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Apparently America’s Most Despicable, aka the Phelps' from the Westboro Baptist Cabal (I'll never call that thing a church), has announced plans to picket President Hinckley’s funeral. These morons, who are known for attending U.S. soldiers‘ funerals with placards that read, “God Hates “F***s, released a press release yesterday that can be read here: (warning: the URL is, IMO, obscene)


I couldn't find a verfiable news story, though there is a LOT of speculation and buzz on the blogs. I'll let you read the .pdf if you want more information. It's really vile.

I feel heartsick. These are human beings and they are abominable.


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Oh my gosh they are morons. Everything bad that happens is because God hates homosexuals, according to them. If a natural disaster happens, it's because God hates homosexuals. If the store is out of Butterfingers, it's because God hates homosexuals. Do they honestly think Pres. Hinckley would live forever? How is a 97-year-old man dying a sign that God hates homosexuals? I hope our next prophet lives forever just to spite them.

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Apparently America’s Most Despicable, aka the Phelps' from the Westboro Baptist Cabal (I'll never call that thing a church), has announced plans to picket President Hinckley’s funeral.

They also said they were going to picket Heath Ledger's funeral because he once portrayed a bisexual man in a movie. The family of Heath Ledger defended against this by making their funeral arrangements in Australia private.

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this entire family has been brainwashed by there abusive father, the current head wackjob, shirley phelps roper, is a verifiable lunatic, as easy as it is to hate these people, and as vile as they may be, we should treat them how President Hinckely would have, with love, even tho they make you sick.

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