Joining the church ????

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Hi, I am new to this forum, but have a few questions !!! I had a catholic upbringing, i even attended a catholic school! I when through a fase of not believing at all! Then i started having lessons of the missionaries, and i loved it and felt and believed it was true, i also decided to get baptised! Sadley i stopped having the lessons, and stoped going to the church! I also decided not to get baptised! It was around the start of september through, to early november i had the lessons! Since then i have felt my life deteriorate, and feel a loss and sadness at not joining the church, as i realise i still believe its true! I feel inside that i still want to join the church and be baptised, but i have trouble off my parents, and want to join the church! I feel as though i need lessons more over time, also i feel i need to move out before, i join the church to save upset with my family at home! What are peoples suggestions, on what i should do?

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

I look forward to the replys.

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You could try and talking to your parents face to face and see what happens or possibly even take the missionaries with you when you talk to them. Could you meet with the missionaries at a neutral location to take lessons? Do as you said you wanted to, wait until you find your own place. Whatever you do, good luck and keep us up to date.

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we are comanded to honor our parents, though that means respecting them there comes a time in our lives when we need to live for us. we can be respectful and make our own decisions that are going to be best for us and make us happiest. that may mean moving out before you can proceed with any plans within the chruch. it would be nice if i thought i could give you the answer or that anyone else on here could but the reality is only the lord can answer your question. i would start pondering and praying now as to what to do. the answer you get may not be the one you want or the easiest path you think you could take but it will be the right one. it sounds like you already know the direction you need to go in, trust that and go to the lord. sometimes we need to make a decision and then take that to the lord for a calming reasurance or it will always be unsettling. if unsettling find a new solution and then take it before the lord. often we are not given the answer but a confirmation that we have found an acceptable answer. no big decision is easy, have faith that the lord will answer your prayers, trust those answers.

hope that helps some. (feels random to me lol sorry if it is.)

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we are comanded to honor our parents, though that means respecting them there comes a time in our lives when we need to live for us. we can be respectful and make our own decisions that are going to be best for us and make us happiest. that may mean moving out before you can proceed with any plans within the chruch. it would be nice if i thought i could give you the answer or that anyone else on here could but the reality is only the lord can answer your question. i would start pondering and praying now as to what to do. the answer you get may not be the one you want or the easiest path you think you could take but it will be the right one. it sounds like you already know the direction you need to go in, trust that and go to the lord. sometimes we need to make a decision and then take that to the lord for a calming reasurance or it will always be unsettling. if unsettling find a new solution and then take it before the lord. often we are not given the answer but a confirmation that we have found an acceptable answer. no big decision is easy, have faith that the lord will answer your prayers, trust those answers.

hope that helps some. (feels random to me lol sorry if it is.)

Thank you, that has been a great help, i did have alot of lessons actualy within my local church so maybe, maybe if i can continue the lessons, then when i am ready plan a baptism. Also a big problem was attending the service on a sunday, my parents would get moody with me telling me i am a catholic, i would like to attend the service but at the same time, not upset my parents.
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Guest Malcolm


It is not clear to me how old you are. If you are a minor then you must, by all means obey the wishes of your parents and not be baptized.

It is important, however that you first understand what "honor" means in the context of the scriptures. Second; if you are an honest and faithful seeker of the truth you would not try to engage your parents in an argument or dispute. I am not sure if they are faithful practitioners of Catholicism or just followers of tradition.

I would also consider how you felt when the spirit bore witness that the message you were listening to was true and how you currently feel since you stopped your missionary discussions. You must decide if you shall obey the promptings of the Spirit of the Lord or the traditions of your fathers. Matthew 19:29.

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It is not clear to me how old you are. If you are a minor then you must, by all means obey the wishes of your parents and not be baptized.

It is important, however that you first understand what "honor" means in the context of the scriptures. Second; if you are an honest and faithful seeker of the truth you would not try to engage your parents in an argument or dispute. I am not sure if they are faithful practitioners of Catholicism or just followers of tradition.

I would also consider how you felt when the spirit bore witness that the message you were listening to was true and how you currently feel since you stopped your missionary discussions. You must decide if you shall obey the promptings of the Spirit of the Lord or the traditions of your fathers. Matthew 19:29.

Well its a strange situation my mum is actualy prebytarian, and my dad catholic, nither of them are practasing, so i would say it is more tradition! I am 24 years of age! I think my mum thinks because i am catholic i should stay catholic, yet i seem to have these feelings of belief with the church of latter day saints. I have also felt the warmth of the spirit when praying aswell.

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sometimes we can't do what is right and not offend others, they still have the choice in how they would handle it. i hate to think that your parents would be that resistant to let you live your life. especially if neither practice their faith anymore and are 2 different faiths at that. i would think that logic alone could encourage them to let you decide for yourself what faith is. i suggest you have an honest conversation with your parents, employing a lot of prayer before hand so that you will know how to approach the situation. not sure if you've tried fasting yet but might be a good idea to include that with some of your searching.

my siblings and i all have very different life choices, my mom respects our decisions and we have a great relationship, my dad on the otherhand has chosen to seperate himself from those that did not make the choice he wanted them to. most of my siblings don't talk to him much anymore. it is very sad in my opinion. your parents will have to decide how they will handle things. unfortunately that isn't a choice you get to make.

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hi adie this is tina. i went through the exact thing as you with my mom,when i was 33yrs old i joind the church but my mom dealt me so much grief that i quit going all together for 5yrs. those were the most miserable 5yrs of my entire life. i am now 38yrs old my mom lives with me, i finally stood up to her in a very loving,but stern way and told her that i was going back to the LDS church and she didnt have to like it, but she would repect it. i told her all the yelling,mocking and harassing in this world wasnt going to stop me from going . i told her that i love her very much and just because we go to different churchs, doesnt mean we arent family any more, and its ok to disagree. its not a crime. this is america and we can worship how we please- freedom of choice. i dont know how old you are which makes a lot of difference as to how you should handle this case but definately pray to heavenly father to go before you and soften your parents hearts toward this situation. as for me my mom still tries to change my mind but i just stand firm in my decision and tell her that i love her. pray for gods wisdom, i did and i am now more alive and happier than ever and have come to peace with my walk with jesus that will take me home to my heavenly father. your friend tina.

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I too have had abit of a same thing going on... My parents are lutheran, like most of the people in Scandinavia. I ws 30 as I sat in mymoms kitchen on a high stairschair and with tears falling I said: Mom this is MY livfe this is MY decition...I KNOW the LDS church is true and I want to be a member of it.

However she wanted me to actually meet with the biggest anti in the north to discuss with him as I "was not told everything" I still wonder after 25 years what that everything was I was not told... They never made the meeting ...they wanted to ask him to come to them, he never did.

Sometimes I wonder if I should have faced him to show my parents, how wrong he was in many things... but probably it was better this way. Anyway I in a way could understand my mom, (dad was already then hospitalized...I joined the church two months after his death) after all she was from a very active and good lutheran family and that is not all, her dad was the main theolog in my country and ALL lutheran preasts came through his fingers at his time... my dad again was a son of a preast the leading preast of a congrigation... I had tought of reading theology too... this ofcourse has made me the black sheep of the flock...

My wish to join was too strong I just had to do as I KNEW was right. My mom was sad, but never excluded me. She has talked two of my kids out of the church, NOT that that had bee3n the only reason for them... But she is always there for me and I am always there for her.

My dad was a searcher and I have had my husband babtised for him and I just KNOW he has agreed to the babtisement and is now buzy in working for our HF. My mom (91) is still going on strong...I just wish I could visit her more often. She lives close the the Finnish Temple and as I viist her ... well she do not want me to vist my frends of Temple, but she lets me go for an hour or so....

Anyway you know the Church do not go anywhere we are here and wait for you, you know where to find us, you know when the time is in and you just have to get babtized. The things may feel tough at the beginning but usually things calm down after while.

I waited my exfor 6montsh+, but that was no use...

After babtisement it was also easier to meet with difficulties as I knew our HF would take care of me!

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hi adie this is tina. i went through the exact thing as you with my mom,when i was 33yrs old i joind the church but my mom dealt me so much grief that i quit going all together for 5yrs. those were the most miserable 5yrs of my entire life. i am now 38yrs old my mom lives with me, i finally stood up to her in a very loving,but stern way and told her that i was going back to the LDS church and she didnt have to like it, but she would repect it. i told her all the yelling,mocking and harassing in this world wasnt going to stop me from going . i told her that i love her very much and just because we go to different churchs, doesnt mean we arent family any more, and its ok to disagree. its not a crime. this is america and we can worship how we please- freedom of choice. i dont know how old you are which makes a lot of difference as to how you should handle this case but definately pray to heavenly father to go before you and soften your parents hearts toward this situation. as for me my mom still tries to change my mind but i just stand firm in my decision and tell her that i love her. pray for gods wisdom, i did and i am now more alive and happier than ever and have come to peace with my walk with jesus that will take me home to my heavenly father. your friend tina.

I am 24 and feel i am old enough take my own directions in life! I am from the uk we have many religions to, i would go as far as saying that you couldnt get a more multi religous and multi culteral country thn the uk! So there is alot of exploration here! Also catholsism has taken over as the main religion in the uk, with islam the second fastest growing faith! I feel somthing though with the lds church that i dont with other faiths, i certanly believe it, i want to explore it deeper and study it! I think i will have to come face to face and talk to my parents it would be much easier when i move ut and im able to do my own thing and say to them i have done this!!
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What are peoples suggestions, on what i should do?

I look forward to the replys.

Hello my friend....I commend you on your search for the truth. All I can suggest is that if you pray about what you have been taught and you get the answer that it is true, then do what the Lord asks of you. If He wishes you to be baptized at this time then do it...have faith and all will be well, you will be blessed. Be faithful and your family will see the change in your heart, you will become "the church" to them and their hearts will soften. When I joined the church my father (catholic) thought I was crazy and I was joining some mind controlling cult. A few years later he had nothing but respect for my faith....the Lord blessed me and softened his heart. Godspeed on your journey my brother!!!!

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Hello my friend....I commend you on your search for the truth. All I can suggest is that if you pray about what you have been taught and you get the answer that it is true, then do what the Lord asks of you. If He wishes you to be baptized at this time then do it...have faith and all will be well, you will be blessed. Be faithful and your family will see the change in your heart, you will become "the church" to them and their hearts will soften. When I joined the church my father (catholic) thought I was crazy and I was joining some mind controlling cult. A few years later he had nothing but respect for my faith....the Lord blessed me and softened his heart. Godspeed on your journey my brother!!!!

That is the problem i find, its my parents and even friends parents, they think its a mind controlling cult!! I will pray over the week end and even try to attend a service! Thanks all the advice here has been a great help, i see others have had simler problems, it seems people find there faith eventualy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

FIrst I want to say that I am touched by your faith, Adie. The faith you had to listen to the Spirit help you course correct. The faith and courage to say that you believe. It is amazing to me. And I feel the strength of your spirit in your words.

Sooo many think that the church is a mind controlling cult. That isn't new. It is just what they know. And that is Ok that they don't understand yet. I love the idea of sitting and talking directly to them in respect and love. I think that can really help them feel the spirit from your words. Pray beforehand. Pray that your parents will be prepared to receive what you need to tell them and that they will soften their hearts.

I think that in time, and with the Lord's help they will come around and support you. And if they don't, do whatever you can do to preserve your relationship with them (without betraying your convictions, of course). The Lord can soften their hearts. Stay close to the Lord. Pray often and be believing. Be believing about moving forward towards the waters of baptism and be believing that the Lord can help work out issues with your parents. God has been working with the hearts of the children of men for a long time. He has gone up against the worst of them and won! Remember Paul? He loves you AND your sweet parents. It wouldn't surprise me if the Lord knew you would have trouble with your parents. It wouldn't surprise me if He wasn't already working on them. God WILL make a way for you. " I will go and do the things which the Lord has commanded, for I know the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." (1 Nephi 3:7) Go forward in faith unwavering!

Good luck my friend. And welcome to the fold!! Hope you will let us all know about your continuing conversion and baptism. I would love to celebrate with you!!

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I just feel people who think LDS are in a cult are very misguided. FAIR and its FAIR Wiki has a lot of good resources to help you sort through issues. Plus it gives you resources to stand up for yourself. LDS FAIR Apologetics Homepage They have a links section. If you can find Barry Bickmores website he had as an LDS person an extensive debate with Catholic apologist Steve Clifford. It is online to read.

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If you feel you need to move out in order to live your own religious life, make arrangements to do so. Make it clear to your parents that you love them and want to continue your good relationship with them, but you must make more of your own decisions as part of being an adult. Seek inspiration from God in how to proceed.

Until you can make that move, study the Book of Mormon. Read it, ponder its teachings, and pray to know the truth of it and what you should do about it. Attend Church if you can. Talk to other members of the Church in your area and ask them how they came to know the truth of the Gospel. Be with those who would strengthen your faith.

Finally, write down some of your thoughts and feelings during this time. This will be a valuable record for your later reference at times when your faith is challenged. The answers you have received are powerful - give yourself a way to remember them.

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My parents, Sister and I converted to the chruch. My Step-dad was a baptist and my mother, sister and I were catholics. We all attended our chruchs every sunday. I was an alter boy growing up and I went to a private catholic school for 8 years.

Our answers of prayers were too strong and real to ignore. We were all baptized and it was the best thing we ever did. It brought my parents together. Gave my sister and I better moral compasses and me the answer to those question I was looking as well as a way to serve Heavenly Father and have a family.

My Parents took a lot of heat from our family. My Grandparents wanted to at first in the heat of the moment disown my mother, but they knew they loved her deep down and could never do that. My step-father took the same heat. Over the years many of them have listened to the missionaries, attended temple open houses, and attended chruch.

I enterviewed my grandparents for family history so my children would know them. Ask my Grandmother what was her biggest disappointment in life. I figured the answer would be some of my cousins who are abusive to there children or live without taking care of there children but no she said it was that "I and my mother left the Catholic faith." She said you guys were always the ones who were strong in beliving in god and you left our faith. I was shocked at first but when I was done she gave me a huge hug and told me thankyou for letting future generations of your children know about me."

ONe last story to explain why my family is over the conversion. My Grandfather was on his death bed a few years ago and my Grandmother and the 6 children where at his bedside. My grandmother asked her children to get a priest for last rights. None of the 5 who where catholic wanted to talk to the priest directly has many of them had fallen inactive or were scared of there own transgressions to be standing or talking witha priest. All 5 didn't want too so my mother said she would and immediately left the room with no other questions. She went over the to the catholic rectory and asked the priest to come. He agreed and came. My grandparents were so appreciative that they have never mentioned the changing of faiths again and are closer to my mother and our family more than ever.

Sorry long but being a former catholic I felt like sharing all this.

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Guest Malcolm

That is the problem i find, its my parents and even friends parents, they think its a mind controlling cult!! I will pray over the week end and even try to attend a service! Thanks all the advice here has been a great help, i see others have had simler problems, it seems people find there faith eventualy!

Your love for your family, your respect, your kindness, your care and affection for those around you will be the greatest evidence of your faith and true devotion to the Gospel and Christ.

Contrary to popular "wisdom" and culture, I love my mother-in-law and she thinks I walk on water. Of course I do nothing to dissuade her otherwise...LOL...

It was not always that way. When one of my sisters-in-law asked me to baptize her, the family called for a "council" to discuss the issue and they even brought a Catholic priest to the house to "rebuke" me!! I arrived and kissed everybody as usual when we met and shook the RC priest's hand. I calmly and respectfully asked the cleric what he needed from me and what he wanted to talk about. That gesture alone defused all the animosity in the room.

He asked me about my roll into the situation and I bore my testimony of Jesus Christ and the Restoration. I expressed my respect for their religion and tradition as well as my belief that all men of faith are called to work in the building of the Kingdom of God and that I had inquired of God how I was to do so. That my convictions were the result of a spiritual quest that spawned several years and experiences too sacred to share and that I believed my sister-in-law had done the same. Beyond that it was her decision and that I was just the one to perform the ordinance as one more priesthood holder in the Church.

"My child, may God bless your heart's desire to seek and find His truth. You seem to have done a lot of work to arrive at this decision. As for these girls, they left the church a long time ago. I guess now is official." He said. with that he turned around, shook my mother-in-law's hand and left.

Five years later I baptized my mother in-law and two other members of my wife's family. Not one argument, not one word of contention. I love them to death and for my mother in law I am the son she never had.

Follow the prompting of the Spirit, strengthen your faith and show them that you love them. You will be surprised at what happens.

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That's great news. I commend you on your steps to seeking out truth. One of the bravest things one can do in life is to do the right thing in the face of all adversity and opposition. Probably the most rewarding thing in life is succeeding at doing the right thing despite the consequences in the face of all adversity and opposition. Best wishes!

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