Adam & Eve; Immortal Beings Require Food

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What is really strange with this topic, being member of the church and in a state ignorance regarding this subject of immortal beings require energy source, indeed was a strange notion to me. Perhaps, my heritage culture up bringing in belonging to another theological sect, ingrained my mind with respects of immortal beings did not require any food source. Now, advancing my own self-gospel edification, I had changed that personal notion.

In our scriptural canonize accounts, Moses [2] & Abraham, before the fall, the Godhead ensured, both Adam and Eve had an energy source to choose from, in sustaining their immortal bodies while in the garden, eastward [southeast] of the Land Eden [ref: Genesis 2:8, Moses 3:8-9, Abraham 5:8]. Moses records this very fact, it was the fruit bearing trees that were planted within the garden were indeed, the source of food for these two:

Gen. 1: 29 (29-30): “¶ And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”

Moses 3:15: “And I, the Lord God, commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it...”

Even Abraham recorded the same remarkable vision:

Abraham 4:29: “And the Gods said: Behold, we will give them every herb bearing seed that shall come upon the face of all the earth, and every tree which shall have fruit upon it; yea, the fruit of the tree yielding seed to them we will give it; it shall be for their meat.”

Abraham 5:9: “And out of the ground made the Gods to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food; the tree of life, also, in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Even the Prophet Nephi, reading the account of Moses from the plates of Laban, noted the same trees were planted for a food source.

Using these accounts and our own reasoning of understanding, it does appear the fruit bearing trees were the source of food for our first parents. Even in the midst

of the garden, stood impiously, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. You will note both are fruit bearing trees beside the others. Question is why would both immortal beings require such a diet?

Consider the following:

- Adam and Eve being immortal, their bodies did not require any protein source for continued reparation of their skeletal muscle and bone structure. Their immortal veins did not have any mortal blood, to course the body’s vein infrastructure. What flow within those veins, was the godly ‘Celestialize’ light. Having an immortal state, the bodies only required a source of food for energy sustainment. By adding certain fruit bearing trees in the garden would meet their requirement.

- Being immortal, where there is no death to consider, especially within the garden, by eating the fruit from certain trees, both Adam and Eve were not required to kill anything. I highly doubt, being grown adult bodies, with child like mind set, killing was not even comprehendible at this time. When the fruit reaches the maturity state, would eventually fall to the ground and start the decay/recycle process. There was no need to kill anything for life sustainment.

Upon eating the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve were casted out of the garden in that ‘dark and dreary world. I would contend in do time, their own digest system was changed forever. Blood was introduce into the vein infrastructure and would alter the bodily need for a protein source beside the already provided energy fruit bearing trees. From both accounts [Old Testament and Pearl of Great Price], Moses 4:24 records, they now need two additional source for this problem, namely herbs and product of herbs called bread [grain]

“Thorns also, and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shalt eat the herb of the field. By the sweat of they face shalt thou eat bread...

When we get to Noah’s timeframe [Read up to Gen 7:2], Noah was given instruction on a limited [animal] protein food sources prior to the Global Flood. It wasn’t until afterward; more changes came when Noah was again instructed to take seven each of clean beasts and two of unclean beasts. Majority of the beasts were now used for food protein source. [See Gen 9:3]What is startling, is the amount of time it took [1,000 years] from being in the garden as an immortal being [fruit] to now, a mortal [fruit, herb, bread, animals] being to be allowed consumed majority of the beasts today. I now add a postulation, which I do credit Doctor J. Ainsworth for his devoted insight to this very subject. It will take our mortal digest system 1,000 years to reverse this problem. Blood will at this point; replaced by the same godly Celestialize light source, thus returning us back to that very day, Adam and Eve partook of the fruit of the garden. As it was in the beginning, the Savior will again, instruct the millennium saints of appropriate food source to eat. They will not be in that position to kill any soul-living individuality. In closing, John the Beloved seen this also:

Revelation 22:2: 2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Credited to: Moses, Abraham, & Doctor J. Ainsworth
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This is why I have trouble with the idea that Adam and Eve were immortal in the Garden. The Scriptures describe God as evicting them from the Garden so that they don't eat the fruit of the tree of life and thus BECOME immortal. So how could they already be immortal? The idea of a tree bearing fruit that grants immortality has been preserved in multiple mythologies around the world. It was known to the Celts, whose paradise was called (among other things) the Isle of Apples, where the brave and virtuous could live forever. The Scandinavians had a goddess Idunna who was the keeper of the golden apples which kept the gods young, healthy and immortal. Once, when the gods couldn't get the apples, they began to age and get sick. The Greek gods had to eat a substance called "ambrosia" to maintain their eternal and perfect condition. So one can see that the basic idea did survive in several forms through the ages.

Remember that God never told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of life; He only warned them away from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So I don't think they were inherently immortal, but had the ability to be immortal as long as they stayed in the Garden and could eat of the fruit of the tree of life. Their immortality depended on the fruit. But they chose to eat the other fruit, and so were then denied the chance at "easy immortality" and left to their physically mortal condition in order to pass the test they had (perhaps unwittingly) chosen. God would not allow both; it had to be one or the other. Our first parents chose the hard way! :)

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Does it say they required food? Not by my reading. It says "thou mayest freely eat." It's not advertised as a life necessity, but a desirable option which Adam and Eve were offered as the stewards of the Garden.

Everything that exists requires something to maintain its existence. Energy expended requires energy to replace it. "There is nothing new under the sun", just the same elements and energies recycling over and over; all food or fuel is just a form of energy. Nothing is created "ex nihilo". Even gods and angels must consume something to replace the energy they expend, it's a cosmic law.

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The Law of Plenitude and the Principle of Recycling pervades the universe.

Doctor Hugh B. Nibley, stated his understanding regarding this very subject

“By the law of plenitude of perfect economy, no space should be wasted and none should be crowded. "There is abundant room in my paradise," says the 11th Ode, "and nothing is useless therein." In the Ginza, a very important, a very old work of these Mandaeans, Jesus is told, "Go down to that place where there are no skenas (skena is a topos, dwelling place; skena is the same word as the Greek skena, is the same thing as a shekinah, the holy spirit dwelling of the Jews. And in Syriac means an occupied place.) The Father says, "Go down to that place where there are no skenas and no worlds. Create there for us another world after the fashion of the sons of salvation." The same writing explains that when the, mass and number of the world is filled, a squeeze begins, and it's time for expansion. "All 'spaces come forth from the Father," says the Gospel of Truth, "but at first, it had neither form nor name." He organizes and supervises and sees that the place is properly and economically used. Everything is being controlled here. But the idea of pure space, of absolute emptiness is abhorrent to these people. There is no point to that. A total void without even chaotic matter is utterly abhorrent.” [Glendale, California 1969, SECRETS OF THE SCRIPTURES - THE CREATION]

Another quote with recycling principle:

Beginning with the very old Egyptian idea, recently examined by E. A. E. Reymond, that the creation of the world was really a re-creation by "transforming substances" that had already been used in the creation of other worlds, the Jewish and Christian apocryphal writers envisage a process by which the stuff of worlds is alternately organized into new stars and planets, and when these have served their time, scrapped, decontaminated, and reused in yet more new worlds. This "Urstoff" that is being constantly recycled is the Tohuwabohu of some Jewish teachers, according to Weiss, who saw the ultimate forms of matter in fire and ice. Likewise, according to the same authority, the world-holocaust of the Stoics was merely a necessary preparation for the making of new worlds from old materials. The whole thrust of Weiss’s book is that until the early Christian apologists, we find no trace anywhere of a doctrine of creatio ex nihilo, the Creation being everywhere conceived of as the act of organizing "matter unorganized" (amorphos hyle), bringing order from disorder, the basic prerequisites for the work being space (chora) and unorganized matter.

And so we have in the Pistis Sophia, continuing the Egyptian teachings, the picture of a constant remixing (kerasomos) going on in the universe in which old, worn-out, contaminated substances, the refuse (sorm) of worn-out worlds and kingdoms (247-250), is first thrown out on the scrap-heap and returned to chaos as "dead" matter (134,41,68), then melted down in a dissolving fire for many years (365f.), by which all the impurities are removed from it (249), and by which it is "improved" (41,68), and is ready to be "poured from one kind of body into another" (251). This whole process by which souls as well as substances are "thrown back into the mixing" (14) is under the supervision of Melchizedek, the great reprocessor, purifier, and preparer of worlds (35f.). He takes over the refuse of defunct worlds or souls (36), and under his supervision five great Archons process (literally "knead"-ouoshm) it, separating out its different components, each one specializing in particular elements, which they thus recombine in unique and original combinations so that no new world or soul is exactly like any other (338).

In this full-blown pleniarism there is no waste and no shortage: "If any were superfluous or any lacking, the whole body would suffer, for the worlds counterpoise one another like the elements of a single organism." The worlds go on forever: "They come and come and cease not, they ever increase and are multiplied, yet are not brought to an end nor do they decrease. ["Treasures in the Heavens" [Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, Vol.1, Ch.7, p.171-188]] "

Nate, look back to Gospel of John, did not the Savior after His death partake the food He cooked on the shoreline? [Late editing: John Chap 21]

It presumed that other cultures adapted the Garden of Eden story and over time was corrupted from the original Moses account.

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Interesting thought. But I also would have to think the food wasn't for food, but more as something else to experiences in the Garden. (meaning the food was there more for the taste that he provides, then for the nutrients it gives).

Does that mean Adam and Eve had there favorite fruit or herb or what ever. I don't know. Did they have there favorite Dog, Cat? Horse? T-Rex. I think at this stage in the Garden of Eden wasn't one of that just a stage. it wasn't made for anything else but to be an idea.

About the idea that Adam and eve needed the food for some energy, I also disagree with. The POWER that Adam and Eve used, wasn't because of Oxygen and blood pumping through there system. I believe it was there spirit that gave them energy. What fueled the spirit? who knows. Once they felt, they became mortal. Now the spirit wasn't enough, they needed the nutrients to help them grown. (which really didn't happen before).

One thing I do agree with it, it well take a some time to go back to eating things like they were in the Garden of Eden. I don't know how much Ice cream there well be in the Millinium. It well take a while to go back to the idea that I don't HAVE to eat, but I'm sure I well still have Nachos!

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About the idea that Adam and eve needed the food for some energy, I also disagree with. The POWER that Adam and Eve used, wasn't because of Oxygen and blood pumping through there system. I believe it was there spirit that gave them energy. What fueled the spirit? who knows. Once they felt, they became mortal. Now the spirit wasn't enough, they needed the nutrients to help them grown. (which really didn't happen before).

I think you're interpreting the word "energy" too narrowly. You contrast it with "power", when those are two words meaning the exact same thing, in terms of physics. Power is energy, and both require something to fuel them. Consuming food does not necessarily have anything to do with whether you have oxygen and blood pumping through your system. Plants have a different physical system than mammals do, and they consume nutrients from sunlight and from the earth. Then we eat the plants. Ultimately all our energy comes from the same two sources, the sun and the earth. Even the sun itself is consuming massive amounts of fuel to provide the light and heat we need, and when it runs out, it will die.

I think the idea that Adam and Eve didn't need food in Eden is reading a bit too much into the narrative. It clearly states they did eat of the fruits in the garden, among other things. You don't have a desire to eat unless you feel hungry. You don't feel hungry unless your body needs nutrients to replace expended energy. Ergo, if Adam and Eve were living beings (which we are told they were), and if Adam and Eve were eating, it follows that Adam and Eve needed to consume some form of fuel to nourish themselves. Nothing lives on nothing.

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Nate, look back to Gospel of John, did not the Savior after His death partake the food He cooked on the shoreline? [Late editing: John Chap 21]

And does the scripture indicate that the food was necessary to his life? No, He is an immortal being, and if He didn't die while fasting in the wilderness for 40 days, certainly their fish and honeycomb was not vital to the sustenance of his resurrected body. It was a voluntary act to demonstrate his corporeal nature and show that He was not a spirit only.

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Interesting viewpoint.

In reading your statement, immortal beings do not require any external source for energy? Could you explain why there is a stomach cavity filled with digested tracts if our bodies were pattern after our Heavenly Parents? What flows in an immortal being veins in the absent of life giving mortal blood?

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Perhaps we are not interpreting and understanding what the scriptures tell us. There is great symbolism in "living waters" and the "bread of life". Alma tells us that if we plant the "seed" and take care of it that it will grow and become the "tree of life". (this reference is often understood as a reference to testimony; but perhaps there is more?)

There is a variety of date palms that grow in the Middle East that produces "white" fruit that is considered one of the 3 great gifts of G-d to the Arabic peoples. The reason this tree is called the tree of life is because the ripened white dates will not spoil over long periods of desert heat and will sustain life while traveling the desert. This same tree is referenced in the Book of Mormon in the Book of 1Nephi – which BTW was not known in western society at the time of Joseph Smith.

It is likely that there are nourishments required of immortal beings and it is likely that attaching literal understanding to such things will not produce what G-d is trying to teach us.

The Traveler

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Upon eating the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve were casted out of the garden in that ‘dark and dreary world. I would contend in do time, their own digest system was changed forever. Blood was introduce into the vein infrastructure and would alter the bodily need for a protein source beside the already provided energy fruit bearing trees. From both accounts [Old Testament and Pearl of Great Price], Moses 4:24 records, they now need two additional source for this problem, namely herbs and product of herbs called bread [grain]

“Thorns also, and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shalt eat the herb of the field. By the sweat of they face shalt thou eat bread...

Grain, and presumably products derived from it, was already given in the Garden, along with fruit:

"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Gen. 1:29

Moses 4:24 is simply stating that it will now require hard labor to cultivate and harvest the grain, whereas before the Fall it grew abundantly and required little effort to harvest and prepare.

When we get to Noah’s timeframe [Read up to Gen 7:2], Noah was given instruction on a limited [animal] protein food sources prior to the Global Flood. It wasn’t until afterward; more changes came when Noah was again instructed to take seven each of clean beasts and two of unclean beasts. Majority of the beasts were now used for food protein source. [See Gen 9:3]What is startling, is the amount of time it took [1,000 years] from being in the garden as an immortal being [fruit] to now, a mortal [fruit, herb, bread, animals] being to be allowed consumed majority of the beasts today.

I disagree with your conclusions here. Flesh was not allowed to be consumed before the Flood. The designations "clean" and "unclean" at that time referred only to which animals were an acceptable sacrifice to the Lord, not to animals that could be eaten. However, men and animals "corrupted his way upon the earth" (Gen. 6:7,11,12). The earth was "filled with violence", including the unlawful consuming of flesh by both men and beasts. It was only after the Flood, when God made his covenant with every living thing, that he made the concession for flesh-eating to be allowed, but only because "the imagination of man's heart is evil from its youth". He stated that the fear and dread of us would be upon all living things. This was not God's first choice, but a concession to our wickedness, much like the allowance for divorce in the Mosaic Law.

I now add a postulation, which I do credit Doctor J. Ainsworth for his devoted insight to this very subject. It will take our mortal digest system 1,000 years to reverse this problem. Blood will at this point; replaced by the same godly Celestialize light source, thus returning us back to that very day, Adam and Eve partook of the fruit of the garden. As it was in the beginning, the Savior will again, instruct the millennium saints of appropriate food source to eat. They will not be in that position to kill any soul-living individuality. In closing, John the Beloved seen this also:

Revelation 22:2: 2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Credited to: Moses, Abraham, & Doctor J. Ainsworth

I agree here. The Millennium will clearly be a time when both men and beasts will return to our state of physiological "innocence" and no longer consume flesh.

"The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD." Isa. 65:25

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Perhaps we are not interpreting and understanding what the scriptures tell us. There is great symbolism in "living waters" and the "bread of life". Alma tells us that if we plant the "seed" and take care of it that it will grow and become the "tree of life". (this reference is often understood as a reference to testimony; but perhaps there is more?)

There is a variety of date palms that grow in the Middle East that produces "white" fruit that is considered one of the 3 great gifts of G-d to the Arabic peoples. The reason this tree is called the tree of life is because the ripened white dates will not spoil over long periods of desert heat and will sustain life while traveling the desert. This same tree is referenced in the Book of Mormon in the Book of 1Nephi – which BTW was not known in western society at the time of Joseph Smith.

It is likely that there are nourishments required of immortal beings and it is likely that attaching literal understanding to such things will not produce what G-d is trying to teach us.

The Traveler

Alma was using the mustard seed in a metaphoric teaching moment. Nice info concerning the 'white date'.

GOD's teaching moments - it is the same as the why HE did not create both male and female on the mortal world together.

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Grain, and presumably products derived from it, was already given in the Garden, along with fruit:

"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Gen. 1:29

Moses 4:24 is simply stating that it will now require hard labor to cultivate and harvest the grain, whereas before the Fall it grew abundantly and required little effort to harvest and prepare.

I do understand there was herb bearing plants in the Garden. Your reference was remark to those spiritual male and female, who at this point do not possess mortal bodies. Mortal man and woman did come until chapter 2. You will read, in chapter 2, after Adam was created, GOD does not mention anything about eating herb or grains at this point. Adam was told about the fruit of tree he ‘…mayest freely eat.’

GEN 2:16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

Prior to Adam and Eve departure from the garden, GOD made mentioned of eating the herb of the field in Genesis 3:18.

GEN 3:18 [Moses 4:24] Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

I disagree with your conclusions here. Flesh was not allowed to be consumed before the Flood. The designations "clean" and "unclean" at that time referred only to which animals was an acceptable sacrifice to the Lord, not to animals that could be eaten. However, men and animals "corrupted his way upon the earth" (Gen. 6:7,11,12). The earth was "filled with violence", including the unlawful consuming of flesh by both men and beasts. It was only after the Flood, when God made his covenant with every living thing, that he made the concession for flesh-eating to be allowed, but only because "the imagination of man's heart is evil from its youth". He stated that the fear and dread of us would be upon all living things. This was not God's first choice, but a concession to our wickedness, much like the allowance for divorce in the Mosaic Law.

Remember, it was Moses who was the author and from his own vision observation, the term ‘unclean’ was used to describe those animals that were not to be eaten.’ The Book of Jubilee, being an uncanonized scripture, holds a greater detail on this matter on what transpired to fill in the gap. It reveals they were eating a limited source of animal protein prior to the flood.

Now, if we can have a 'Seer' in these latter days, perhaps, we can clear up some those precious moments in time. :D

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Interesting viewpoint.

In reading your statement, immortal beings do not require any external source for energy? Could you explain why there is a stomach cavity filled with digested tracts if our bodies were pattern after our Heavenly Parents? What flows in an immortal being veins in the absent of life giving mortal blood?

I do not deny that resurrected beings require some source of energy, but I cannot imagine an immortal being relying upon mortal objects for its survival. Take your example of the resurrected Christ. He ate fish and honeycomb. Does that mean he, as an immortal being, required a mortal creation (a fish) to be killed (thus undeniably assuring its mortality) as a necessary source of energy? Surely not.

Yes, we have bodies with digestive tracts (some of ours might be 'digested' tracts as well, depending on condition), but we cannot know in our current state how our resurrected bodies will function. For example, platelets, antibodies, and other defense mechanisms will surely be unnecessary because we will have no occasion to bleed or to fight off infection. Although I cannot say what we will do with all our parts, I can say with certainty that their existence does not make their perfected use the same as their mortal use.

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And does the scripture indicate that the food was necessary to his life? No, He is an immortal being, and if He didn't die while fasting in the wilderness for 40 days, certainly their fish and honeycomb was not vital to the sustenance of his resurrected body. It was a voluntary act to demonstrate his corporeal nature and show that He was not a spirit only.

The human body can function for weeks without food. (But only days without water.)

But that 40 is used may just mean that he was in the desert 'for a long time' (and not necessarily literally 40 days). 40 was a symbolic number that meant completeness or wholeness, similar to 3, 7 and 10. It is the style of the language.

But that's an aside.

Your paragraph brings a questions to my mind.

I've gathered (from what I've read on the forum, correct me if I'm wrong) that LDS teaching does not agree that Jesus was both God and man (while on Earth) in his nature. Then Jesus was either one or the other. If he is immortal, than he is God, for man is mortal. If he is immortal God (without/above physical human/mortal nature), how did Jesus die on the cross?

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The human body can function for weeks without food. (But only days without water.)

But that 40 is used may just mean that he was in the desert 'for a long time' (and not necessarily literally 40 days). 40 was a symbolic number that meant completeness or wholeness, similar to 3, 7 and 10. It is the style of the language.

But that's an aside.

Your paragraph brings a questions to my mind.

I've gathered (from what I've read on the forum, correct me if I'm wrong) that LDS teaching does not agree that Jesus was both God and man (while on Earth) in his nature. Then Jesus was either one or the other. If he is immortal, than he is God, for man is mortal. If he is immortal God (without/above physical human/mortal nature), how did Jesus die on the cross?

Jesus was composed of a pre-existing divine spirit and a mortal body. The distinctive thing in LDS doctrine is that so is everyone. Jesus was just like us, but because of his nature as the One prepared to be the Savior of the world, he was able to live a perfect, sinless life and conquer death to become the "first fruits" of resurrection and theosis (meaning deification or becoming a god). We all have this same potential, to follow in his footsteps and achieve exaltation.

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Your paragraph brings a questions to my mind.

I've gathered (from what I've read on the forum, correct me if I'm wrong) that LDS teaching does not agree that Jesus was both God and man (while on Earth) in his nature. Then Jesus was either one or the other. If he is immortal, than he is God, for man is mortal. If he is immortal God (without/above physical human/mortal nature), how did Jesus die on the cross?

Latter-Day Saint doctrine teaches Jesus is the Son of God. Christ created all things so in this truth He is God. He and His Father are separate individuals.

When Jesus lived on the earth in flesh and blood He was a unique individual. In His flesh He was the literal Son of His Father. He had power over life and death. Jesus was subjected to many different kinds of temptations from Satan but never yielded to any of these.

His death on the cross was voluntary. He willingly gave up His life as recorded in scripture.

After His resurrection, He received a glorified, immortal body.

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it follows that Adam and Eve needed to consume some form of fuel to nourish themselves. Nothing lives on nothing.

I think you missed my point. Did Adam and Eve Breath Air because there was Air, and they had lungs and with out going through this motion they wouldn’t function?

Could they have held there breath forever? Was there a need for the oxygen for Adam and Eve or for the plants?

The bigger point I was trying to make, is I assume my spirit doesn’t eat a hamburger to exist. I have to assume that what ever “energy” my spirit uses is based of something more then food and nourishments. I believe the spirit survived because it is connected to its maker to some degree. You did bring up the idea of life coming from the Sun.

(Doctrine and Covenants 88:7)

7 Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made.

13 The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things.

I believe this life that is given to us, is what sustains our spirits to some degree! This is why our spirits don’t eat or drink or breathe air! Now there could be something else that is added to this mix that we don’t know of, but that doesn’t help this argument one way or the other.

What I am saying is that the food on the earth was more for the experience of it! Not for what it was! I believe that as Adam and Eve lived before the fall, there life was given “power” through the staining power of the spirit (and thus through Christ).

I think the same type of thing well happen after the resurrections when our bodies and spirit well be joined completely. I think the reason our bodies don’t decay or won’t get hurt is because they aren’t sustained by some blood cells pumping through our system, but because of the spirit that gives each cell life.

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Again, what is the divine purpose of these organs? I think the key here is 'patternism'. There is nothing ‘wasteful’ or have no ‘specific’ purpose to keep it simple. The usage of these organs in mortality to what the intention for exaltation is the question.

Beside, I do know we are 'symbiotic beings.' Meaning, our symbiotic relationships in which each host species benefits are mutualistic [our soul].

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His death on the cross was voluntary. He willingly gave up His life as recorded in scripture.

After His resurrection, He received a glorified, immortal body.

I agree that Jesus' death on the cross was voluntary in that he made himself subject to the confines of humanity and mortality by becoming man on Earth. I think we all agree that Jesus had authority over the physical realm (as shown by performing miracles and curing sicknesses) and, if he so willed (and without going against the Father's will) could have saved himself just as the passers-by mocked. From this, I suppose, that Jesus withheld using his own divine power over the physical world and his own mortal body and as such 'allowed' himself to die.

Is this thinking in line with LDS teaching?

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I agree that Jesus' death on the cross was voluntary in that he made himself subject to the confines of humanity and mortality by becoming man on Earth. I think we all agree that Jesus had authority over the physical realm (as shown by performing miracles and curing sicknesses) and, if he so willed (and without going against the Father's will) could have saved himself just as the passers-by mocked. From this, I suppose, that Jesus withheld using his own divine power over the physical world and his own mortal body and as such 'allowed' himself to die.

Is this thinking in line with LDS teaching?

Once Heavenly Father told Jesus that His atonement was finished He allowed Himself to die. Yes I agree with your statement and believe it aligns with Latter-Day Saint doctrine.

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Then I have another question - What aspect of the Christian "others" thought that Jesus was both fully divine and fully human does LDS teaching not agree with?

From the bits and pieces I've picked up so far, LDS teaching states that Jesus was of a spiritual nature, took on a human existence (while still retaining Godship), died (voluntarily as we've agreed), was resurrected, and returned to the Father. Do correct me if I'm making a wrong assumption somewhere.

That seems to me that LDS teaching does agree with the idea that Jesus was both man and God at the same time.

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