It just get's better and better, their killing me

Winnie G

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Dear: Friends and Board Members.

Well I cant sleep and none was around to call and since I do not have any of your numbers to call not that I call in the middle of the night. So my sleepless reason is left unresolved. And since I have posted this on going family saga before not much of this should surprise you. So I am writing you instead at 2:30 AM. My ever so wonderful granddaughters called us tonight to say good night and tell us of their days goings on. E****’s potty training now in its ninth month and what funny thing happened in K****’s life though the eyes of a four year old and B*****’s newest giggle. We enjoyed telling them that Grandma and Papa found a new friend (puppy) for our dog B****. That was wonderful news to the granddaughters! We had to say hi to Papa of course and then the news broke, “Mommy’s having a new baby”! All that came out of my mouth was “WHAT”? Over and over again. My daughter took the phone from K**** and called her a blabber mouth and I was still saying “WHAT”? She said “don’t yell mom”. I said I’m not yelling I must have heard K**** wrong. K**** of course is in the back ground giggling. She then said “Ill know the sex of the baby tomorrow” that’s when I stopped saying “What” and said you known that lone? You know at Christmas and did not tell us? I gave her the mother’s curse, “It will be a girl you know that”? With all the birth control out there a drug store and 7/11 on ever corner she has had four babies in less then five years. My hubby and I should invest in Huggies, baby wipes and formula the rate our daughters going she could be our retirement nest egg.She is still married to Colt, nether of them has filed for divorce. I don’t tell people at church, I just avoided it all together. I can’t tell my mother in her kind hearted way she just say Oh another b***** grandchild. She has not spoken kindly about our daughter since she left her husband for **** and does not ever mention B****** but for using the term b****** when she was born. Most of my family will cringe so Ill keep it to myself for a while. Everyone is busy with mom right now her passing will be soon and they have their hands full.B****’s mother is a church member and does not live that far away from our daughter so I have asked mu daughter for me to ask her to take the girls to church. Their use to that and love going. It has not happened yet but using the thought of three extra hours of down time with out a couple extra children in the house will sink in. She has agreed so will see what happens. Its not just my daughters children she takes care of she is also a step- mom of B****’s two teenage daughters. There will be six children in that house by June. SIX and she is only 24!Every once in a while she calls me over some teenage crises happening in her house and I have to admit I do enjoy hearing her struggle. I try to tell her to remember what it was like to be 13 or 16 again. she does not get girls that are scared of bugs and don’t have her love of camping and heaven forbid they swim in a lake, the waters dirty. Their city girls and she struggle with cramps and teenage tantrum and calls me to just vent. When B**** thinks its funny I remind him that all these girls will some day sink up their periods our daughter included and he will be screwed! If my hubby and I can find something funny in all this is that “He’ll WILL BE SCREWD”!The other side of me thinks my children are trying to kill me.Well my dear friends that’s why it is 3:05 in the morning and I cant sleep.Write soonLove Winnie G whose long past turning gray and sleep deprived. :eek:

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Wow, Winnie, no wonder you can't sleep.

I home teach a couple who have 5 kids under 6 years of age. But they are faithful in every way to one another and I imagine it will always be that way. I think they have now slowed the machine down.

Hang in there. Show your love but don't let it affect your health.

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Dear: Friends and Board Members.

Well I cant sleep and none was around to call and since I do not have any of your numbers to call not that I call in the middle of the night. :eek:

Winnie, I feel for you I truly do- You and your family are always in my prayers.

I am awake most nights, 'er mornings until 3 or 4 am- I am on MST. You can pm me and we can set up windows live messenger, phone calls are just too expensive- but we can chat on-line via windows live for free.

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Wow Winnie, all of this and more is news to me. I had no idea that you had a third grand-daughter - last time I read any of your family posts you still only had two. Things have changed for you in a very short time. I'm speechless because I don't really understand all the dynamics of your extend family situation. Does you son-in-law care for grand-daughter #3 also? I think I have more questions than anything. Wow, I hope the best for you and your grandchildren. :huh:


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Maureen, my daughter had a child little girl last June and is already PG with another (girl) again in June. My son-in-law gave the girls the first two back to our daughter in November. He has not seen them since, To add to my stress my mother has taken a turn for the worst and is now down to her last hours / days.
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Maureen, my daughter had a child little girl last June and is already PG with another (girl) again in June. My son-in-law gave the girls the first two back to our daughter in November. He has not seen them since, To add to my stress my mother has taken a turn for the worst and is now down to her last hours / days.

Does your son-in-law have joint custody with your daughter or visitation or anything like that?


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He had Full Custody and my daughter had visitation then out of the blue in the fall after a summer with a new girlfriend some how they became less his priority. Since we know very little once the date from the bar moved in and did not go home showed up we saw less and less of him and saw more and more of the girls then after dropping the girls off one weekend my daughter calls and says he just gave her the girls, No word no should the girls stay with you? Nothing. So now at 24 my daughter has three children under the age of four one on the way and two step teenage girls all in one house. Oh yes she works full time.

My daughter is 95 pounds dripping wet and is slowly looking like a worn out polygamy wife you picture in your mind.

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Winnie...I wish for you, lots of strength to endure through this challenging time..I hope that you get all the support you need as well as your daughter and her family, and that you eventually get some appreciation for all the times you've helped her and her ex out with the children..:)

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She is to young for the surgery since she is not married and seen a stable she has to be over 28 or have medical problems. we live five hours from her now. Dad seem to have lost interest once the bar fly moved in. What a mess the youth can get in to. We went to see the stake p today for Temple recommend interviews he said don’t loose hope you never know she might do a total 360’ and come back to the church and bring the new boy friend with her, have faith.
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just copy and paste it into your word processor and then adjust the font size.

Now why didn't I think of that? Thanks USN. :)

All the other posts after the first one are large enough print.

:( Oh Winnie that does sound like such a worry for you. I know it's easy enough for an outsider to say try not to worry but my late husband always used to tell me not to worry about anything, not in the sense of being blase that it will all come out right in the end but he used to say that worry uses up energy and weakens us when we most need strength and that worry can never change anything. Somehow even though I knew he made sense I never quite managed it though but he was brilliant at it. A bit like the oft quoted serenity prayer, "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." Despite that fact that I am now remarried, I still miss him. He was very wise. I pray you'll have strength enough to be able to help your daughter where you can.

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Winnie, I've often wondered at certain choices some of my friends and family members have made. I guess all we can do, with a little forgiveness, is offer support, be patient and hope that maybe these life experiences will bring them to their senses.


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