I Prayed To Get Money And Got This Answer


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I know that most people would say that it is not right to pray for money, but my husband and I recently immigrated to Australia and we have no family here. We would really like to visit our family so they can get to know my 17 month old baby and that she can get to know them. I would like to have my family move to Australia also, since our country is "falling apart" at the moment and things are only getting worse.

I prayed to Heavenly Father with all my heart to help me set up a business that would make a big amount of money so that we will be able to help our families. After my prayer, I went about my daily routine and eventually sat down to read the scriptures. The Book of Mormon was already open at 2 Nephi 13 and I read it.

I don't know what Heavenly Father is trying to tell me? Is He trying to say that I am asking for worldly things and it is not a good thing. That I should not use my time to pursue success. Or is He trying to say, which my husband believes, that when we do make money we might stand the chance of becomming like those women that Heavenly Father spoke of.

Do anyone have a suggestion as to what is meant by that scripture and how it could relate to me?

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As I read through that chapter, the one verse that stood out to me was verse 10:

Say unto the righteous that it is well with them; for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.

Those that are called righteous because of Jesus Christ will eat good fruit, and will in turn, give good fruit to the world. By their fruits ye shall know them.

I wish you all the best in your pursuits, and regardless of whether you receive the financial success you desire, know that your steps are ordered by the Lord because of the Lord.

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This so rings true... Hope I can help here. This is pretty personal to me.

I grew up thinking that money was something that was of such great importance and I drove to get it. I ended up wiping out my financial standing 4 times in 35 years and my marriage fell apart because of the stress of the finances. Now I am not saying that you are in my shoes. Actually I think its the other side of the coin.

I have had dreams for years of being wealthy so that i could do the philanthropy or giving that I felt was important for me. Like donating a computer lab or music room setup to a school in need or providing beds and food for shelters in the area or what not. This was a good use for the money instead of using it to buy a Benz or a 10 bedroom house. I felt that this was a righteous request and I prayed for it a lot. It to date has not happened. So I was confused about it. I ran into the scriptures below that changed my views considerably...

Helaman 13 says:

21 Behold ye, the people of this great city, and hearken unto my words; yea, hearken unto the words which the Lord saith; for behold, he saith that ye are cursed because of your riches, and also are your riches cursed because ye have set your hearts upon them, and have not hearkened unto the words of him who gave them unto you.

22 Ye do not remember the Lord your God in the things with which he hath blessed you, but ye do always remember your riches, not to thank the Lord your God for them; yea, your hearts are not drawn out unto the Lord, but they do swell with great pride, unto boasting, and unto great swelling, envying, strifes, malice, persecutions, and murders, and all manner of iniquities.

This says two things to me:

First of all, seeking riches to HAVE riches is not appropriate. These things become our Gods and we then seek them before anything else in life.

Secondly, money is a blessing from God and its important to thank him for it.

The harder I have worked to gain the money, the less I have had. The more I let God take care of me, the more money I have enjoyed. However, I'd get the money and not do with it what HE had intended for it and then I would lose it again.

I personally believe that praying for money is like praying for a Mercedes to be delivered. Its not Gods way and its not praying for righteous purposes really. He knows what you need and at times He provides some of the wants too but that is His will. I know that you want the money to bring the family to Australia and that is not an unrighteous desire by any means but if God feels that your family is to be there too, he will provide the way. pray instead for Gods will to be done and pray that your family will be brought closer to you and that they will be kept safe while they are in their current homes. Money may not even be what it takes to make that happen. Gods will be done in all things.

Hope that helps a little:-)

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It's my experience that if I pray to receive my own will I rarely get it. While opening a business is certainly a righteous and honorable thing to do, it may not be the Lord's will. Your prayer probably went something like this: "Heavenly Father, please help me to open a business that I may provide for my family..." when perhaps a more humble prayer would have been "Heavenly Father, I've decided to open a business. Please let me know if this is thy will. If not, show me thy will."

Maybe the Lord had something better in store for you, but if you consume yourself with your own desires He won't stop you and often times it results in failure. We should always be seeking the Lord's will for ourselves and our families. He knows us better than we do.

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It really humbles me to hear you guys say that.

I have difficulty giving up on my hopes and dreams and I don't know if it really is a bad thing. I know I should put God first and building up his kingdom and I am not shying away from that responsibility either. I know that Heavenly Father has His own plan for us, but it is so difficult to know what He really wants for us.

I don't know how to let go of my dreams, how do I do this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know that most people would say that it is not right to pray for money, but my husband and I recently immigrated to Australia and we have no family here. We would really like to visit our family so they can get to know my 17 month old baby and that she can get to know them. I would like to have my family move to Australia also, since our country is "falling apart" at the moment and things are only getting worse.

I prayed to Heavenly Father with all my heart to help me set up a business that would make a big amount of money so that we will be able to help our families. After my prayer, I went about my daily routine and eventually sat down to read the scriptures. The Book of Mormon was already open at 2 Nephi 13 and I read it.

I don't know what Heavenly Father is trying to tell me? Is He trying to say that I am asking for worldly things and it is not a good thing. That I should not use my time to pursue success. Or is He trying to say, which my husband believes, that when we do make money we might stand the chance of becomming like those women that Heavenly Father spoke of.

Do anyone have a suggestion as to what is meant by that scripture and how it could relate to me?

Sometimes money hurts families more than it helps them. Pray for a way to be opened up that your family may migrate. But I would not presume that "lots of money" is necessarily the solution to your problem. Keep taking it to the Lord, and leave your mind open to other possible answers He may have for you.

That's my 2 cents worth.

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The past two weeks we had a two part lesson on finances in Relief Society and our teacher said that temporal things are also spiritual things. She said it isn't wrong to pray about money, but we should want it to help others and pray that we will have the things we need. I know how hard it is not to be able to see family often. We get to see my husband's family maybe every other year or less. It's hard seeing the families in our ward who book flights whenever they want to visit family and we have no idea how they do it. We couldn't even afford it for the two of us, let alone three kids. Maybe their parents pay for them to travel? Who knows.

I would probably pray for a way to see my family - not necessarily for lots of money to make it possible.

One thing I loved yesterday was my friend who bore her testimony about how money doesn't make you happy. She has lived in poverty and prosperity and she says she was happy both ways. When it was just her and her three boys, they were on a long trip and the van broke down three times and when they needed to sleep somewhere, they had no money, so she pulled in front of a temple and they camped in the car there. She says her boys still laugh about sleeping in front of the temple.

With our family's situation, we have three boys in a two bedroom apartment. When our 3rd was due, I prayed about it, saying that we needed a larger place, but the Spirit told me exactly how we could make it work here. I was disappointed, but it's been a valuable lesson living like this. :)

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It really humbles me to hear you guys say that.

I have difficulty giving up on my hopes and dreams and I don't know if it really is a bad thing. I know I should put God first and building up his kingdom and I am not shying away from that responsibility either. I know that Heavenly Father has His own plan for us, but it is so difficult to know what He really wants for us.

I don't know how to let go of my dreams, how do I do this?

Why on Earth would you want to let go of your dreams???? to become another one of the disillusioned mass delivering their life up to the 'daily grind'? yet another to relinquish their dreams for self imposed mediocrity?

You can keep your dreams and be a faithful saint, own a business and experience a life of Humble abundance, But money cannot be the sole objective. What you can do with your excess to serve your family, neighbor and strangers is a worthy goal , as when you are in service to your fellow man you are in service to your God.

If I had to give up on my dreams I might as well close business and go and work at Burger King, as settling for anything less than reaching for your potential in all areas of your life is sabotaging your ability to serve and grow. There is nothing wrong with worthy, righteous dreams and goals. pray for guidance and the spirit to lead you, to help you find a way to make things work out, and continually check your standards(as in what you are trying to attain) against what God requires of us.

Good luck and keep the dream!!

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Joseph Smith was never blessed with money. But the Lord always provided when it was needful. During one harsh period, he blessed and thanked God for the corn bread that was their entire meal again (several weeks straight), but asked if the Lord couldn't provide them with something in addition. At once, a knock on the door and a neighbor offering him a ham.

Yet, this same Joseph Smith also took upon himself the debts of the Church, insomuch that at his death, he owed over $250,000.

Did Joseph Smith need money? I'm sure it would have made his calling much easier. However, he served as needed, even though he was financially struggling. And, I believe that such struggling kept him humble and in tune with the Lord. I know that when I've struggled financially, is usually when I've been most in tune, as well.

Finally, we are taught that we are to seek the kingdom of God first, and THEN all other things will be added. And if the Lord blesses us with wealth, it is only to use to bless the poor.

Does God occasionally open up other blessings for us? Of course. And it may be that he will open the door for your family to visit. But that may be something that won't come quickly, but only through hard work. I haven't had God say "no" to me on wanting to go on vacation, yet; but then I usually plan the expenses and not just ask him to hand it to me, either.

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I know that most people would say that it is not right to pray for money, but my husband and I recently immigrated to Australia and we have no family here. We would really like to visit our family so they can get to know my 17 month old baby and that she can get to know them. I would like to have my family move to Australia also, since our country is "falling apart" at the moment and things are only getting worse.

I prayed to Heavenly Father with all my heart to help me set up a business that would make a big amount of money so that we will be able to help our families. After my prayer, I went about my daily routine and eventually sat down to read the scriptures. The Book of Mormon was already open at 2 Nephi 13 and I read it.

I don't know what Heavenly Father is trying to tell me? Is He trying to say that I am asking for worldly things and it is not a good thing. That I should not use my time to pursue success. Or is He trying to say, which my husband believes, that when we do make money we might stand the chance of becomming like those women that Heavenly Father spoke of.

Do anyone have a suggestion as to what is meant by that scripture and how it could relate to me?

Beside everyone elses comments: 'How to Get Rich' By Hugh W. Nibley

How to Get Rich - Maxwell Institute Papers

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a good scripture I read a couple weeks ago that goes along with this:

18 But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God.

19 And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good—to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted.

So what I get from it is that yes your intentions are good. But first put in the effort/prayers that you are putting in for the money towards doing your best to improve yourself and following the best way you can.
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