

"I predict that the Mormon Church is going to face a sex abuse scandal every bit as serious as the Catholic Church," he says, adding, "Abuse against children has been going on since the beginning. Things are coming back to bite them in the arse."

Krauker intimated "There are incrementally higher rates of kidney failure because of in-breeding and the church sweeps it under the rug," "The Mormons are keen on genealogy and know about their genetic defects, but they have covered it up."

"Polygamy is what attracts the attention but it is racism, white supremacy, that is the real scandal," says Krakauer. "In some books sanctioned by the church, it is still suggested that black skin is a curse, the Mark of Cain."

Sounds EXACTLY like the church I've been going to for three decades.


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What, you want more?

“The new President would immediately begin to gather around him increasing numbers of zealous Temple Mormons in strategic places at the highest levels of government. A crisis similar to the one which Mormon prophecies "foretold" occurs, in which millions of Mormons with their year's supply of food, guns, and ammunition play a key role. Under cover of the national and international crisis, the Mormon President of the United States acts boldly and decisively to assume dictatorial powers. With the help of The Brethren and Mormons everywhere, he appears to save America and becomes a national hero. At this time he is made Prophet and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day [sic] Saints and the Mormon Kingdom of God, while still President of the United States. There is no provision in the Constitution to prevent this. With the government largely in the hands of increasing numbers of Mormon appointees at all levels throughout the United States, the Constitutional prohibition against the establishment of a state church would no longer be enforceable.” Ed Decker, The God Makers 241-42.

"Even devout Mormons tend to be obsessed with fringe occult practices such as astrology, New Age medicine and healing practices, and even sorcery" Ed Decker, The God Makers  p. 310

“Mr. Romney, like all members of his satanic cult, is a LIAR!…The average person has no idea that the ultimate goal of the Mormon cult is to establish a theocracy here in the United States. Joseph Smith, the cult's founder actually ran for the Presidency. So did Romney's father. This cult has the very real goal of establishing the "Kingdom of God," which means advancing the physical and earthly organization of the multi-billion dollar Mormon cult. There is a special room in the Mormon Temple located in Washington, DC that has been prepared and in place for over 30 years, which will be the seat of power for the Mormon-led government which will supplant our current government. This was the vision Smith laid out less than 200 years ago, and Mitt Romney and those in the hierarchy and leadership of the Mormon cult see this as the time for that vision to become fulfilled!I love you and care about you so much.”   -- Bill Keller, Founder of Liveprayer, June 22, 2007

Overheard in a Yahoo Chatroom:

anskelll (3/17/03 8:27:26 PM): I CHALLENGE THOSE WHO INTERVIEW THE SMART FAMILY, THOSE WHO WILL ONE DAY INTERVIEW ELIZABETH SMART, BRIAN DAVID MITCHELL, AND WANDA EILEEN BARZEE TO QUESTION THEM ABOUT THEIR MORMON FAITH AND THE ROLE THAT IT PLAYED IN THESE EVENTS. I CHALLENGE LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THOSE IN THE LEGAL COMMUNITY THAT HANDLE THIS CASE TO UNDERSTAND THE ROLE THAT MORMONISM PLAYED. WHEN YOU UNDERSTAND THE MORMON CULT, YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE ELIZABETH SMART CASE! I love you and care about you so much. My goal today is to not only expose the "lie" of Mormonism, but to encourage you in your daily walk with the God of the Bible, with the Jesus of the Bible. Mormonism and other cults are growing fast as Paul said in 2 Timothy chapter 3 said would happen in the days before Christ returns.
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Where do I even begin:

I had one person tell me he was an ex-member. Didnt even know what an Elder was. He later confessed to me in private (couldnt lose face in front of everyone i guess).

Another person claimed to have been a converted in college who then left the Church when he found out about the blasphemous act of baptism for the dead. When i pointed out that if he was really a convert he would have been taught baptism for the dead before His baptism, he quickly ran away from the conversation.

Then of course there are the lizard people in the tunnels under Salt Lake City who really control the Church.

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