Same Problem - Different Solutions


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In the Old Testament times, there were two events that were almost identical, yet the solution to these two events were very different.

Daniel and the Lion’s Den:

A law is sent out that men should not pray to God. Daniel ignores the law and is thrown in the lion’s den. Because of his faith, he witnesses a miracle and his relationship with the king grows.

This story seems to suggest that we act in faith in the face of death. Doing so brings miracles.

People of Alma in bondage:

Alma and his people are under the rule of Amulon. Amulon says “if you prayer, we will kill you”. Alma tells his people to pray in your hearts to avoid death. Crisis averted.

Thisnis a story about prayer and how it can be done without the traditional forms we tend to us. It also seems like praying in Your heart is a lesser form of prayer since it is only prescribed as a complete replacement when normal prayer is no longer an option.

So why the difference in application? Could Daniel not have just started praying in his heart to avoid the lion’s den? Could the people of Alma just continued to pray in faith and expect a miracle?

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One possibility, it seems to me, is that Daniel was already a public figure in a leadership position and his religious preference was known—for him to visibly cease praying would have effectively been a public renunciation of his faith, one that his co-religionists throughout the Diaspora would be apt to follow.

In Alma’s case, it seems the church remained fairly close-knit and was able to strengthen each other notwithstanding the burdens and restrictions the Lamanites placed upon them.  No one in the church mistook Alma’s lack of prayer for a lack of faith.

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This is an interesting comparison and I do like @Just_A_Guy's response. I would also add that each case may simply have been the result of revelation. Daniel may have been inspired to keep praying like he always had because of the miracle that would take place whereas with Alma nothing good may have come from praying out loud so he was inspired to have his people pray in their hearts. 

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