I Am A Latter-day Saint!


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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am a Latter-day Saint!

Last night at 6 pm (eastern time) I was baptised and took on Christ, becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It was a beautiful evening, after a day of heavy rain. My wife and two youngest children joined me for this joyous occasion. The ward prepared a little booklet program which I never expected.

What was most amazing was that I was joined by 20 ward missionaries and about 20 ward members...some of whom I did not even know! Even one of the Stake Presidents attended! I was so touched.

We sang a song, a prayer was said, and Elder McGill, one of my missionary teachers, gave a beautiful talk on the meaning of baptism. Then Elder Bedwell and I entered the baptismal pool. As I stepped into the water I noticed how warm it was and then, for a brief moment, I became so focused everything was blocked out....the people watching, the water.......I placed my hand on Elder Bedwell's arm and he held my other wrist. When he began the words of Baptism I heard them in my mind...loud...clear....and I and an instaneous flash of the presence of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost...and then I felt a gentle falling back into the water.....calm...peace..freedom.....and it was done.

After changing out of our baptismal clothes, Elder Bedwell and I returned to the congregation and I was officially welcomed into the Ward on behalf of the Bishopric by Elder Shaffer. We closed with a beautiful prayer by Sister Schaffer and then the closing song, "All Glory, Laud, and Honor".

It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

Written with deep affection to all my brothers and sisters in the faith,


Olmstead 2nd Ward - Bronx, NY

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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am a Latter-day Saint!

Last night at 6 pm (eastern time) I was baptised and took on Christ, becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It was a beautiful evening, after a day of heavy rain. My wife and two youngest children joined me for this joyous occasion. The ward prepared a little booklet program which I never expected.

What was most amazing was that I was joined by 20 ward missionaries and about 20 ward members...some of whom I did not even know! Even one of the Stake Presidents attended! I was so touched.

We sang a song, a prayer was said, and Elder McGill, one of my missionary teachers, gave a beautiful talk on the meaning of baptism. Then Elder Bedwell and I entered the baptismal pool. As I stepped into the water I noticed how warm it was and then, for a brief moment, I became so focused everything was blocked out....the people watching, the water.......I placed my hand on Elder Bedwell's arm and he held my other wrist. When he began the words of Baptism I heard them in my mind...loud...clear....and I and an instaneous flash of the presence of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost...and then I felt a gentle falling back into the water.....calm...peace..freedom.....and it was done.

After changing out of our baptismal clothes, Elder Bedwell and I returned to the congregation and I was officially welcomed into the Ward on behalf of the Bishopric by Elder Shaffer. We closed with a beautiful prayer by Sister Schaffer and then the closing song, "All Glory, Laud, and Honor".

It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

Written with deep affection to all my brothers and sisters in the faith,


Olmstead 2nd Ward - Bronx, NY


You post-catholic, newest Mormon stud! I am so thrilled for you...I have been telling my wife about your little journey and told her yesterday that you were getting baptized on that very day...Was eager to see if you had posted anything when I got home from church today, and as I read the account of your baptism outloud to my wife this afternoon, I found that I could not finish it...Best soap opera ending ever...or should I say...beginning! Big happy tears for you brother! Truely!


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Brothers and Sisters,

Yesterday during Sacrament Meeeting I was confirmed in the faith and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was a most amazing moment as the bishop, his two counselors and my two missionary elders placed placed their hands on my head. As Elder McGill said the prayer I felt my head and heart warm...I knew my soul was being touched....it was a great sign to me and one that this poor sinner neither expected nor deserved.

I had a meeting with the Bishop at the end of the day and after a round of questions he told me that he agreed with the elders and his counselors that I should be ordained a priest in the Aaronic priesthood next Sunday. I am humbled and honored by this. May I be a good servant of of the gospel.

And now I am exhausted! But there is work to do!

God is our loving Father, Jesus Christ is our Lord and brother and is the one who saves us. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the restored Church. Thank you Father for Joseph Smith, The Book of Mormon and for sending us latter-day prophets. This I believe, to this I testify, in Jesus' name. AMEN.

With affection.


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Douglas I have been following your posts for some time now. This is just wonderful. Congratulations, it really has brightened up my days when I have read your progress in being taught and then converted. I wish you the best of luck and I hope the transition of you being in the church will be smooth with your family. I'm leaving on Halloween to go to the MTC and then serve my mission and if I could just convert one person as enthusiastic as you, well then I think I would be happy forever.

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Brothers and Sisters,

Yesterday during Sacrament Meeeting I was confirmed in the faith and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was a most amazing moment as the bishop, his two counselors and my two missionary elders placed placed their hands on my head. As Elder McGill said the prayer I felt my head and heart warm...I knew my soul was being touched....it was a great sign to me and one that this poor sinner neither expected nor deserved.

I had a meeting with the Bishop at the end of the day and after a round of questions he told me that he agreed with the elders and his counselors that I should be ordained a priest in the Aaronic priesthood next Sunday. I am humbled and honored by this. May I be a good servant of of the gospel.

And now I am exhausted! But there is work to do!

God is our loving Father, Jesus Christ is our Lord and brother and is the one who saves us. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the restored Church. Thank you Father for Joseph Smith, The Book of Mormon and for sending us latter-day prophets. This I believe, to this I testify, in Jesus' name. AMEN.

With affection.


Man I am a wimp...Doug, it's bad enough that you got me all choked up at home on Sunday and now I am getting all blurry eyed at work...kidding aside, your attitude is wonderful...You will find that as you exercise the authority of the Priesthood in various ordinances and in service throughout your life, that it continues to be a humbling experience...that God would entrust the weak and feeble men that we are with such an amazing gift is marvelous...The Holy Ghost will also abide with you and prompt you along the way, comfort you when in strife, and continue to confirm the truth to you as you remain humble...I pray great blessings be upon you brother as you continue in the things which you have learned, being assured of where you have learned them...:)

2 Timothy 3:14

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Dear Friends,

This past Sunday I was ordained a priest in the Aaronic priesthood.

It was as powerful a moment as my baptism and confirmation. Why I am entitled to receive this privilege I do not know. I only ask Heavenly Father for the grace to exercise priesthood power in total humility and confidence in Him; to be of total service to Him and my fellow brothers and sisters.

Many years ago I studied for the priesthood in the Catholic Church. When I had to leave those studies because the I heard the Lord's call that I should be married, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would or could be His priest. At this thought I weep. This gift is a great one! For without Heavenly Father choosing our dear Joseph to be His prophet we would all still be in the darkness of apostasy. Thanks be to God!

-With affection.

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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am a Latter-day Saint!

Last night at 6 pm (eastern time) I was baptised and took on Christ, becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It was a beautiful evening, after a day of heavy rain. My wife and two youngest children joined me for this joyous occasion. The ward prepared a little booklet program which I never expected.

What was most amazing was that I was joined by 20 ward missionaries and about 20 ward members...some of whom I did not even know! Even one of the Stake Presidents attended! I was so touched.

We sang a song, a prayer was said, and Elder McGill, one of my missionary teachers, gave a beautiful talk on the meaning of baptism. Then Elder Bedwell and I entered the baptismal pool. As I stepped into the water I noticed how warm it was and then, for a brief moment, I became so focused everything was blocked out....the people watching, the water.......I placed my hand on Elder Bedwell's arm and he held my other wrist. When he began the words of Baptism I heard them in my mind...loud...clear....and I and an instaneous flash of the presence of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost...and then I felt a gentle falling back into the water.....calm...peace..freedom.....and it was done.

After changing out of our baptismal clothes, Elder Bedwell and I returned to the congregation and I was officially welcomed into the Ward on behalf of the Bishopric by Elder Shaffer. We closed with a beautiful prayer by Sister Schaffer and then the closing song, "All Glory, Laud, and Honor".

It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

Written with deep affection to all my brothers and sisters in the faith,


Olmstead 2nd Ward - Bronx, NY

Dang! i missed another baptism. I hate when that happens. Sounds as though there was great spirit. {usually is!} The thing about experiancing this kind of spirit is that its just like drugs, you will keep spending your time and energy learning on how to get more, And isnt it wonderfull?


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Dang! i missed another baptism. I hate when that happens. Sounds as though there was great spirit. {usually is!} The thing about experiancing this kind of spirit is that its just like drugs, you will keep spending your time and energy learning on how to get more, And isnt it wonderfull?


lol - I don't often hear of the Spirit being compared to drugs - but I know what you mean. I gotta say though, that addiction and dependency on drugs is in reality quite a different ballgame. ;)

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