Michael Stone


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Michael Stone is a Bad Man. That's why he's in prison.

Officially that statement isn't true. You can't put someone in prison simply for being a Bad Man. You have to prove that he did a Bad Thing, for which he can be punished.

So officially Michael Stone is in prison because he killed a young mother and one of her children and attempted to kill another of her children (not to mention the family dog).

The problem is that there was never any forensic evidence. Not a "hair nor feather" of Stone was found anywhere near the murder scene, and the experts agree that if he did do it, the lack of evidence is extraordinary.

He was nevertheless convicted because another Bad Man called Mark Jennings, claimed that Stone had confessed to him. Jennings was paid a £5,000 "reward" by The Sun, and promised another £10,000 if Stone was convicted. There was a conviction, after which Jennings admitted that he'd told a pack of lies and that there had been no such confession!

Well the conviction was overturned, and there was a retrial. This time the "damning evidence" against Stone came from yet another Bad Man, Damien Daley, who claimed that Stone had confessed to him while they were in prison together. Stone had asked to be put in segregation to prevent just this sort of thing, but Daley insisted Stone had shouted the "confession" to him via a hole in the wall between their two cells through which a heating pipe passed.

The jury were taken to the prison, and each juror was made to lie with his or her ear next to the hole while someone in the next cell read Harry Potter stories - thus proving that it WAS possible.

Well when it's a choice between releasing a Bad Man  upon an innocent world, and accepting as Gospel truth the uncorroborated word of a known liar (on the basis that his story has been proved not altogether impossible) what do you do?

Stone was convicted again. ("And there was much rejoicing." ("Yay."))

Well that was it - until this week:

Michael Stone: Convicted killer pins hopes on shoelace DNA evidence - BBC News

It seems that the murder weapon* - a bootlace which the killer had used to garrotte his victims - which the defence had wanted to test, but which the ever-truthful Police claimed had already been "tested to destruction" - has turned up! (Lying around in a police station if you please!) So I'm wondering what's going to happen now.

Now I fully accept Michael Stone may be guilty. (He is a Bad Man after all!) But there are other Bad Men in the world, and what will happen if the DNA of one of them is found on this bootlace?

Considering the flimsy evidence on which Michael Stone has been deprived of 25 years of his life, I won't be surprised if there's a taxpayer-funded campaign to "prove" (i.e. persuade a Bad Man-fearing jury) that he was somehow still involved, 'coz let's face it, we don't want a Bad Man back on the streets, guilty or not!

No "benefit of law" for the Devil...

A Man for All Seasons - The Devil Speech - YouTube


*Actually one of the murder weapons. He used a claw hammer too. (Delightful story this, isn't it?)

Edited by Jamie123
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It is a society of cowards that prefers to convict the innocent rather than risk releasing the guilty. And to be frank, a society of cowards deserves whatever it gets. I do not disallow my own nation's society or societies from this condemnation.

Edited by Vort
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