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God is the same today tomorrow and forever, HE is not a changing God and his truth is eternal it never changes,therefore the bible doesn't say anywhere that there will never be any other prophets but it just warns us of false prophets who would come in the name of God,actually that warning is an evidence from God that there would be continous revelations through prophets, there scriptures couldn't warn us of False prophets if God had closed the Heavens and no prophet would be called.The scriptures tells us that surely the Lord will do nothing but reveals his secrets unto his servants the prophets-so it means without the prophets we can never know the truth of God and what does it mean, it means we live in darkness where by we will not be able to know what God wants us to know.Prophets are the communication link between man and God so without them, we are nothing and we can't know the gospel truth.This same topic connects to the apostasy and i would like to discuss it more with you if you don't mind getting in touch so we can exchange gospel truth ideas on my address: [email protected]

Hoping to hear from you soon.

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If I have my church and national history correct, Joseph Smith's prophecy of the overthrow of the government referred specifically to Zachary Taylor, (and/ or Martin Van Buren?) to whom he had gone for redress of the Missouri persecutions, and was denied his rights and turned down cold. Taylor was a Whig. See any Whigs in our political mix? In other words, "Whig" government ceased to exist, and was replaced by Republicans and Democrats in the 1860 election.

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In the bible it states that there will not be any more prophets after Jesus, but yet the LDS still have prophets. How does that work? And then in Deuteronomy, 18:20-22 tells us how to distinguish a true prophet from a false one:

"But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And if though say in thine heart, how shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumtuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him."

That is in the King James Version, which I have been told is the only version of the bible that the LDS accept.

Now we have to look at some of the claims made by prophets:

In Doctrine and Covenants, 112, Joseph Smith clearly prophesied that he would be alive at the Second Coming. He also said that a mormon temple would be built in Missouri. That is also in the Doctrine and Covenants. Now over 100 years later, there is still no temple there.

He also claimed that "in a few years the government will be utterly overthrown and wasted". That's in the History of the Church.

Brigham Young foretold that the Civil War would NOT result in freeing the black slaves. (Journal of Discourses)

I am so happy, happy, happy this thread is here...I just found it and I tried to start a thread on this same topic..but they shot it down and turned into something it was not..:( I would love answers to your questions..If you get any good ones Private message me.

There does seem to be prophets in the NT but their roles were different then what they were in the Old what do lds say about those false claims of their prophets??

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These accusations have already been addressed repeatedly on this forum and in this thread:

So often people find these claims from anti sites, which are either taken out of context or conveniently left incomplete by the devious authors. People actually rely on these false informations and come here pointing fingers when they have absolutely no clue that what they have gleaned from other sites are extremely biased and manipulated. This not only exemplifies the credibility of these anti-Mormons but lack of sincerity and intelligence. The fact that they do not provide accurate and true accounts and information is a clear sign of deception in and of itself. Is that a fruit of light or darkness, of God or of Satan? The unfortunate thing is there will be many more coming here with the same old inaccurate and incomplete information and waving their fingers at us.

lostnfound, I closed your thread because of the information that you copied and pasted from another site. It is nothing personal. Try and see it from our perspective. People accuse Joseph Smith of being a false prophet and simply a man who's revelations haven't come true. Who are all these anti's but men themselves?

I am not here to ask anyone to believe me or to prove my religion. It's not my job or the job of any Mormon to prove his or her faith. Only God can and will prove it to you. Many religions and websites have their own opinion and definition of salvation and what truth is and where it lies. The Bible does not tell you which church, if any is true. The Bible cannot prove, no matter how hard anyone tries to use it, that there is a God in heaven. It is all a matter of faith. Likewise we cannot prove our faith is true. It is not up to us! But we have been advised by prophets both in the Book of Mormon and in the Bible where the source of truth is and how we can find it.

Moro. 10: 3-5

3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.

4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

I am also quoting myself in your previous thread:

...I submit that the ultimate test of a true prophet or of any of God's truth, regardless of what religion professes truth is to humble yourself and ask God in faith.

James 1: 5-6

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

Clearly with so many religions professing the truth coming from the Bible, what better wisdom or knowledge can we gain than directly from God? Be not troubled that there are false prophets in the world for God's wisdom is greater than the devil's cunning. Even people who walked and talked with Christ did not know of a surety that He was the Son of God and at times some threatened to stone Him to death for blasphemy. One of Christ's own apostles knew clearly without a doubt knew that Christ was the Son of God and it wasn't because he followed any tests:

Matt. 16: 13-18

13 ¶ When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Peter knew through personal revelation that Christ was the Son of God. That is the only true and unequivocal test. The Bible cannot prove that God lives and no religion can prove its truth, though by its fruits will you know it. Only God will tell you where His truth lies and to doubt this is to short change yourself by denying His power over Satan's cunning to deceive. Frankly I think it insults God's intelligence to doubt His power to answer your heartfelt prayers. Therefore pray and do not waver.

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<aiml><sarcasm>Jonah was a false prophet! He went to Nineveh and prophesied that it would be destroyed and it never happened!</sarcasm></aiml>

More seriously, while Skalenfehl is right about many "anti-mormons" taking things out of context, it's also important to note that nearly EVERY prophesy is dependent upon the decisions of the people that the prophecy is about. Jonah prophesied that Nineveh would be destroyed, but the people repented and Nineveh was spared - Jonah's prophecy of destruction was contingent upon the people of Nineveh choosing to continue in transgression. It's the "IF" part of prophecy that we sometimes overlook.

Jonah's a good book. And only four short chapters, a pretty easy read. I heartily recomend it. The best part is when Jonah gets mad because the destruction he prophesied didn't happen. Even prophets sometimes don't fully understand prophecy :)

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Also, I don't understand where this idea comes from that there would be no prophets after Christ. Scripture continued to be written after his death through prophets and Revelation 11 mentions prophets in the last days. I haven't seen anything in the Bible that indicates there would be no more prophets. I think we need them more than ever.

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Despite that, I still believe Jonah was a prophet. I just wish people held LDS prophets to the same standard, but they don't. Some prophecies are conditional.

Yes Jonah was a true prophet, that's what the <sarcasm> tags were for :)

Also, I don't understand where this idea comes from that there would be no prophets after Christ. Scripture continued to be written after his death through prophets and Revelation 11 mentions prophets in the last days. I haven't seen anything in the Bible that indicates there would be no more prophets. I think we need them more than ever.

Well I think a big part of it comes from those big bold letters at the end of the Old Testament "THE END OF THE PROPHETS" (queue the dramatic music). Most people don't realize that this refers to the Hebrew Tanakh from which our Old Testament comes and which is divided into 3 different sections "The Law", "The Writings", and "The Prophets". The line "The End of the Prophets" refers to the end of that section of the Tanakh which is named "The Prophets". At least that's my understanding from the research that I've done.

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Yes Jonah was a true prophet, that's what the <sarcasm> tags were for :)

Well I think a big part of it comes from those big bold letters at the end of the Old Testament "THE END OF THE PROPHETS" (queue the dramatic music). Most people don't realize that this refers to the Hebrew Tanakh from which our Old Testament comes and which is divided into 3 different sections "The Law", "The Writings", and "The Prophets". The line "The End of the Prophets" refers to the end of that section of the Tanakh which is named "The Prophets". At least that's my understanding from the research that I've done.

Yep! :) I think it's strange that it's interpreted like that when clearly there were prophets after Christ.

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Also, I don't understand where this idea comes from that there would be no prophets after Christ. Scripture continued to be written after his death through prophets and Revelation 11 mentions prophets in the last days. I haven't seen anything in the Bible that indicates there would be no more prophets. I think we need them more than ever.

Yes and the really strange thing is that most of Christendom believes in no further canon, no more scriptures, that heaven is closed etc.. But then again they believe in a Prophet coming in the last days...and if there is a Prophet there must be more scripture, there has to be. I testify that these are the last days and there is a Prophet on the earth and there is additional scripture.

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There has been several posts that have wondered why people write G_d like that, and the explations are true yet not fully complete, for in the Jewish religion they believe that God’s name was so sacred that no one was to speak it, except the High Priest one time in the Holy of Holies in a year. This is why the church changed the name of the Priesthood from “Holy Priesthood, and the Order of the Son of God”, to the Melchizedek Priesthood. The reason is of course verbal, they didn’t want to repeat the name of God over and over, but if you look at any Jewish book and it mentions G_d they write it just like that. I just feel that in today’s world the name of God gets thrown around so much that it would be nice and have a little respect.

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How come Jospeh was a mason? In the temple rec. questions it asks us if we belong to any other organisations??? I get the feeling this is somehow frowned upon so how come Joseph was???

I don't recall being asked if I were a member of any other organizations in a recomend interview... not that I've had many of those but still...

Exactly WHY Joseph Smith became a mason is anybody's guess, we can only speculate. Many of the new members joining the church at that particular time were masons, so Joseph Smith may have wanted to gain an understanding of their background. Masons claim to have preserved some of the ancient temple rituals from the original Temple of Solomon, so Joseph Smith may have joined (by divine inspiration or not) in order to see in real life (what was left of) the rituals which God had commanded him to restore in full. In the end, only God and Joseph Smith know the real reasons he became a mason.

As of this date, neither the Freemasons nor the LDS Church have any official stance on their members being members of the other. A Mason can be a Mormon and vice versa. In fact I recall recently reading that one of the higher level masons in Utah is LDS - which is quite a deal since the Utah Masonic Lodge had banned LDS membership for a while (as far as I know, they were the only lodge to do so, and it was for "political" reasons).

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The question that you are thinking about, in a nutshell, asks is if you are affiliated with any organization that teaches contrary to the beliefs of the church.

Ok that sounds more familiar. Still, I've done some homework on Freemasonry and the LDS Church is officially neutral on Masonic membership. I think anyone with any questions should consider prayerfully how to answer that question and whether being a Mason counts or not. And just remember that any answer they get is for them alone, and doesn't necessarily apply to everyone else.

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