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Hello. My name is Marc. In a nutshell, I was born and raised in El Paso, Tx. I moved to Utah after serving a mission in Germany back in '89-'91 and married soon after. Going on 17 years of wedded bliss this coming November. I'm an adoptive father of two now full grown boys. I've been in construction for 17 years and have been a General Contractor for 11. I enjoy building things and being creative (drawing, writing, all sorts of craft building) and I also enjoy fitness. I'm also a big Star Wars geek. I'm very active in church and my callings. That's about it, I guess.

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Hi New Guy ... I'm brand new to the board. I've been back in the Church for about 6 weeks after leaving for 4 1/2 years. I was raised LDS and served a mission in Korea, married in the Temple, then had my world rocked when my husband left the Church in 2003 to become Catholic, after he had been Mormon for 7 years. He remains very happy in the Catholic faith now, and it seems a good fit for him. We have 3 kids. I thought I could just switch religions to try to unite the family. After going through a pretty dark period of questioning everything I'd ever been taught, including the existence of God, I tried being Catholic, but I kept wanting to get up and correct the priest!!! Ha!

I'm so excited to have my testimony back, and I've had some really amazing experiences recently. I actually have to get re-baptized soon, but I'm not sure when that will happen.

Anyway, thanks to the organizers of this site. I'm looking forward to participating.

It's so great to be Mormon. It's so awesome. Anyone who is ever questioning the faith, I can tell you: You're probably focusing on the wrong things. If you focus on how the gospel makes you a better person, you'll always have a strong testimony, and you'll keep the spirit with you to follow Christ.

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Thank you. I discovered this site by accident and am enjoying it. It's very creative, gives me a place to finally settle down in a little corner of the internet (I do have other cool little hangouts, though), where I can talk about my life and share experiences with folks who share a common ground.

As C-3PO would say, "Thank the maker!"

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hello to skalenfehl and homeagain, and welcome!!! i to just came back to church,5wks, ago. i am totally repentant, and in three months i am on my way to have my patriarchal blessing ! YAHOO!!!!!!! i will never leave the church again, most miserable 5yrs of my life, i now understand what it means to be truly repentant and what true forgiveness means! gods love to all! tree

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I love to buy fruit in Perry! Or is it Willard ... one of those little towns.

I grew up in Logan, and my grandparents all lived in Ogden, so we drove through that area several times a month to visit Ogden.

I still have some cousins in Pleasant View.

Anyway ... Nice to meet skalenfehl ... and everyone else.

I don't have a lot of time to post usually, but I love seeing everyone's faith online.

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hello to skalenfehl and homeagain, and welcome!!! i to just came back to church,5wks, ago. i am totally repentant, and in three months i am on my way to have my patriarchal blessing ! YAHOO!!!!!!! i will never leave the church again, most miserable 5yrs of my life, i now understand what it means to be truly repentant and what true forgiveness means! gods love to all! tree

Welcome back Tree. It sounds like 2008 is definitely OUR year. I'm so happy for you to get your patriarchal blessing. That will be so neat for you. What brought you back to the church?

I was also gone five years. Although I wasn't miserable, I knew something was missing from my life, and I kept trying other religions/philosophies to try to find peace. I never thought I'd come back to the church because I felt like when my husband left the church our eternal family became just an illusion. I stopped believing in everything. But suddenly so many little things started happening to bring me back:

-- an old friend from a singles ward invited our family to a Halloween activity at her ward, which we attended

-- I missed the Christmas hymns (they didn't sing many hymns in the Catholic church for some reason)!

-- my parents held a special fast for me (I didn't know about it)

-- my dad told me the reason I was so stressed out all the time was because I wasn't reading my scriptures.

So, I started reading the BOM again. And I felt the spirit come back into my life.

It was a miracle.

Good luck Tree!

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as for me , i originally left due to my mom (ANTI_MORMON) feeding me this anti-garbage and be came extremely hostile to any one involved:foaming: & :rant: then when i left i still wanted to be at church but i lived with my mom and had a 2yr old & a 12 yr old to support (my son lived with his dad, and even though i paid rent i still had no say-so ! )and at the time i was in the middle of a massive depression attack(i am bipolar) so then i became very confused , then this fear came over me that i couldn't shake, so i started living worldly to try and cope,( pot & a little alcohol, i totally CANNOT DRINK :cursing:)but amazingly the spirit never quit calling me back, i knew that's where i wanted and needed to be.. on May- 25th-07 i married a fantastic man named ROBERT, he loves me for who i am and lets me live the way i want. so i told him i wanted to go back to church (after i found the truth is site on the internet and talked seriously with rusty curtis. a few of my questions have been on the blogs or forums and on the on-line missionary success story. any way i checked out all his answers to my moms anti-garbage and told him I'm coming home!!!!!!! i always knew the church was true and that's why i was so miserable when i left. i needed my heavenly father to love me and be proud of me and i needed my church family to help me learn and grow in gods word, the other church provided a taste of the word , but i wasn't getting full because i knew there was more and only the LDS church could satisfy that hunger. so now i along with my family are back! PRAISE GOD!!, i finally have PEACE and no one will EVER TAKE IT FROM ME AGAIN!!!!!!! YA-_HOO!!!!!!!!!!! sorry its so long but you asked and you received, best wishes tree

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Hey how about we get this thread back to what it's intended purpose was for? It was for skalenfehl to introduce himself. If there are others that would like to correspond between themselves please either do it on another thread or by private or instant messages.

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Welcome to the board! My husband is thinking of becoming a general contractor. Do you recommend it?

Also, which mission did you serve in in Germany? My brother served around that time in the Dusselldorf mission.

Let me answer the easy question first: ^_^

I served in the Germany Munich Mission. I believe the entire German mission area has changed in boundaries and divisions and the old mission boundaries are completely different. Essentially my mission ranged from the Souther area from Munich up to Nurenburg. I was there when the wall fell. I have some interesting stories if anyone is curious.

The other question.

Construction is a tough racket and will spoil you or will chew you up and spit you out. Some questions for your husband to consider, especially in today's weak housing market/mortgage industry:

1. Does he have a ton of capital?

2. Can he afford to sit on land/property/unsold houses for any period of time while they're for sale?

3. How well does he understand the construction process? If he doesn't know his stuff, he can get taken by distributors, salesmen, etc and his budget can get eaten up very quickly on a project causing him to eat the investment, lose profit and pass on the cost to the consumer who is on the prowl for the best deal.

4. Does he have a year supply of Tums or Rolaids? Dealing with people and being on top of everything takes a serious understanding of the building process. Otherwise a subcontractor can have him convinced of something that isn't true costing more money. Then there are also acquiring accurate bids from contractors and multiple estimates from suppliers and distributors who pad up their prices with unnecessary or superfluous materials.

5. Does he know a good accountant? I have learned the hard way that a good/trustworthy accountant is worth his weight in gold.

6. Is he prepared for fierce competition?

These are just a few of the things from the top of my head. I know how to build a house from the ground up and I know if someone, especially a sub is feeding me some lines and blowing smoke up my skirt, so to speak. If not I gotta do the research to make sure. The thing that has been difficult for me is the capital. Life has been extremely tough for me and I've had to deal with other things that have taken up precious time and energy from my company.

Another important thing to consider is location, location, location. Where do you guys live? How's the market/industry in your area? Are there a LOT of unsold houses sitting? Where I live there are and many contractors are starving and going bankrupt and foreclosing on unsold homes.

The bottom line? If your husband knows his stuff and the market is good in your area and he has the capital I say go for it. He'll need to guard and protect every penny earned. Profit is precious and building a company is like nurturing a child so that it grows.

I know I've given you a lot to think about. This is what I have learned in my 17 years of construction. I just wish I was more careful about my money and had the foresight to predict the ups and downs of the economy.

Let me know if I can help further.

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