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I'm hoping I'm in the right place.

I'm an LDS member, I've been a member of a parenting site for a long time and have really enjoyed making alot of cyber friends but recently some questions were asked about my Mormon beliefs and a few people were offended by what I believe. I have been called a few things by some people who dont know me but it has made me want to find a forum where I can feel that I am accepted for my beliefs as well as my personality. If you know what I mean.

I joined an LDS chat room and I was speaking to some nice people today. I found it difficult though being on a chat room as I prefer an open forum so I asked if they had a forum. A member who isn't and LDS member pointed me to here but they jumped down his throat for it. I said that I understand their rules but they were being a bit strong and they jumped down my throat so I'm hoping that being here on this forum is going to be a pleasant experience for me.

I'm a convert to the church, 14 years now, not all active. I married a convert. We have 6 children. A very mature 8 year old boy, twin clown boys of 7 years, another boy who is a whirlwind he is 4, one tantruming princess who is 2 and a little pumpkin boy who is 6 months. Sorry you may not have wanted to know all that but I'm used to my parenting site.

Anyways, hello. I'm hoping to be able to discuss everyday issues as well as directly LDS issues. Am I in the right place??


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Thanks mellissa, it looks as though you haven't been onhere long yourself. do you find the forum helpful?

Well obviously you feel it is helpful or you wouldn't have posted to me.

I've just realised that your post is timed with my time in the UK which means my post will have your daytime on it so you wont know its nearly midnight here so please dont think I'm ignorant for running away, I'm hoping to get some sleep before Pumpkin wakes up for a feed.

Thanks for welcoming me, it may have only been a few words to you but your post made me feel at ease straight away as I have been searching all day for some where that I'll fit in.

Thanks again


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Hi Tootsie.. and welcome from Norway! I hope you find what you are looking for here. I know what you mean of those forums/chats where people attac you because of your faith... calls all kinds of nice names and such...

Anyway you seem to have a wonderful family. I been working with kids all my life home and work as a tacher. You do have a handfull there...:D I am sure it is a sweet handfull. I am sure your inputs will make this forum even better... this forum is as good as the people that are writting here.

See you around!

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