Scentofjoy Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 I'm writing as the councillor in presidency responsible for enrichment. In our ward we seem to have a problem with enrichment activities. The big quarterly HFPE meetings are fine and even successful but the smaller enrichment activities seem to be quite overwhelming to organize for the sisters with enrichment callings -we have HFPE leader (Enrichment meetings) and Enrichment chairperson- (enrichment activities). Even though we know what sisters need, it never works for our enrichment committee. Every one seems to stop functioning-literally- soon after they're called to RS enrichment committee and I end up doing everything myself. What's going on? any suggestions? :) Quote
Elgama Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 the way they do it here is just let individual sisters organise things we have a craft thing on Friday - basically bring latest project and packed lunch and the more competent sisters help out those less competent it rarely gets more than 3 but thats nice those sisters just natter, share their lunches and do something if they want sometimes we just go for the fellowship its nice. Another sister is starting a yoga class on Saturdays which should be really nice. I am thinking of doing an under 5s and their parents group - I want us to make quiet books, from there not sure what else. -Charley Quote
Silver Girl Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 the way they do it here is just let individual sisters organise things we have a craft thing on Friday - basically bring latest project and packed lunch and the more competent sisters help out those less competent it rarely gets more than 3 but thats nice those sisters just natter, share their lunches and do something if they want sometimes we just go for the fellowship its nice. Another sister is starting a yoga class on Saturdays which should be really nice. I am thinking of doing an under 5s and their parents group - I want us to make quiet books, from there not sure what else.-Charley I agree... My favorite Enrichment activity was "Unfinished Project" Night... We all brought our unfinished projects, or whatever we were currently working on, along with a dessert to pass... One sister offered to teach a left handed sister to crochet (something she always wanted to learn), and several sisters admired the projects of others, and got an impromptu lesson on how to do it!! A couple of the sisters even made plans to get together, on their own, later to shop for supplies, and spend more time working together...It doesn't have to be formal, it just has to be fun!!Silver Girl :) Quote
Silver Girl Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 Ooops!! Sorry, Duplicate Post!! Quote
Scentofjoy Posted February 15, 2008 Author Report Posted February 15, 2008 the way they do it here is just let individual sisters organise things we have a craft thing on Friday - basically bring latest project and packed lunch and the more competent sisters help out those less competent it rarely gets more than 3 but thats nice those sisters just natter, share their lunches and do something if they want sometimes we just go for the fellowship its nice. Another sister is starting a yoga class on Saturdays which should be really nice. I am thinking of doing an under 5s and their parents group - I want us to make quiet books, from there not sure what else.-CharleySee, we have planned to organize the same thing. Sisters want to get together and start and finish their projects. They even go to other places to do craft cos they like it so much., The thing is that the sisters with the responsibility to get the participants together aren't able to do this- to organise. They seem to be out of breath all the time and i end up organising everything myself. I keep wandering what's going on. It's like that with all sisters called to this Enrichment part in my Ward. Quote
Elgama Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 the way we do it requires no organisation, its just bring lunch, bring your projects the chapel will be open -Charley Quote
NPCNS Posted May 10, 2008 Report Posted May 10, 2008 I think little or no organization, especially for the summer months is a fantastic idea. One of the things that disturbs me is when a sister plans and spends tons of time and there is poor attendance. Plus, who needs more pressure in life? Quote
MorningStar Posted May 11, 2008 Report Posted May 11, 2008 I'm on our enrichment committee and we just had a really laid-back, fun activity. We brought our best salads and made a competition out of it like the chili cook-off. It was great and we played games! We're also going to have girls' night or bring your own project once a month. Our ward responds better to opportunities to socialize. Quote
WillowTheWhisp Posted May 11, 2008 Report Posted May 11, 2008 We used to have a UFO day - unfinished objects - and I loved those, not because I ever got much done and never got anything finished but the chance to chat to each other was lovely. Quote
pushka Posted May 11, 2008 Report Posted May 11, 2008 At our RS meetings the President of RS makes announcements about any enrichment activities taking place over the coming weeks. A show of hands initially denotes how many sisters may be attending and which need transport, then a sheet of paper is passed around in the week or two before the event, so that those still needing transport to and from the even can list their contact details so the organisers can arrange things for them..perhaps this would be a good idea in your ward? Quote
Liesl Posted May 11, 2008 Report Posted May 11, 2008 I have to be honest, we have a fabulous enrichment leader with brilliant ideas, but even though sisters say they will be there, they either back out last minute or simply not show up. I also find that those with young children struggle to make it cause we end up running after the children more than learning anything, at the end of the day I'd rather get flustered at home than else where. And no, not all of us are fortunate enough to have our husbands home to help. Quote
MorningStar Posted May 11, 2008 Report Posted May 11, 2008 Does your Enrichment ever do a nursery? We almost always have one and that's really helpful. Quote
Tough Grits Posted May 11, 2008 Report Posted May 11, 2008 I agree with the shouldn't be so stressful. IMHO, that is why Enrichment has been changed to begin with. It used to be every month, but it seemed to be more of a stress and burden lately to get there EVERY month...especially since I work. I just wanted to be at home with my little family. Now that I am going to college at night, it makes going to ANY night activity/social impossible. Relief Society is supposed to be "relief" not a burden! (wink, wink)The quarterly meeting is based on a lesson and spiritual get-together...but the monthly meetings have now become optional. From what I understand, we could have a meeting weekly if we wanted, or not at all...because the quarterly meeting is the only "official" R.S. meeting. The other "meetings" are merely optional activities. This is what has been explained to us in our stake/ward. I hope that what I am saying is not incorrect.So, having said all that, the monthly/weekly activities should NOT be requiring anybody to become stressed or overwhelmed. Basically, pick a location (church, member's house, etc.), announce the date/time and the nature of the activity during the opening announcements of Relief Society for a couple of Sunday's in a row...and leave the rest up to the sisters. If they come fine, if they don't...then the ones who do show will have a grand ol' time chatting amongst themselves...even if it is only two. Each sister can be responsible for bringing their own snack/sandwich and their own project. The most important thing that each sister truly needs to bring, is the Spirit. Other than that, it can be just a small group of sisters just sitting around talking and completely a project. I bet that some sisters would even come if they didn't even have a project. Some of us (me) just like to talk and be with others without being burdened down with a ton of things to cook/make/bring to a meeting that is supposed to be a break for me. LOL LOLAgain, I hope I have not posted anything incorrect. I am merely conveying what my own local leaders have explained to us.But down here in the backwoods of rural Georgia, it is not rare for us to get things wrong! LOL LOLWrong or right, I love my sisters and we always manage to have a good ol' time when we get together.The BEST night ever, was craft night. Several sisters were asked to bring their crafts to Enrichment. It was to be like an Expo for the other sisters on what they could do and learn.My mother and I teamed up and brought ALL our beads and jewelry making supplies. Each sister was allowed to rummage through our hundreds of beads and pick out what they wanted. My mom and I then showed them how to make a wire or stretchy bracelet/necklace. They got to keep (for free) whatever they made.The sisters LOVED it. Other sisters brought their sewing machines and showed the sisters how to make pot holders, coupon holders, and there were SO many more stations where the sisters could learn and actually make something to take home. Not only do sisters love to see what each other can do, but sisters love to show others their talent/skills. I love teaching others how to craft. With sisters, there is always valuable bonding and conversation that accompanies such activities. Also, sisters like to take something home. No matter how inexpensive, sisters like having a momento of the evening!Just a thought!~TG Quote
kishtakaye Posted June 19, 2008 Report Posted June 19, 2008 Our RS just started a new thing. (at least it's new to me, I've only been active about 2 years now) We now have smaller groups of people to do enrichment activities. We sent around a sign up sheet at the 1st of the year and got ideas from all of the sisters as to what they would like to do for activities. Now not everyone is interested in everything so we opted to pick the most popular activities and each sister signed up for the activity or activities of their choice. Then that group got together and set up times, dates, and activities that they as a group liked to do. I'm not sure if someone volunteered to be the leader of a group or what but we have so much fun we have a scrapbooking, humanitarian aid, service, lunches w/ kids, lunches w/o kids. food storage, and a few other groups. I am not into crafty things so its nice to be of service and learn to use my food storage better along with taking time out to have lunch with the sisters. Hope this can help. :)I will get you more info if want it. Quote
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