Which Callings Do You Desire Most?


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We all have different needs and aspirations. Right now, I would shy away from wanting any callings, and yet in my youth I recall being energetic and ambitious and getting involved in community affairs and seeking involvement. I welcomed positions of leadership. Had I been religious at that time, I would have found the same thing appealing at Church.

So I am wondering what others who are not old and jaded may feel in this regard. Do you seek after positions of power or authority, or wish to be an assistant in some calling, or have a burning desire to serve others? Maybe something cushy without a big time drain? Want to work with kids or adults? I hope we could feel free to speak candidly and not feel constrained to furnish only the appropriate answers.

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We all have different needs as aspirations. Right now, I would shy away from wanting any callings, and yet in my youth I recall being energetic and ambitious and getting involved in community affairs and seeking involvement. I welcomed positions of leadership. Had I been religious at that time, I would have found the same thing appealing at Church.

So I am wondering what others who are not old and jaded may feel in this regard. Do you seek after positions of power or authority, or wish to be an assistant in some calling, or have a burning desire to serve others? Maybe something cushy without a big time drain? Want to work with kids or adults? I hope we could feel free to speak candidly and not feel constrained to furnish only the appropriate answers.

I have a dilemma. Acute shyness I guess. I am unbelievebly ill at ease in any type of leadership or teaching position. I'm talking bad enough you could call it a phobia. I have a strong testimony, I have a desire to serve my fellow man. But I would much rather do it in a quiet anonymous manner. No, I don't seek after positions of power. If I didn't have to serve in such positions again I'd be fine with it. But it's not that I don't want to serve, it's just this horrible phobia I have. That makes it tough in this Church because it being a lay ministry, we all have a need to serve in leadership roles. :wacko:
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I like callings that are social and allow me to get to know more people. I would enjoy being on the activities committee, Enrichment, any Relief Society calling, and I would also enjoy a calling that gives me the opportunity to teach lessons to adults or teenagers because it makes me study. I subbed for Seminary once and I wouldn't mind doing that on a regular basis, but it doesn't work with our schedule. I wouldn't mind being compassionate service leader either.

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What's weird about me is that I'm not very social at all, I don't know how to carry on conversations very well, I'm very quiet... but... the calling I've loved the most was stake missionary, then ward missionary when it changed. Maybe it's because I love sticking to the simple principles and ordinances of the gospel, and I love seeing people's lives change for the better. Lately I've felt hypocritical for not fulfillling my current callings very well.

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I think I have the best calling I could have right now, Ward Family History consultant(or whatever it's actually called). Only prob is, with my work schedule, I can't be fully functional in it. But it's a fun calling.

The other thing I'd LOVE to do, were I to have the talent for it, would be Choir leader. I LOVE singing in the choir, but can't really read music very well. (My wife just got released from the calling because she just got so frustrated with it)

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We all have different needs as aspirations. Right now, I would shy away from wanting any callings, and yet in my youth I recall being energetic and ambitious and getting involved in community affairs and seeking involvement. I welcomed positions of leadership. Had I been religious at that time, I would have found the same thing appealing at Church.

So I am wondering what others who are not old and jaded may feel in this regard. Do you seek after positions of power or authority, or wish to be an assistant in some calling, or have a burning desire to serve others? Maybe something cushy without a big time drain? Want to work with kids or adults? I hope we could feel free to speak candidly and not feel constrained to furnish only the appropriate answers.


At first read, I was somewhat uncomfortable with the question that you posed... but then, here I am. LOL So, as much as I am uncomfortable with the topic of discussion and the implication of choosing our callings, which we don't, you are asking about individual desires and requesting the honesty of those younger than yourself. Since I am 99-years-old, I am exempt from answering, for which I am grateful.

Although my thoughts on this subject of serving where we would desire, as one who is soooo old, could not help but realize a bit more, what it means to endure to the end...

When we are baptized into the the Kingdom of God, we make many covenants. One of those, is that we bear one another's burdens. I am not so sure we think of our serving within our wards and stakes as a part of this covenant. Nor do we consider it as being part of living the law of consecration. The Lord has asked us as members of His Church, to bring all our gifts and talents unto the Bishop's storehouse, so that he may through the key that has been given to him for this calling, organize the members of his ward. For this reason, we do not desire, or ask and hopefully unless our circumstances merit such, turn down a calling, as it comes from the Lord, through His chosen servants.

We, as members, are also taught... that through the spirit of revelation, we are then called to those positions that will not only bless the ward as a family, but probably most important, is that our callings will serve us, in helping to fulfill the mission of the church, i.e. 'Perfecting the Saints'. Through our callings, we learn to become more Christlike, as we often times must step out of our comfort zones, and become that which we may not be as yet. Do we not see this often? Maybe not in ourselves, but certainly in others.... right? :P

Now, of course, none of us here would ever judge someone in our ward or stake because we felt they were blowing their job, right? Right! Of course, we know that we are called because we are the right applicant for the calling... I mean job, no calling. You know what I mean, right? But, what about when we have struggled ourselves?

As I have been around for a bit now, and have had numerous callings in the church... I can testify that as we accept these calls that come from the Lord, through the keys held by our leaders, and strive our best to work with each other, remembering that we are here to become like the Savior, we will see that this truly does bring about His plan for individuals within the ward family. Think about it?

I really don't like to admit it, but, I have more than once been humbled through the experiences that I have had in working and interacting with members of my ward and stake. It really is just like a family. As we are set up within boundaries, like families, and we don't just get to run off and change wards when things get tough, do we? Just like in families, in our ward families, when their are issues in our quorums, presidencies, boards, each other as friends, our children, with leaders, etc... we MUST learn how to first LOOK at ourselves and figure our what we have done, then REPENT.

It is impossible to forgive someone that we feel has offended us, unless we have repented of the feelings of being offended FIRST. And then we MUST FORGIVE. And just like all families must in order to function well and feel the love and peace that is required to have the spirit.... ALL MUST FORGET!

If ye are not one, ye are not mine. :wub:

Perhaps there may come a day, when we will tell the Lord that we think that we would be best at _____, and it is because I think I would serve my brothers and sisters better than anyone else would in this calling and because I am the best at doing what you need.

And I suspect this would be the day when YOU are NOT the most important person Heavenly Father is thinking about bringing HOME, when HE decides WHERE to call YOU, so that you can learn to become like His SON... ^_^

To endure to the end, means to understand WHEN we are keeping covenants and NOT just doing what we are told and being happy about it, or maybe not seeing its purpose or understanding our place in the larger picture.

The Lord knows the desires of our hearts, from an eternal perspective... lest we forget that it is His work and Glory to bring about the immortality AND Eternal Life of all of His Children.

I am not sure what the appropriate or inappropriate answers are that you speak of Moshka, but I understand the Lord's plan and how the church is set up to bring about the best good for each one of His children, in ministering to them through those who He has given keys of the Priesthood, with authority to do so. And for this, I am grateful, for as I look back and have maybe questioned a call or two through the years, I can see now, how perfectly the Lord knows me and has given me exactly what HE KNEW that I NEEDED.

So, now that I am soooo old, and completely trust 'the system', I must continue to, with enthusiasm, accept all the callings of the priesthood... so that HE can finish His work.... I mean MIRACLE! :lol:


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gvr, I think we all understand how the Church works and the covenants we made at baptism to serve, and we all understand that we are often blessed by accepting a calling that we would not have chosen ourselves. But that is in no way (IMO, at least) inconsistant with having preferences. I would prefer not to be Primary teacher, but when asked to do so I accept the calling and do my best to magnify it.

That being said, I think I would enjoy working with the youth, either in YW or Sunday School. YW simply isn't going to happen until dh gets out of the bishopric because we both can't be gone on Tuesday nights. I also really enjoyed Activity Days and wouldn't mind doing that again. RS teacher, Enrichment board, and Activities committee are also things I would gladly try IF the bishop was taking my preferences into consideration.

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Because I think people in general strive for higher aspirations and goals. Now, I realize I might be hitting upon an area that people are reluctant to be open about - especially if they feel such aspirations are forbidden. Whether they are forbidden or not, I think they are quite natural and I would really be surprised if no members actually had such aspirations. Ask any group of kids and somewhere one of them wants to be President (USA) or some other leadership position.

Now that I think of it, I should have added Relief Society and Primary Presidents to the mix for the women.

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Because I think people in general strive for higher aspirations and goals. Now, I realize I might be hitting upon an area that people are reluctant to be open about - especially if they feel such aspirations are forbidden. Whether they are forbidden or not, I think they are quite natural and I would really be surprised if no members actually had such aspirations. Ask any group of kids and somewhere one of them wants to be President (USA) or some other leadership position.

Now that I think of it, I should have added Relief Society and Primary Presidents to the mix for the women.

I guess it depends on what you consider to be a higher aspiration. I've met quite a few people who said nursery was their favorite calling. Who the heck wants to be Primary President??? My husband says his highest aspiration is to be an Elder in the church. :D There. He did it.

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an ex-bishop I knew years ago said that those that aspire to become a bishop, deserve it. ;)

I knew an Elders quorum pres on my mission that always seemed less than humble to even me. I heard later after I transfered to another area that the ward's bishop was released. Apparently this EP, and his wife, felt assured that he would be called as the new bishop. He wasn't. A month or so later, he was found dead on a street corner, murdered. Now, I'm not one to make hasty conclusions about things that happen to people. But this one was TOO wierd. :blink:

Anywho, I've always firmly believed that we're not to aspire to "lofty" callings in the church. Not for us to try and predict what the Lord knows we need. And I think I'd never be very trusting of such a person. Something conflicting about aspiring to such a calling, and this thing called humility.

A wise man once said that public service (he was actually talking about politics) was a like cream. All the nasty bits float to the top.

Another wise man suggested that anyone who aspired to the office of the President should be automatically disqualified.

While the principles seem to be true, let's tread lightly with the wild speculations about our fellow priesthood holders, hmmm?

Even the Savior advised his apostles that he who would be greatest amongst them should serve the least amongst them.

There are many wise and humble servants of the Lord- some aspired to do greater good and shoulder more of the burden, most waited patiently for the Lord to reveal his will and then did as he bid them.

It is not our place to judge them- only to support and sustain them.


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an ex-bishop I knew years ago said that those that aspire to become a bishop, deserve it. ;)

I knew an Elders quorum pres on my mission that always seemed less than humble to even me. I heard later after I transfered to another area that the ward's bishop was released. Apparently this EP, and his wife, felt assured that he would be called as the new bishop. He wasn't. A month or so later, he was found dead on a street corner, murdered. Now, I'm not one to make hasty conclusions about things that happen to people. But this one was TOO wierd. :blink:

Anywho, I've always firmly believed that we're not to aspire to "lofty" callings in the church. Not for us to try and predict what the Lord knows we need. And I think I'd never be very trusting of such a person. Something conflicting about aspiring to such a calling, and this thing called humility.

Ha! I've heard that said before also Rick about deserving the call to Bishop.

I'm not comfortable with the idea that someone is aspiring for a calling unless the motives behind it are very sincere. For example if someone is wanting to be Bishop because they look upon it as a job of prestige and power, shame on them. And believe me there are people who are like that. I know a fellow who had been second counciler in a Bishopric for just a short time when the entire Bishopric was re-organised. He was pretty sure he was going to be called as new Bishop and was pretty let down when he was not called, even as a counciler. He was then called to be a Scout leader and turned it down because he felt it was beneath him. So then he was called to serve on the High Council. He accepted that one. I was stunned at his actions and was a little surprised he was called to the Stake calling.

But now if someone is wanting a calling because they feel they could best serve there, or are more comfortable , I can understand that. Most folks will serve where they are called to do, which is one of the more amazing things about how the Church functions. Tell me it isn't inspired. :D

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I would love to have a calling that involved something with music within the church. Many years ago I was our ward's chorister and I loved every minute of it. I would love to do that again or be the choir director. Oh those would be so fun and I'd get to use my musical knowledge in the process! :)

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I have to wonder too about people who want to be bishop. Do they want people to look up to them? Do they think they would do a better job than their current bishop? Do they think it means they're righteous if they get called? If they do get called, they're in for a rude awakening. When a friend of mine moved back to Utah, there was all this speculation about who the new bishop would be. Several of the women in the ward were sure it would be their husbands. When he was called, these women were angry and when they had a YW activity, they didn't invite him. He showed up anyway and they chewed him out for coming. They were released the next Sunday. Out of all the bishops I've had, I can't think of one who wasn't humble.

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I have to wonder too about people who want to be bishop. Do they want people to look up to them? Do they think they would do a better job than their current bishop? Do they think it means they're righteous if they get called? If they do get called, they're in for a rude awakening. When a friend of mine moved back to Utah, there was all this speculation about who the new bishop would be. Several of the women in the ward were sure it would be their husbands. When he was called, these women were angry and when they had a YW activity, they didn't invite him. He showed up anyway and they chewed him out for coming. They were released the next Sunday. Out of all the bishops I've had, I can't think of one who wasn't humble.

I have had many Bishops in my life, and out of ALL of them, I can only think of 3 that I would say were "bad"... And I thnk they were called to, hopefully, teach them something... And to test and try the Ward!! LOL

Overall, the men that have served in my Wards have been GREAT!! My current Bishop os one of the best ment I know!!

Silver Girl

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I have had many Bishops in my life, and out of ALL of them, I can only think of 3 that I would say were "bad"... And I thnk they were called to, hopefully, teach them something... And to test and try the Ward!! LOL

Overall, the men that have served in my Wards have been GREAT!! My current Bishop os one of the best ment I know!!

Silver Girl

And I bet not even those guys wanted to be bishop. :lol: If they did, I bet they changed their minds in a hurry.

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I have to wonder too about people who want to be bishop. Do they want people to look up to them? Do they think they would do a better job than their current bishop? Do they think it means they're righteous if they get called? If they do get called, they're in for a rude awakening. When a friend of mine moved back to Utah, there was all this speculation about who the new bishop would be. Several of the women in the ward were sure it would be their husbands. When he was called, these women were angry and when they had a YW activity, they didn't invite him. He showed up anyway and they chewed him out for coming. They were released the next Sunday. Out of all the bishops I've had, I can't think of one who wasn't humble.

For that matter, what kind of crazy woman wants her husband to be bishop? :lol:

The ward I grew up in actually had a guy who campaigned to be bishop. He got the calling, too. I'm guessing he wasn't all that effective, since in his previous calling of ward custodian, half the adults were afraid of him....

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