Hello From An Investigator


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Hi everyone! I'm Melinda and I'm from San Diego, CA. I'm currently investigating the church along with my husband. I have two young boys, Elijah is 4 and Micah is 5 months old. I was raised in the Catholic church but have been looking for something more. I prayed a few weeks ago for God to find a place for me in a church and the next day I went online and found someone on another message board who was talking about the LDS church and realized that was my answer from God. So far I've met with the missionaries once and have started attending services. My son really enjoys primary and I love how close knit the community is. I was attending Catholic mass, but never really felt at home with it and never thought that I would feel comfortable with any church services. Glad to see that I was wrong!

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Hi everyone! I'm Melinda and I'm from San Diego, CA. I'm currently investigating the church along with my husband. I have two young boys, Elijah is 4 and Micah is 5 months old. I was raised in the Catholic church but have been looking for something more. I prayed a few weeks ago for God to find a place for me in a church and the next day I went online and found someone on another message board who was talking about the LDS church and realized that was my answer from God. So far I've met with the missionaries once and have started attending services. My son really enjoys primary and I love how close knit the community is. I was attending Catholic mass, but never really felt at home with it and never thought that I would feel comfortable with any church services. Glad to see that I was wrong!

Welcome to the forums Melinda.

I too had been looking at the Catholic church for years, attending many Masses, but I continue as an LDS member(Since 30 Oct 1971).

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Hi everyone! I'm Melinda and I'm from San Diego, CA. I'm currently investigating the church along with my husband. I have two young boys, Elijah is 4 and Micah is 5 months old. I was raised in the Catholic church but have been looking for something more. I prayed a few weeks ago for God to find a place for me in a church and the next day I went online and found someone on another message board who was talking about the LDS church and realized that was my answer from God. So far I've met with the missionaries once and have started attending services. My son really enjoys primary and I love how close knit the community is. I was attending Catholic mass, but never really felt at home with it and never thought that I would feel comfortable with any church services. Glad to see that I was wrong!

Welcome from Northern Michigan.


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Welcome... glad you're here...

How does your husband react to your interest in the LDS church? Is he looking into the church also?

Hope you will feel free to ask questions... you might browse the various forums to see what has already been discussed as you might find some things already answered in other threads...

I was a So Cal girl... San Bernardino/Rialto... now retired on the beautiful central Oregon coast...

The Garden Girl

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Welcome... glad you're here...

How does your husband react to your interest in the LDS church? Is he looking into the church also?

Hope you will feel free to ask questions... you might browse the various forums to see what has already been discussed as you might find some things already answered in other threads...

I was a So Cal girl... San Bernardino/Rialto... now retired on the beautiful central Oregon coast...

The Garden Girl

Yes, actually, my husband and I are both investigating the church right now. He was raised Pentecostal and hasn't been to church in a few years.

I'm actually from Corona originally! So I know that the area that you lived in quite well.

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Hi everyone! I'm Melinda and I'm from San Diego, CA. I'm currently investigating the church along with my husband. I have two young boys, Elijah is 4 and Micah is 5 months old.

Those are great names for boys from the Bible...My sons are Joshua and Caleb
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Guest AutumnBreez

Welcome Melinda and Family!

I am returning after a few years. Obstacles of my own I had to hurdle! I am returning to this church because I have been to others through out my life, and I know from this comparison that this is the church to return to. The fullest of fullest gospel.

There is some wisdom in others but not all answers were there as I have found here.

As a kid I grew up Luthern-Methodist, went to a Baptist School for a year, graduated and married young found the Pentacostal church, moved to Colorado and found the LDS Church, Moved to California where I left my abusive, now ex husband. Met a man from UT that grew up around the church due to his fathers side. He and I are married now, he adopted my two children. Years have past, I was searching for peace... some learning of myself, somelearning of the world, pieces scattered, never able to fit them properly- gaps. What has been learned is that those obstacles where the obvious sign that I was looking in the wrong place. The right place is with Him. Sometimes we go on scavenger hunts in life to find that there were reasons for them thereafter, so here we are thinking we are lost as we misplaced the map, you know its got to be in the area, in search we back track, praying that we may find the map along the way, while the treasure was standing there all this time, sometimes we continue to search for the map anyway! I continued...while searching-and circulating around the treasure a couple of times. Lost, hungry, and dizzy I fell in exhaustion. When I woke I was laying at His feet.

Gracious and Merciful! How can he take me in after all this??? It amazes me, even though I would do it for my children.

It would give me pain if they more or less ditched me. This is why I think we must have children to teach us about parenthood. To understand why He did it for me.

Pain for Joy- Growing Pains are essential, just don't do it without Thee...Remember to take a dose of scripture every day!

Sorry this ended up so long of a read. Welcome!

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Hi everyone! I'm Melinda and I'm from San Diego, CA. I'm currently investigating the church along with my husband. I have two young boys, Elijah is 4 and Micah is 5 months old. I was raised in the Catholic church but have been looking for something more. I prayed a few weeks ago for God to find a place for me in a church and the next day I went online and found someone on another message board who was talking about the LDS church and realized that was my answer from God. So far I've met with the missionaries once and have started attending services. My son really enjoys primary and I love how close knit the community is. I was attending Catholic mass, but never really felt at home with it and never thought that I would feel comfortable with any church services. Glad to see that I was wrong!

Welcome aboard and really pray that you will be able to keep the spirit with you and let it grow in power.

As long as you continually, sincerily and worhily ask for spiritual gudance you "will" receive it. :mellow:

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Your decision as to join, or not to join must be a family decison. Should your husband elect not to become a member, but to stay within the Catholic faith it will put your sons in the middle of a religious tug of war.

Now throwing out the cold water....The LDS theology is gnostic with Masonic undercurrents where men, and men only can rise to godhood. Know that as a woman in the LDS Church, your place in this life and the next will always be subservient to males. You will not be allowed to hold any priesthood position, nor will you be able to attain the Celestial kingdom in the next life without permission from your husband. Brigham Young, as the second prophet stated in an address that to enter into the house of God and Christ requires the permission of Joseph Smith. Thus the salvation and sacrafice of Christ does not apply, and is out of context with traditional teachings.

In your discussions with the missonaries ask about Kolob, and translated beings....

Nice driveby anti-work there Deer Slayer, but very unimpressive...I will not bother answering you, and your rather ridiculous interpretations...this would be particularly ammuzing if not for the fact that you were trying to mislead and deceive this fine investigator of our faith...

EDIT: Fortunately the Immortal, All-seeing Mods have removed the fear-monger from our midst and my former comments are no longer necessary or relevant, so I edited them out...Melinda if you happened to catch his post and have questions, feel free to ask your fine missionaries, or we can probably help too...

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Your decision as to join, or not to join must be a family decison. Should your husband elect not to become a member, but to stay within the Catholic faith it will put your sons in the middle of a religious tug of war.

That much I agree with. Not that it will neccessarily be that way, but it sure happens a lot.

Now throwing out the cold water....The LDS theology is gnostic with Masonic undercurrents where men, and men only can rise to godhood.

Pure hogwash. The gnostics believe the physical world, physical body, etc. is evil. Not the Mormon Church. BIG difference. There are many, many more differences also - the gnostics believe that the creator of the Earth is evil. Not the Mormons. I couldn't possibly list all the facts to disprove DS's opinion on this -- there are just too many! As to Masonry's men-only teachings, Joseph clearly refuted that view by including the Sisters in the temple ordinances, even to their being involved in the administration thereof. Mason's don't allow women to worship in their lodges (temples), but Mormons not only do, but add that the man CANNOT be exalted in Celestial glory without the woman. That's two points made, two points WRONG for Deer Slayer. Not a good start.

Know that as a woman in the LDS Church, your place in this life and the next will always be subservient to males.

Not true, except as it applies to Church administration, and even then, the word 'subservient' is ridiculous. And there is far, far more to this life and the NEXT life, than Church administration. Such a narrow view is, again, ridiculous. DS may be alluding to wording in the temple ceremony for some of his/her opinion, but we're not allowed to go into specifics of that here, or I would. You can see, though, from DS's track record, there is reason to doubt DS's accuracy of opinion.

<sigh> I'm getting tired of responding already. Sorry. Here's something to keep in mind, regarding odd quotes from various people in the Church: Approaching Mormon Doctrine

Reading the entire thing is something every church member ought to do, in my opinion.


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Thank you everyone for your responses. I've been reading a lot from The Book of Mormon and D&C on my own along with my husband.

To clarify something, my husband isn't Catholic and hasn't gone to Church since he was 13 years old and was allowed to stop attending the Pentecostal services. He has also agreed that if he chooses to not convert we can raise our children in my faith. We had this discussion prior to our marriage, because I go to church every Sunday and it's important to me.

Thank you for the link HiJolly.

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Hello Melinda...

Be sure to ask the missionaries for a copy of the Proclamation to the World on the Family, issued in 1995 from the First Presidency... we consider this to be revelation... this document was sent to all major political figures in the US and the World.

Please read it with your husband... note the counsel that the duties and obligations in raising your family are to be shared as "equal partners." We as LDS hold the man to be the head of the family, and he is to "preside" in righteousness... not to exercise unrighteous dominion over is wife. Husbands and wives have a "solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children.

Decisions regarding the family are to be discussed between the husband and wife with the intent of harmony and agreement...

Nevermind what Deer Slayer was trying to spew...

The Garden Girl

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Guest AutumnBreez

That is so GREAT! Looking forward to my husband coming with me to church, I look forward someday to going to the Temple as a family! Kids are coming unreluctant lately, this brings me happiness too. They just got their scriptures- enscribed with their names on them. They love them and it is so personal for them. We had missionaries over last night after lesson we were doing speed searches, helping them to learn where things are. FUN,FUN, FUN!!!! They loved it!!

Think I may do it again tonight as a Family Home Evening event. I will study some to be read when found there will be a lesson with in it.

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That is so GREAT! Looking forward to my husband coming with me to church, I look forward someday to going to the Temple as a family! Kids are coming unreluctant lately, this brings me happiness too. They just got their scriptures- enscribed with their names on them. They love them and it is so personal for them. We had missionaries over last night after lesson we were doing speed searches, helping them to learn where things are. FUN,FUN, FUN!!!! They loved it!!

Think I may do it again tonight as a Family Home Evening event. I will study some to be read when found there will be a lesson with in it.

I'm so happy for you!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm so happy for you!

When my twin and I were about 10 or 11 rather than play games we looked for the true church. We attended about a dozen from Baptist to Presbyterian and son on. In our innocent objectivity we would ask questions like, where are the Apostles, Prophets, and Christ for that matter. We would attend the beach parties (living in CA) and other youth activities trying to find the truth. As far as our queties about the Apostles we woud have accepted any respoinse, lke, "This is the modernized version so we have upgraded and don't need them any more." However, in every case we were treated with such disdain, and the preachers/ministers treated us like we were hertics who dared to venture where the faithful fear to tread. We were yelled at at and most made it pretty clear we were not welcome with those kind of attitudes. We were expcted to just accept the status quo (read Trnitatian view of God - incomprehensible). When we turned twelve a friend invited us out to a LDS church, sacrament meeting. We asked our friend, What time?" He said, " 5 o'clock." We asked him if it was A.M. or P.M. Sarcastically he said, "A.M. of course." We missed the sarcasm and and got up at 4 A.M. got dressed and waited out on the curb. Well, Sam never came. We went back to bed and of course got a good laugh over it. When we did attend we had ALL our questions answered. Where were the Apostles, etc. etc. It all made perfect sense, fit together like a beautiful jigsaw puzzle and there was authority, organization with Apostles, Prohpeets, Evangelists, Teachers, etc. just like Paul said. Our parents never joined and made us attend for about 4 years before they were sure we were ready and converted. There were many good natured jokes about us. We were called 'instant Mormons' - just add water. Or anti Jack Mormons. Instead of being those who were members and did not attend (that is what a Jack Mormon is) we were attending but not Mormon. The Ward in Santa Ana, CA loved us. We eventually were baptized of course and Sam, Mike (my identical twin now deceased), all went on mission together, Mike & Sam to Ecuador and I to four countries in Central America. I coudl literally write a thousand pages of why this is the Lord's true church, but sufice it to say, each person much get a spiritual confirmation themselves. Nevertheless, we can help along the way. It is all here, the answeres, and yes the questions too. It is a wonderful life. It is an never-ending Eureka experience.

All the best to you and yours!

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

Abraham of the Chaldeas

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