Emma Smith


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There was a discussion in another thread a couple weeks ago about Emma Smith. It made me want to edit some clips and put together a brief video about Emma Smith, to a song entitled "Emma" from A Nashville Tribute to the Prophet.

I hope you enjoy it:

Here is also an article about Emma Smith.

Edit: I believe LDSNana also just posted a hub on Emma Smith and the upcoming movie about her life. Perhaps she can post the link here.

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THANK YOU so much that was wonderful one ofmy favorite songs too... I love your videoes thanks! :)

I tried to make a video about Fearless heart... but for some reason I could not put morethan 10 photos in my programm.. Wanted to make it a fight against everything the youth meets ouitside the church.... We need youth that dont flinch!

So is the Lamb to the slaughter next?? UH I need a hanky!!!

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The article downplayed the animosity between Emma and Brigham Young over property and polygamy. That played a major role in her decision to stay in Nauvoo.

However, it was one of the best articles I've ever read about Emma.

Emma is one of my heroines. Thank you very much for posting the article.


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Sometimes during an heated argument with my beloved companion, I would end with the statement, don't let me come fetch you out of hell. :D

That being said, the bitterness between both President Young and Sister Smith had its toll:

Emma Smith

Now Latter-day Saints, I want to say this to you, when a man lifts his heel against the counsel that we give him, I know that man will apostatize, just as sure as he is a living being, unless he repents and refrains from such conduct. Brother George A. Smith has been reading a little out of the revelation concerning celestial marriage, and I want to say to my sisters that if you lift you heels against this revelation, and say that you would obliterate it, and put it out of existence if you had the power to nullify and destroy it, I say that if you imbibe that spirit and feeling, you will go to hell, just as sure as you are living women. Emma took that revelation, supposing she had all there was; but Joseph had wisdom enough to take care of it, and he had handed the revelation to Bishop Whitney, and he wrote it all off. After Joseph had been to Bishop Whitney's he went home, and Emma began teasing for the revelation. Said she-"Joseph, you promised me that revelation, and if you are a man of your word you will give it to me." Joseph took it from his pocket and said-"Take it." She went to the fire-place and put it in, and put the candle under it and burnt it, and she thought that was the end of it, and she will be damned as sure as she is a living woman. Joseph used to say that he would have her hereafter, if he had to go to hell for her, and he will have to go to hell for her as sure as he ever gets her (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 17:, p.160)

Now, I do caution anyone who doubt the love between both Joseph and Emma was not complete when this vivid dream Emma had prior to her death:

A Promise Fulfilled - Emma lived almost thirty-five years after the martyrdom of her Prophet-husband. She died 30 April 1879 in her seventy-fifth year. In her last years she was greatly loved, and in the last hours of her life she was attended by her family: Louis Bidamon, Julia, Joseph III, 26 and Alexander. According to Alexander, Emma seemed to sink away, but then she raised up and stretched out her hand, calling, “Joseph! Joseph!” Falling back on Alexander’s arm, she clasped her hands on her bosom, and her spirit was gone. Both Alexander and Joseph thought she was calling for her son Joseph, but later, Alexander learned more about the incident. Sister Elizabeth Revel, Emma’s nurse, explained that a few days earlier Emma had told her that Joseph came to her in a vision and said, “Emma, come with me, it is time for you to come with me.” “As Emma related it, she said, ‘I put on my bonnet and my shawl and went with him; I did not think that it was anything unusual. I went with him into a mansion, and he showed me through the different apartments of that beautiful mansion.’ And one room was the nursery. In that nursery was a babe in the cradle. She said, ‘I knew my babe, my Don Carlos that was taken from me.’ She sprang forward, caught the child up in her arms, and wept with joy over the child. When Emma recovered herself sufficient she turned to Joseph and said, ‘Joseph, where are the rest of my children.’ He said to her, ‘Emma, be patient and you shall have all of your children.’ Then she saw standing by his side a personage of light, even the Lord Jesus Christ.” 27

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That being said, the bitterness between both President Young and Sister Smith had its toll:

There is no offense meant with this comment, but I wonder how long we will dwell on this quote by Brigham Young. Emma had her struggles and was far from perfect, but everytime that there is a conversation about Emma Smith in the Church, do we need to always insert "Brother Brigham's" opinion?

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It was not just President Young [more vocal than others] but those who crossed the plains had the same mixed feelings. Thorough research will prove my point. Even latter comment from President McKay made mention about Emma and for Joseph going out to hell to save her.

For me, I completely understand her role and the many trials she tranverse in life.

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There is a movie being released April 11th according to some billboards in Salt Lake City called Emma Smith. Does anyone know more about it than that?

I think it's going to have some footage from the Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration (that plays at visitor centers) and also new footage about Emma's life. I believe it covers the period up to the martyrdom. I'm really looking forward to it. A couple trailers:

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Pale--you remembered!

I've always missed being Emma. What is really funny is there is one person on the site who continues to call me Emma out of spite as he seriously dislikes me. I can only assume he thinks it is some sort of slur, when, in fact, I love it!

Emma all the way! :wub: :wub: :wub:

Elphaba/Emma wannabe

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Pale--you remembered!

I've always missed being Emma. What is really funny is there is one person on the site who continues to call me Emma out of spite as he seriously dislikes me. I can only assume he thinks it is some sort of slur, when, in fact, I love it!

Emma all the way! :wub: :wub: :wub:

Elphaba/Emma wannabe

you are most welcome...........:D:D
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There is no offense meant with this comment, but I wonder how long we will dwell on this quote by Brigham Young. Emma had her struggles and was far from perfect, but everytime that there is a conversation about Emma Smith in the Church, do we need to always insert "Brother Brigham's" opinion?

Dude, thank you very much.
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THANK YOU so much that was wonderful one ofmy favorite songs too... I love your videoes thanks! :)

You're very welcome! I'm glad people are continuing to watch. Thanks for your support. And to answer your other question, I've temporarily disabled ratings though I plan to reenable them soon. There was a group that was lurking for everytime I uploaded a video, they would automatically start rating it very low.

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